JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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erkson, isaac baer<br />

but noting his limitations. A later generation dealt with the<br />

relationship between naturalism and realism in his work (Y.<br />

Keshet), emphasized the central psychological dilemma in his<br />

work, which confronts the little man with a situation beyond<br />

his control (D. Sadan), and described the alienation of his intellectual<br />

heroes (S. Halkin). The young Israeli critics have<br />

not devoted much attention to his work. Some have stressed<br />

the sociological aspect in his work (i.e., the breakup of the<br />

home – G. Katznelson) and others have studied in detail his<br />

technique in story and playwriting (G. Shaked). He has had<br />

little influence on the writers of his own and the subsequent<br />

generation or on the young Israeli writers. A list of his works<br />

translated into English appears in Goell, Bibliography.<br />

Bibliography: I. Holt, Isaac Dov Berkowitz, Voice of the<br />

Uprooted (1972); Ḥ.N. Bialik, Iggerot, 1 (1938), 263; idem, Devarim<br />

she-be-al-Peh (1935), 188–90; Kol Kitvei J. Ḥ. Brenner, 2 (1960), 380;<br />

D.A. Friedman, Iyyunei Perozah (1966), 143–60; S. Halkin, Arai va-<br />

Keva (1942), 95–112; D. Sadan, Bein Din le-Ḥeshbon (1963), 163–8; J.<br />

Fichmann, Benei Dor (1952), 226–53; Y. Koplewitz (Keshet), Be-Dor<br />

Oleh (1950), 13–24; G. Katznelson, in: Gilyonot, 30 (1954), 239–43;<br />

G. Shaked, Al Arba’ah Sippurim (1964), 11–33; idem, ‘Oto ve-Et Beno’<br />

ve-ha-Maḥazeh ha-Re’alisti: Al Sheloshah Maḥazot (1968), 9–38; A.<br />

Komem-Kominkovsky, in: Me’assef le-Divrei Sifrut, 4 (1964), 243–53;<br />

R. Wallenrod, Literature of Modern Israel (1956), 162–6, 169. Add.<br />

Bibliography: G. Shaked, Ha-Sipporet ha-Ivrit, 1 (1977), 327–41.<br />

[Gershon Shaked]<br />

BERKSON, ISAAC BAER (1891–1975), U.S. educator and<br />

philosopher. Berkson, who was born in New York, began his<br />

teaching career at the Central Jewish <strong>In</strong>stitute in New York,<br />

of which he was appointed director in 1917. From 1918 until<br />

1927 he supervised the schools and extension program of the<br />

city’s Bureau of Jewish Education. <strong>In</strong> 1927 he began teaching<br />

education at the Jewish <strong>In</strong>stitute of Religion (later merged with<br />

the Hebrew Union College), and in the same year accepted<br />

the invitation of Henrietta Szold, who headed the Palestine<br />

Executive’s department of education, to survey Jewish schools<br />

in Palestine. After completing his survey, he remained in Palestine<br />

from 1928 to 1935 as superintendent of the Jewish school<br />

system. <strong>In</strong> 1938 Berkson began lecturing in the philosophy of<br />

education at the City College of New York (professor, 1955).<br />

Though a follower of the progressive education ideas of John<br />

Dewey and W.H. Kilpatrick, Berkson only partially accepted<br />

their pragmatic-instrumentalist philosophy. His merger of<br />

these views with his own, which were a reflection of the ideals<br />

and values of his Jewish heritage, was given expression in<br />

his book The Ideal and the Community (1958). <strong>In</strong> dealing with<br />

the specific problems of Jewish education he advanced the<br />

“community theory.” According to him, the Jewish communities<br />

of the world constitute the “Knesset Israel,” which has<br />

its own “heritage of cultural, social, and spiritual values.” The<br />

cultivation of the individual’s Jewish personality must therefore<br />

combine loyalty to his own community – the “Knesset<br />

Israel,” including the State of Israel – and sharing with his fellow<br />

men in the “realm of universal ideals.” Berkson’s Theories<br />

of Americanization (1920) was an important influential state-<br />

ment of the American theory of cultural pluralism which he<br />

applied specifically to the problems of Jewish education. Berkson’s<br />

other works include: Preface to an Educational Philosophy<br />

(1940), Education Faces the Future (1943), Ethics, Politics<br />

and Education (1968), and The Ideal and the Community: A<br />

Philosophy of Education (1970).<br />

Bibliography: S. Dinin, in: Jewish Education, 32 (1962), 134;<br />

E. Schwarcz, ibid., 29 (1958), 56; J. Pilch (ed.), Judaism and the Jewish<br />

School (1966), 42.<br />

[Ernest Schwarcz]<br />

BERL, EMMANUEL (1892–1976), French author. A relative<br />

of *Bergson and *Proust, Berl was a passionate political<br />

essayist and critic of the French bourgeoisie. His works<br />

include Mort de la pensée bourgeoise (1925), La politique et<br />

les partis (19322), Discours aux Français (1934), La culture en<br />

péril (1948), and Nasser tel qu’on le loue (1968). Berl was chief<br />

editor of the weekly, Marianne (1933–37). He also wrote short<br />

stories and novels including Sylvia (1952) and Rachel et autres<br />

grâces (1965), notable for their insight and an incisive style.<br />

Deeply affected by World War I after serving for two years,<br />

Berl, a convinced anti-fascist, adopted pacifist views that led<br />

him in June 1940 to write some of future Vichy leader Pétain’s<br />

speeches. He quickly put an end to this cooperation when he<br />

became aware of the antisemitic direction of the new regime.<br />

After the war, he left politics and devoted himself exclusively<br />

to literature. <strong>In</strong> 1967, he was awarded the French Academy’s<br />

Grand Prix de Literature.<br />

Bibliography: B. Morlino, Emmanuel Berl: Les trbulations<br />

d’un pacifiste (1990); L.-A. Revah, Berl, un juif de France (2003).<br />

[Dror Franck Sullaper (2nd ed.)]<br />

BERL, ERNST (1877–1946), Austrian-U.S. chemist. Berl<br />

was born in Silesia and worked at the Zurich Polytechnicum<br />

(1898–1907) and in a Belgian artificial silk factory (1910–14). <strong>In</strong><br />

World War I he directed an Austrian explosives factory. Berl<br />

was professor of chemical technology and electrochemistry,<br />

Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt (1919–33); he emigrated<br />

to the U.S.A. and became research professor at Carnegie <strong>In</strong>stitute<br />

of Technology, Pittsburgh. He worked on lead chamber<br />

process, nitration of cellulose, and combustion problems and<br />

was coauthor of Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden<br />

(4 vols., 1921–23) and Chemische <strong>In</strong>genieur-Technik.<br />

BERLE, MILTON (formerly Mendel Berlinger; 1908–2002),<br />

U.S. comedian, known as “Mr. Television” and “Uncle Miltie.”<br />

Born in New York, Berle played in nightclubs, films, and<br />

Broadway shows, including the Ziegfeld Follies of 1943. From<br />

1948 to 1956 he did a weekly variety show on television in<br />

modern slapstick style. <strong>In</strong> the 1960s he also appeared in serious<br />

parts, including a role in the film The Loved One.<br />

Berle’s career began when he was five years old and<br />

spanned more than 80 years on stage, film, radio, and television.<br />

At the age of five, Berle won a Charlie Chaplin lookalike<br />

contest. And as a child he appeared in the silent films The<br />

442 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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