JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ecame both a city councillor and an honorary Justice of the<br />

Peace. He was a director of the Odessa Talmud <strong>Torah</strong>.<br />

BERNSTEIN, ORI (1936– ), Israeli poet. Bernstein, who<br />

was born in Tel Aviv, studied law at the Hebrew University,<br />

serving as an attorney in the army and later in the private sector.<br />

For 23 years he acted as managing director of one of Israel’s<br />

largest corporations. His first poems, Be-Oto ha-Ḥeder,<br />

be-Oto ha-Or (“Same Room, Same Light”) appeared in 1962,<br />

followed by a dozen collections of poems, three books for<br />

children, and a volume of essays on poetry entitled Isuk bein<br />

Ḥaverim (“Among Friends,” 1998). While his early poetry is<br />

influenced by N. Alterman and N. Zach, Bernstein later developed<br />

his own, very intimate style, contemplating the dialectics<br />

of life and death, the yearning for love and friendship<br />

and, on the other hand, loneliness and bereavement. Im Mavet<br />

(“With Death,” 1982) deals with the death of his mother, the<br />

sequel Ẓafonah le-Tamid (1987) with the death of his father. A<br />

selection of Bernstein’s poems was published under the title<br />

Shirim 1962–2002 (2004). Bernstein’s only novel, Safek Ḥayyim<br />

(“A Dubious Life,” 2002), is an autobiographical account in<br />

the tradition of Proust: The recollection of experiences from<br />

childhood and adolescence, hours of friendship and love, is<br />

interwoven with literary echoes. Bernstein is a professor at the<br />

Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, where he teaches poetry<br />

and the theory of writing. He also translates English, Italian,<br />

and French poetry into Hebrew.<br />

Bibliography: Z. Luz, Shirat Ori Bernstein (2000); Y. Oppenheimer,<br />

in: Haaretz (Dec. 20, 2002); N. Calderon, in: Maariv<br />

(May 25, 2004); Z. Shamir, “Siḥot im Erev,” in: Itton 77, 64 (1985),<br />

13; Y. Bachur, “Meshorer Ḥushani, Neziri u-Mufnam,” in: Moznayim<br />

60:4 (1986), 55–57; Y. Mazor, “Kifninim Mitpazrot be-Zerem Iti,” in:<br />

Moznayim 73:8 (1999) 17–20. Website: www.ithl.org.il<br />

[Anat Feinberg (2nd ed.)]<br />

BERNSTEIN, OSIP SAMOILOVICH (1882–1961), Russian-<br />

French chess master, born in Zhitomir. Bernstein placed second<br />

to Tchigorin in the Russian championship (Kiev, 1903)<br />

and tied with Akiva *Rubinstein for first place in a tournament<br />

at Ostend, Belgium (1907). He settled in France after<br />

1916 and shared a first prize with Miguel *Najdorf, at Montevideo,<br />

Uruguay, when 72.<br />

BERNSTEIN, PEREZ (Fritz; 1890–1971), Zionist leader,<br />

publicist, and Israel politician. Bernstein, who was born in<br />

Meiningen, Germany, studied commerce. <strong>In</strong> his youth he went<br />

to Rotterdam, Holland, where he entered business. <strong>In</strong> 1917 he<br />

joined the Dutch Zionist organization, and soon attained a<br />

prominent position. He later served as secretary of the Dutch<br />

Zionist Federation and as its president for four years. From<br />

1930 to 1935 he was chief editor of the Dutch Zionist weekly,<br />

in which he fought for “unconditional Zionism,” both in relations<br />

with non-Jews and in debate with the socialist and the<br />

religious Zionists. <strong>In</strong> his major work Der Anti-semitismus als<br />

Gruppenerscheinung (1926; Jew-Hate as a Sociological Problem,<br />

bernstein, philip sidney<br />

1951) he tried to prove that antisemitism is a sociological phenomenon<br />

which cannot be eliminated by better knowledge,<br />

by persuasion, or by education. He also rejected the theory<br />

that the Jews in the Diaspora have negative traits which encourage<br />

antisemitism. Another of his books is: Over Joodsche<br />

Problematiek (1935). <strong>In</strong> 1936 Bernstein settled in Palestine and<br />

became editor of the General Zionist newspaper Ha-Boker.<br />

From 1941 he was chairman of the Union of *General Zionists<br />

which, in 1946, elected him a member of the Jewish Agency,<br />

where he was responsible for commerce and industry. Bernstein<br />

was a member of the Knesset from its inception until<br />

1965, and minister of commerce and industry in 1948–49 and<br />

from 1952 to 1955. When the Liberal Party was established<br />

he was elected one of its two presidents. Following the party<br />

split in 1964, he became honorary president of the larger faction<br />

which retained the name of the Liberal Party. Bernstein<br />

continued his journalistic activities during his political career.<br />

He often opposed the left wing in his articles and advocated<br />

a business-oriented policy.<br />

Bibliography: Y. Nedava (ed.), Sefer Pereẓ Bernstein: Mivḥar<br />

Ma’amarim u-Massot (1962); D. Lazar, Rashim be-Yisrael, 1 (1953),<br />

62–66; Tidhar, 3 (19582), 1395.<br />

[Jozeph Michman (Melkman)]<br />

BERNSTEIN, PHILIP SIDNEY (1901–1985), U.S. rabbi.<br />

Bern stein was born in Rochester, N.Y., and was ordained in the<br />

first graduating class of the Jewish <strong>In</strong>stitute of Religion (1926).<br />

He served as rabbi of Rochester’s Congregation B’rith Kodesh<br />

for half a century. Bernstein was a committed pacifist until the<br />

German invasion of Poland, which forced him to rethink his<br />

views. During World War II he was executive director of the<br />

committee on army and navy religious activities of the Jewish<br />

Welfare Board, a position he held until 1946. He was responsible<br />

for supervising the 300 rabbis of all denominations<br />

serving in the U.S. Armed forces. His service propelled him<br />

into national Jewish life. He served as a member of the Zionist<br />

Emergency Council and helped form the American Christian<br />

Palestine Committee. <strong>In</strong> 1946 he returned to his congregation<br />

in Rochester, only to leave again when he was appointed by<br />

President Truman as Jewish adviser to U.S. Army commanders<br />

in Europe (1946–47), where he played a significant role<br />

at the time in alleviating the conditions of Holocaust survivors<br />

and making conditions in the Displaced Persons camps<br />

less deplorable. <strong>In</strong> his non-military role, he assisted in moving<br />

Jews from Russian-occupied Poland to American-occupied<br />

Germany, working directly with *Beriḥah. <strong>In</strong> 1947 he<br />

returned to Rochester once again. He was president of the<br />

Central Conference of American Rabbis (1950–52). He was<br />

chairman (1954–68), and subsequently honorary chairman,<br />

of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, then in its<br />

formative years. He was the author of What the Jews Believe<br />

(1951), which grew out of a series of articles published in Life<br />

Magazine. He also wrote Rabbis at War (1971), an account<br />

of his war years and the service of his colleagues to 600,000<br />

American Jews who served in World War II.<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 483

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