JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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loch<br />

tion of several architectural journals. Bloc died of a fall while<br />

visiting a temple in <strong>In</strong>dia.<br />

Bibliography: H. Schaefer-Simmern, Sculpture in Europe<br />

Today (1955); Gisiger, in: Werk, 51 (1964), 271–2.<br />

BLOCH, family of U.S. book publishers. The Bloch Publishing<br />

Company was founded by EDWARD BLOCH (1829–1906),<br />

who emigrated to the United States from Bohemia. He learned<br />

the printing trade in Albany, New York, and in 1854 set up a<br />

company in Cincinnati, which published newspapers and<br />

books of specific Jewish interest in English and German. His<br />

publications included The American Israelite and Die Deborah.<br />

Later the company diversified its activities, and one of<br />

its regular clients was a monastery to which he supplied religious<br />

books.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1885 Edward’s son, CHARLES (1861–1940), established<br />

a branch of the company in Chicago. He took over the management<br />

of The Chicago Israelite, an edition of The American<br />

Israelite, and in 1891 he co-founded the Chicago-based Reform<br />

Advocate. He succeeded his father as president in 1901<br />

and moved the Bloch Publishing Company to New York City<br />

where, in addition to publishing, it was also one of the leading<br />

bookstores in the U.S. representing several publishing houses.<br />

It concentrated on books of Jewish interest. Charles was also<br />

highly active during his years in New York in the Reform<br />

movement, taking part in 1907 in the founding of the Free<br />

Synagogue of New York, of which he later served as president,<br />

and in 1922 of the Jewish <strong>In</strong>stitute of Religion. On his death,<br />

Charles was succeeded by his son EDWARD H. (1898–1982),<br />

who headed the company for 40 years and under whose management<br />

the company’s activities continued to expand. Reaching<br />

its fifth generation, the company continued to serve the<br />

cultural life of American and world Jewry through its publication<br />

and distribution of Judaic and Hebraic literature.<br />

Bibliography: S. Grayzel, in: JBA, 12 (1953–55), 72–76.<br />

[Abraham Meir Habermann]<br />

BLOCH, ANDRÉ (1873–1960), French composer. Born in<br />

Wissembourg, Alsace, Bloch studied with Guiraud and Massenet<br />

at the Paris Conservatory and received the Prix de Rome<br />

in 1895. After World War I he conducted the orchestra of the<br />

American Conservatory at Fontainebleau. <strong>In</strong> 1931–32 he composed<br />

the symphonic poems Béquinage, Kaa, and Les moissons<br />

de l’éternité with cello as principal instrument. His two operas,<br />

the one-act Brocéliande, and Guignol, were first performed,<br />

respectively, at the Opéra Garnier in 1925 and at the Opéra<br />

Comique in 1949. <strong>In</strong> 1948, following the creation of the State<br />

of Israel, he composed his most interesting piece, the Suite<br />

Palestinienne, with cello as principal instrument.<br />

[Amnon Shiloah (2nd ed.)]<br />

BLOCH, CAMILLE (1865–1949), French historian, archivist,<br />

and librarian. A professor at the Sorbonne, Bloch was<br />

an authority on the French Revolution and its economic and<br />

social antecedents; he was secretary-general of the Society<br />

for the Study of the French Revolution. He was archivist of<br />

the Aude departement (1891–96) and the Loiret departement<br />

(1896–1904) and in 1904 became inspector general of libraries<br />

and archives. <strong>In</strong> World War I he became director of the<br />

War Library and War Museum in Paris, and historian of the<br />

war period. His Les causes de la guerre mondiale (1933; The<br />

Causes of the World War, 1935) is an important work. During<br />

the Nazi period, Bloch was hidden in southern France. After<br />

1945 he supervised for the French government the recovery<br />

of books looted by the Germans. He left an unfinished study<br />

on the Munich Pact of 1938.<br />

Bibliography: P. Renouvin, in: Revue Historique, 202 (1949),<br />

147–9; Dictionnaire de biographie française, 6 (1954), 677; New York<br />

Times (Feb. 16, 1949) 25.<br />

[Herbert A. Strauss]<br />

BLOCH, CHAIM ISAAC (1867–1948), Orthodox rabbi.<br />

Bloch was born in Lithuania and studied under Rabbi Simcha<br />

Sisel Ziv at the Yeshiva of Grubin (1880–83) and then in<br />

Volozhin, Poland (1883–91), under Rabbi Naphtali Ẓevi Judah<br />

*Berlin and Rabbi Ḥayyim *Soloveichik. He received his rabbinical<br />

ordination from Rabbi Soloveichik and Rabbi Eliezer<br />

*Gordon of the Telshe Yeshivah in 1890. He founded a yeshiva<br />

in Plunge in 1895, and served at its head until 1899, when he<br />

became a pulpit rabbi in Palanga, a nearby town. While he was<br />

there, he also earned the equivalent of a high school degree<br />

from the local gymnasium.<br />

From 1905 to 1912, after Rabbi Abraham Isaac *Kook left<br />

for Palestine, Bloch served as chief rabbi of Bauska in Courland,<br />

now Latvia, and became the district rabbi by governmental<br />

appointment. <strong>In</strong> 1914, he was elected chief rabbi of<br />

Antwerp but could not accept the position because of the<br />

outbreak of World War I. <strong>In</strong> 1915, he fled to Russia, where<br />

he served as an army chaplain, and in 1916 he organized a<br />

yeshivah for exiled Jewish children in the Crimea. He then returned<br />

to Bauska in 1920. <strong>In</strong> 1922–23, he left for America and<br />

settled in Jersey City, New Jersey, where he was the pulpit rabbi<br />

of Congregation Agudath Shalom. He founded talmud torahs<br />

and societies to encourage people to observe the Shabbat (the<br />

Sabbath Alliance) and encouraged a five-day workweek.<br />

For many years, Bloch was dean of Yeshiva of Hudson<br />

County, then a fledgling day school and now known as the<br />

Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey with almost 1,000 students<br />

from kindergarten through mesivta, located in the cities<br />

of River Edge and Newark in New Jersey, and also served on<br />

the board of Yeshiva University. He was an avid Zionist and<br />

member of Mizrachi and the Religious Zionists of America,<br />

as well as a member of the Agudat Harabbonim, where he<br />

served as treasurer in 1925 and vice president in 1931. He<br />

was also treasurer of Ezrat <strong>Torah</strong>. During World War II, he<br />

worked with the Va’ad ha-Haẓẓalah to help rescue the Jews<br />

of Europe.<br />

Bloch’s literary career began in 1897, when he edited a<br />

column for *Ha-Ẓefirah, a weekly Hebrew newspaper in War-<br />

758 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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