JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Talmudic Period<br />

The Talmud declared it forbidden for a scholar to reside in a<br />

city which did not contain a public bath (Sanh. 17b). Rome<br />

was said to contain 3,000 public baths (Meg. 68) and despite<br />

the animosity to the Romans they were praised by the rabbis<br />

for constructing baths in Palestine (Shab. 33b). It is related<br />

that Rabban Gamaliel utilized the Bath of Aphrodite in Acre<br />

although the image of the idol adorned the bath (Av. Zar. 3:4).<br />

Originally the baths were communal institutions (Ned. 5:5).<br />

Afterward, smaller baths were also built by private individuals<br />

(BB 1:6; 10:7) and competition between them to attract customers<br />

was permitted (BB 21b). The bath attendants received<br />

checks or tokens from intending patrons so they would know<br />

in advance how many to expect and what preparations to<br />

make (BM 47b and Rashi ad loc.). The larger baths contained<br />

separate areas for bathing in lukewarm water, hot water, and<br />

steam baths (Shab. 40a). On entering the bathhouse, the rabbis<br />

ordained the following prayer: “May it be Thy will, O Lord,<br />

my God, to deliver me from the flames of the fire and the heat<br />

of the water, and to protect me from a cave-in.” Upon leaving,<br />

the individual recited, “I thank Thee, O Lord, my God,<br />

for having delivered me from the fire” (TJ, Ber. 9:6, 14b; cf.<br />

Ber. 60a). Hillel the Elder told his disciples that he considered<br />

bathing in the communal bathhouse a religious duty for<br />

just as the custodians scour and wash the statues of the kings,<br />

likewise must man, created in God’s image and likeness, do<br />

to his body (Lev. R. 34:3).<br />

Middle Ages and Modern Times<br />

The public bath and adjoining mikveh were maintained by<br />

Jewish communities throughout the Middle Ages as part of<br />

the institutions of Jewish social life and welfare. Hygienic habits<br />

and the ritual requirements of the Jewish religion made the<br />

Jews regard bathing as part of their living routine during a<br />

period when bathing was generally considered a form of rare<br />

luxury in Europe. By the end of the 11th century, some Jewish<br />

communities erected imposing buildings to house their baths<br />

and regularly attended to their servicing and upkeep. The refusal<br />

of Christians to allow Jews to share the municipal baths<br />

and the fear that Jewish women might be molested there increased<br />

the need for separate institutions. The fact also, that,<br />

with the exception of Poland, Jews were prohibited from bathing<br />

in the same river as Christians finally led them to build<br />

their own bathhouses, which often became landmarks, such<br />

as the Badehaus of the Jews of Augsburg, or “Bakewell Hall”<br />

in London, which was probably originally “Bathwell Hall.” <strong>In</strong><br />

Moslem Spain, Ramon Berenger IV allowed his court physician,<br />

Abraham, to build the only public bathhouse in Barcelona,<br />

which his family ran from 1160 to 1199. <strong>In</strong> the Middle<br />

East, and in modern times, particularly in Eastern Europe,<br />

Jews became addicted to the “Turkish bath” which has found<br />

its way into Jewish folklore. Several ancient baths have been<br />

discovered in Ereẓ Israel such as the swimming pool and<br />

hot baths that Herod built at *Herodium, which had waiting<br />

rooms, dressing rooms, hot rooms, and cool rooms with all<br />

bath-sheba<br />

the comforts of the baths at Rome. Among the best-preserved<br />

and beautifully finished baths that have been uncovered in<br />

Ereẓ Israel are those on Masada, where no less than four baths<br />

and one swimming pool were built by Herod. <strong>In</strong> the northern<br />

palace there is a small, private bathhouse finished in Roman<br />

style, and south of the palace there is a large swimming pool<br />

with cubicles for keeping clothes; Herod built a small bathhouse<br />

in the west palace as well, which was unusually heated<br />

by an oven in an adjoining room and fitted with a niche for<br />

an oil lamp. More important, however, are the remains of the<br />

large bathhouse near the north palace where more than 200<br />

stands, the remnants of the piping system for the hot air, were<br />

discovered, as well as elaborate facilities for steam baths, cold<br />

baths, etc., adorned with frescoes and mosaics. At a later period<br />

the Zealots built a large bathhouse in the southern corner<br />

of Masada, consisting of a small mikveh and two connecting<br />

larger ones, which conform to halakhah. Near Tiberias<br />

are the remains of the hot, mineral baths of *Hamath of the<br />

Roman period.<br />

Bibliography: Y. Brand, Kelei ha-Ḥeres ba-Sifrut ha-Talmudit<br />

(1953), 27–35; G. Krauss, Talmudische Archaeologie (1910);<br />

U.E. Paoli, Das Leben im alten Rom (1948); J. Carcopino, Daily Life<br />

in Ancient Rome (1940); Th. Birt, Zur Kulturgeschichte Roms (1917);<br />

Baron, Social 2, 4 (1956), 37; I. Abrahams, Jewish Life in the Middle<br />

Ages (1932), 89, 426.<br />

BAT ḤEFER (Heb. רפח תב; “Daughter of Ḥefer”), urban community<br />

located in the *Ḥefer Plain in central Israel. The settlement<br />

is located near the border of Samaria, near *Tūl Karm,<br />

and is part of the regional council of Emek Ḥefer. Its area is<br />

0.4 sq. mi (1 sq. km.). The settlement was part of the “seven<br />

star” plan of Ariel *Sharon to establish settlements near the<br />

border of Samaria. Building began in 1994 and the first settlers<br />

arrived in 1996. At the end of 2002 the population of Bat<br />

Ḥefer was 4,610.<br />

[Shaked Gilboa (2nd ed.)]<br />

BATH-SHEBA (Heb. עַ בֶׁ ש־ת ּב, ַ in I Chron. 3:5 עּו ַ ש־ת ׁ ּב), ַ wife<br />

of *David and mother of *Solomon. Bath-Sheba was originally<br />

the wife of *Uriah the Hittite, one of David’s warriors.<br />

During the war against Rabbath-Ammon (II Sam. 11), David<br />

saw Bath-Sheba and ordered her brought to his palace. When<br />

David knew that she was pregnant by him, he attempted to<br />

return Uriah to his house (see II Sam. 11:6–13). Failing to do<br />

so, he sought and found a pretext to have Uriah killed in battle<br />

(11:14–27); he then married Bath-Sheba. The prophet *Nathan<br />

rebuked David for this act (12:1–12), but subsequently<br />

took Bath-Sheba’s side and supported the enthronement of<br />

her son Solomon (I Kings 1:8ff.). She later agreed to present<br />

to Solomon *Adonijah’s request for David’s concubine<br />

*Abishag. <strong>In</strong> addition to Solomon, Bath-Sheba gave birth to at<br />

least three other sons, Shimea, Shobab, and Nathan (I Chron.<br />

3:5). It seems that her first son, who died soon after his birth<br />

because of the sin of his father, is included in this list (II Sam.<br />

12:13ff.).<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 211

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