JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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liokh, ivan stanislavovich<br />

be readily explained by the fact that these three affections are<br />

all genetically determined, generally by recessive or by polygenic<br />

inheritance. Although there is no such thing as a Jewish<br />

gene pool, it is true that inbred groups – Quakers no less than<br />

Jews and royal families no less than village communities –<br />

have many features and genes in common. These are readily<br />

perpetuated under the prevailing conditions: a recessive mutant<br />

gene is much more likely to spread in a closed community<br />

than elsewhere. (The gene for Tay-Sachs disease probably<br />

originated as such a mutant in a Jewish family in White Russia<br />

during the last century, and by emigration, carriers have<br />

spread it into the Jewish communities of Great Britain and<br />

the United States.) Contrary to early beliefs, the affection is<br />

not exclusively Jewish, for it is seen in other ethnic groups as<br />

well. These occasional cases do not add substantially to the instances<br />

of hereditary blindness in Jews, and it is a moot point<br />

whether the greater incidence of blindness from high myopia<br />

and diabetic retinopathy in Western Jews adds to that load.<br />

The numbers involved would be relatively slight, and compensating<br />

deficiencies in other hereditary causes are theoretically<br />

possible; actual data are lacking, however.<br />

See section on Braille in *Alphabet, Hebrew.<br />

[Arnold Sorsby]<br />

Bibliography: Gordon, in: Archives of Ophthalmology, 9<br />

(1933), 751ff.; E.A. Speiser, Genesis (1964), 139 (on Gen. 19:11); idem, in:<br />

JCS, 6 (1952), 81ff. (esp., 89 n. 52); Harrison, in: IDB, 1 (1962), 448–9;<br />

M.Z. Segal, Sifrei Shemu’el (1964), 260, 262 (on II Sam. 5:6, 8); Weinfeld,<br />

in: Biblica, 46 (1965), 420–1; Paul, in: JAOS, 88 (1968), 182; H.J.<br />

Zimmels, Magicians,Theologians and Doctors (1952), 461 notes; S. Assaf,<br />

Ha-Onshin Aḥarei Ḥatimat ha-Talmud (1922), 97 98, 135.<br />

BLIOKH (Bloch), IVAN STANISLAVOVICH (1836–1901),<br />

Russian financier, writer, and pacifist. Born in Radom, Poland,<br />

Bliokh studied in Warsaw and Berlin. <strong>In</strong> Warsaw, he engaged<br />

in banking, a field he developed extensively in St. Petersburg.<br />

He also played a leading role in the construction of the Russian<br />

railroads and put their operation on a sound management<br />

basis. Bliokh won international fame through his dedication<br />

to pacifism, which is the theme of his six-volume publication<br />

Budushchaya voyna v tekhnicheskom, ekonomicheskom i<br />

politicheskom otnosheniyakh (1898; last vol. translated as The<br />

Future of War… Is War Now Impossible?, 1899). He attempted<br />

to prove that wars were of no value to a nation because of the<br />

massive expenditures involved and the consequent damage to<br />

national economies, apart from the human cost. This book, as<br />

well as Bliokh’s personal endeavors, were among the factors<br />

which influenced Czar Nicholas II to convene the 1899 Hague<br />

Peace Conference in order to consider the limitation of armaments<br />

and the arbitration of international disputes.<br />

Although Bliokh converted to Calvinism, he maintained<br />

his interest in the Jewish question and in improving the lot<br />

of Russian Jewry. After the pogroms of the 1890s, he fought<br />

strenuously in defense of the Jews and pressed the government<br />

to end discrimination. <strong>In</strong> a five-volume work, Sravneniye<br />

materialnago i nravstvennago blagosostayaniya guberniy<br />

zapadnykh, velikorossiyskikh i polskikh (“A Comparison of the<br />

Material and Moral Welfare of the Western, Great Russian,<br />

and Polish Provinces,” 1901), the preparation of which, with<br />

the help of many outstanding experts, cost him hundreds of<br />

thousands of rubles, he analyzed the economic condition of<br />

the Jews in Russia and emphasized their great contribution to<br />

the economy. This work constituted a brilliant defense against<br />

the government’s anti-Jewish arguments, but was confiscated<br />

and burned after publication. Fortunately, a number of copies<br />

were by chance saved from the censors, and eventually its contents<br />

became widely known through a summary by A.P. Subbotin<br />

entitled Yevreyskiy vopros v yego pravilnom osveshchenii<br />

(“The Jewish Question in its Right Light,” 1903).<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1897 Bliokh became involved in the work of the *Jewish<br />

Colonization Association (ICA) in Russia and supported<br />

it generously. He showed an interest in Zionism and became<br />

a friend of Theodor *Herzl, whom he had met in 1899 at the<br />

Hague Peace Conference. (Herzl had come to ask the Russian<br />

delegates to help him to obtain an audience with the czar. With<br />

Bliokh’s assistance Herzl met the head of the Russian delegation,<br />

de Staal, and other statesmen.) At Herzl’s request, in July<br />

1899 Bliokh tried to persuade the Russian authorities to revoke<br />

the decree prohibiting the sale of *Jewish Colonial Trust<br />

shares. Shortly before his death, Bliokh established the <strong>In</strong>ternational<br />

Museum of War and Peace in Lucerne, Switzerland.<br />

Bibliography: N. Sokolow, in: JC (Jan. 24, 1902), 11.<br />

[Nathan Feinberg]<br />

BLIS, DAVID (1870–1942), Cuban communal leader. David<br />

Blizhnianski-Halpern was born in Grodno and studied in a<br />

yeshivah in Volozhin. He continued his studies in the Rabbinical<br />

Seminary in Breslau and the Hebrew Union College<br />

in Cincinnati. He joined his parents, who settled in *Moisesville<br />

(Argentina), but he continued his travels, being more<br />

interested in business than in agriculture. He lived in Mexico<br />

for a few years and participated in the foundation of the first<br />

Jewish organization there, Alianza Monte Sinai (1912). He apprently<br />

lent money to President Francisco Madero and fled<br />

from Mexico following his assassination, reaching Cuba in<br />

1913. Blis took an active part in the foundation of almost all the<br />

early Jewish organizations of Cuba and was later nicknamed<br />

“the grandfather of the Jewish community.” He founded the<br />

Young Men’s Hebrew Association (1916), a common social<br />

framework for Americans and Sephardim in Cuba. From the<br />

early 1920s he took an active part in assisting immigrants from<br />

Eastern Europe, and was co-founder (1924) and president of<br />

the Centro Hebreo, and the president of the Centro Israelita,<br />

which developed from it. From 1933 to 1934 he was president<br />

of the Comisión Jurídica, which protected the Jewish community<br />

during the political upheavals of that period.<br />

Blis was an ardent Zionist and promoted the early Zionist<br />

activities of the Sephardi Jews. As one of the most prominent<br />

members of the Unión Sionista he was named honorary president<br />

in 1937. On Blis’s initiative the Cuban Senate approved<br />

unanimously in 1919 a resolution supporting the efforts of the<br />

756 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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