JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ible<br />

influenced Bible versions in other languages, as well as contemporary<br />

(non-Jewish) German readers.<br />

See also *German Literature.<br />

Hungarian<br />

<strong>In</strong> the 15th century the Hussite movement assailed the Latinity<br />

of the Church. Behind the heresy lay, among other social<br />

aims, the wish to make the Bible available to the masses, so<br />

that people might know the world of the Bible even in the oppressive<br />

reality of feudalism, and so become acquainted with<br />

the admonitions of the biblical prophets. The oldest Hungarian<br />

Hussite Bible translations are preserved in the late 15th-century<br />

Vienna codex (Ruth, Esther, Minor Prophets) and the Apor<br />

Codex (Psalms). The Codex of Dobrente contains the translations<br />

of the Song of Songs and Job (1508). The first Catholic<br />

Pentateuch survives in the Jordanszky Codex (1516–19).<br />

The Hungarian reformers translated the Bible in the spirit of<br />

Erasmus and also emphasized its social message. Unlike the<br />

Catholics, who adhered to the Vulgate, Protestant scholars referred<br />

to the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Gáspár Heltai<br />

and four Protestant colleagues translated the entire Bible, but<br />

several books of the Hagiographa did not appear in this edition<br />

(Kolozsvar, 1552–65). The first complete, and most readable,<br />

Bible translation was that of Gáspár Károlyi, a Calvinist<br />

preacher (Vizsoly, 1590); revised by Albert Szenczi Molnár<br />

(1608), it became the official text of the Hungarian Protestant<br />

Church and was the basis of a modern (London) Bible<br />

Society version.<br />

The Reformation enhanced the ecclesiastical importance<br />

of the Psalms, most translations of which were, however,<br />

merely paraphrases. Christian terminology and political<br />

references were inserted into the text, to the detriment of the<br />

original. The first renderings were those of Sztáray (1575), a<br />

more poetical version being that of Balint Balassa (1554–94).<br />

Accumulated accretions were eliminated by Miklós Bogáti<br />

Fazekas, a Unitarian preacher, in his unpublished versified<br />

translation of Psalms (1587). Protestant translations of Samuel,<br />

Kings, and Job were produced by Peter Melius Juhász in<br />

1565–67.<br />

The Bible translations of the 15th and 16th centuries were<br />

stimulated by social motives, while in the 17th century religious<br />

concern proved to be the creative force. The greatest<br />

accomplishment of Hungarian Protestantism at the time was<br />

the Psalterium Ungaricum of A. Molnár (Hanau, 1608). This<br />

was the first complete Hungarian translation of the Psalms in<br />

verse, running to more than 100 editions and it is still extant.<br />

It endured because of the beauty of its style and because of<br />

its faithfulness to the original text. Simon Péchi, the most renowned<br />

member of the Hungarian Szombatos (Sabbatarian)<br />

sect, who had a good command of the Hebrew language, interpreted<br />

the biblical text and his translation adhered strictly<br />

to the original (1624–29). The first complete Hungarian Catholic<br />

Bible was published by the Jesuit György Káldi (Vienna,<br />

1626). Toward the end of the 17th century a new Protestant<br />

Bible translation was prepared by György Csipkés of Komorn<br />

(often called György Komáromi, 1675; published Leiden, 1719),<br />

who was widely known for his Hebrew sermons.<br />

<strong>In</strong> time Károlyi’s Bible was reworked and his text improved,<br />

while Samuel Kámory produced a new version of<br />

the Bible for Hungarian Protestants (1870). Poets began to be<br />

interested in the Psalms from an aesthetic point of view, the<br />

translations of Benedek Virág and Ferenc Versegi having a<br />

classical mood in antique verse form. More significant translations<br />

of Psalms were those by Károly Kálmán (1883), Sándor<br />

Sik (1923), and Béla Teleki (1929). Two versions of the Song of<br />

Songs were those of Károly Kerényi, which was based on the<br />

Latin text (1941), and István Bernáth (1962).<br />

Although Mór Bloch (Ballagi) produced a Pentateuch in<br />

1840, there was for a long time no demand for a Hungarian<br />

Jewish Bible, since the Jews of Hungary used Yiddish and German.<br />

The first complete Bible translation under Jewish auspices<br />

was that of the Jewish Hungarian Literary Society (IMIT),<br />

published in 1898–1907 (in 4 vols.), with Vilmos Becher, József<br />

Bánóczi, and Samuel Krauss as editors. Earlier partial translations<br />

were József Mannheim’s Psalms (1865); H. Deutsch’s<br />

Pentateuch and haftarot (1888); Mór Stern’s Psalms (1888); Ignác<br />

Füredi’s Joshua and Judges (1893); and the Füredi-Stern<br />

Pentateuch (1894–95). Bernát Frenkel edited and published<br />

the “Holy Scriptures for Family and School” (1924–26) and<br />

the IMIT began publishing a Bible for the young, which remained<br />

incomplete, only the first and second volumes being<br />

printed (1925). During the years 1939–42 the IMIT published a<br />

Hungarian version of the Pentateuch edited by Britain’s chief<br />

rabbi, J.H. Hertz; this was the work of Michael Guttmann, Simon<br />

Hevesi, Samuel Loewinger, and others.<br />

Hungarian Jewish prose versions of the Psalms began<br />

with Mór Rosenthal’s translation (1841); later there were versified<br />

translations by József Kiss, Immanuel Loew, Emil Makai,<br />

and Arnold Kiss. The translations of Attila Gerö (1894) and<br />

Endre Neményi (1917) both displayed an original approach.<br />

Other versions of individual biblical books include Immanuel<br />

Loew’s Song of Songs (1885) and Simon Hevesi’s versified<br />

Lamentations (1916).<br />

See also *Hungarian Literature.<br />

Icelandic<br />

Although there was no Icelandic translation of the Bible during<br />

the Middle Ages, the Stjórn (“Guidance”) was, as a partial<br />

paraphrase of the historical books of the Old Testament, woven<br />

together with some later biblical books (republished 1956).<br />

Following the Reformation, Gudbrandur Thorláksson, bishop<br />

of Hólar, made a complete translation of the Bible (Holum,<br />

1584). Like the Danish Bible of 1550 (Christian II Bible), this<br />

had marked literary power and mainly drew from Luther’s<br />

translation. It was revised by a later bishop of Hólar, Torlak<br />

Skulasson, who referred to the Danish Christian IV edition<br />

of 1644. Bishop Steinn Jonsson’s Icelandic version of H.P. Resen’s<br />

Danish translation was so unsuccessful that the old edition<br />

of Skulasson had to be printed. Headed by the philologist<br />

S. Egilsson, an Icelandic commission later undertook a<br />

632 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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