JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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en temalyon<br />

their position in trade in Morocco, especially in Mogador<br />

and Marrakesh, where JOSHUA LéVY-BENSUSAN (19th cent.)<br />

represented France in about 1881. SAMUEL LéVY BENSUSAN<br />

(1872–1958), who lived in Essex, England, wrote a number<br />

of books about the English countryside, such as Annals of<br />

Maychester (1936), and also published studies of great artists.<br />

He traveled widely and wrote about Morocco, Spain, Paris,<br />

Germany, and the haunts of Shakespeare. Bensusan edited a<br />

weekly newspaper, The Jewish World (1897–98), and The Theosophical<br />

Review (1925–28).<br />

Bibliography: A. Hyamson, Sephardim of England (1951),<br />

247, 336, 397; J.M. Toledano, Ner ha-Ma’arav (1911), 25ff., 41, 63, 109,<br />

191; REJ, 6 (1941), 12–25; Miège, Maroc, 2 (1961), 550; 3 (1962), 208;<br />

4 (1963), 304.<br />

[David Corcos]<br />

BEN TEMALYON, name of a demon. According to talmudic<br />

legend it accompanied R. *Simeon b. Yoḥai on his journey<br />

to Rome where he pleaded with the authorities to annul<br />

the decree compelling the Jews to have intercourse with their<br />

menstruating wives, to desecrate the Sabbath, and not to circumcise<br />

their children. The demon entered into the Roman<br />

emperor’s daughter and when Simeon b. Yoḥai exorcised<br />

it, his request was granted (Me’il. 17b). A more detailed account<br />

of this miracle is contained in *Halakhot Gedolot (ed.<br />

Hildesheimer, 603–4), where, however, the demon is called<br />

“Shamdon” or “Ashmedai.” The story frequently recurs in<br />

medieval folklore, sometimes with an anti-Jewish bias. Some<br />

scholars have attempted to identify Ben Temalyon (or Bar Temalyon)<br />

with the apostle Bartholomew about whom a similar<br />

legend is related in connection with his missionary voyage<br />

to <strong>In</strong>dia.<br />

Ben Temalyon (or Telamyon) is also the name of a person<br />

who technically avoided perjury by concealing a hundred<br />

dinars which he owed to a plaintiff, in a hollowed cane which<br />

he asked the latter to hold, and taking an oath that he had returned<br />

him the money (cf. Ned. 25a).<br />

Bibliography: I. Lévi, in: REJ, 8 (1884), 200–2; 10 (1885),<br />

66–73; Halevy, ibid., 60–65; R. Margoliouth, Malakhei Elyon (Jerusalem,<br />

1945), p. 222.<br />

BENTOR, JACOB (1910–2002), geologist specializing in the<br />

geology, petrology, and tectonics of the Middle East. Bentor<br />

was born in Koenigsberg, Germany, and after studying linguistics<br />

at the Sorbonne in Paris and physical science there<br />

and in Berlin immigrated to Ereẓ Israel in 1933, where he continued<br />

his studies, including geology, at the Hebrew University<br />

as well as in Switzerland and France. Back in Palestine in<br />

1940 he completed his Ph. D. theses at the Hebrew University<br />

in 1945 and in Clermont-Ferrrand in 1952. During World<br />

War II he was a consultant to the British administration on<br />

various geological projects and in 1949 he joined Ḥemed Gimmel<br />

(the Israeli army science corps) and headed the national<br />

efforts to map the Negev’s natural resources and evaluate its<br />

economic potential. One of the major products of this activ-<br />

ity was the Geological Map of the Negev, 1:100,000, which included<br />

the mapping of Israel’s major mineral deposits – the<br />

Negev phosphates and the Timna copper. For this achievement<br />

Bentor and his colleague A. Vroman were awarded the<br />

Israel Prize for science in 1953. Until 1966 he was at the head<br />

of all national mineral and energy resources enterprises, including<br />

the Dead Sea resources, the Negev phosphates, Timna<br />

copper ore, and petroleum exploration. During his work he<br />

also discovered new geological phenomena, such as combustion<br />

metamorphism, a contribution in the field of mineralogy<br />

that has been recognized by the international mineralogical<br />

community, with the mineral “bentorite” being named in his<br />

honor. He introduced many new scientific disciplines, such<br />

as geochemistry, marine geology, and seismology to the entire<br />

earth science community in Israel, and especially to his<br />

many students at the Hebrew University, where he was appointed<br />

associate professor in 1957 and full professor in 1963.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1967–74 he headed a large-scale geological study of the<br />

Sinai Peninsula. Focusing on the Precambrian Basement of<br />

this area, he made a major contribution to the understanding<br />

of the Precambrian Arabian Massif and guided many research<br />

projects in the framework of this study. He also had a<br />

long-term interest in the possible geological origin of many<br />

events chronicled in myth and history and wrote on geological<br />

events in the Bible. Bentor headed many national and international<br />

scientific committees, including the Council for<br />

Oceanographic Research, the World Geological Map Project,<br />

and the Council of the <strong>In</strong>ternational Committee for the Scientific<br />

Research of the Mediterranean.<br />

He retired from the Hebrew University in 1977 and was<br />

associated with the Scripps <strong>In</strong>stitution of Oceanography,<br />

where he remained active in his studies on the Precambrian<br />

realm and on the combustion metamorphism of the Hatrurim<br />

Formation in Israel (“Mottled Zone”) as well as of similar<br />

phenomena in California. He was a recipient of the Freund<br />

Prize of the Israel Geological Society (1986).<br />

[Yossi Bartov (2nd ed.)]<br />

BENTOV (Gutgeld), MORDEKHAI (1900–1985). Israel<br />

politician, member of the First to Fifth Knessets. Bentov was<br />

born in Grodzisk, near Warsaw. He immigrated to Ereẓ Israel<br />

in 1920, working for several years in road construction and<br />

draining swamps. He graduated from the government law<br />

classes in Jerusalem and later became a member of kibbutz<br />

*Mishmar ha-Emek, where he lived for the rest of his life. As a<br />

leader of the *Ha-Shomer ha- Ẓa’ir movement, Bentov served<br />

as its representative in central bodies of the *Histadrut and<br />

the Zionist Movement. He was one of the members of Ha-<br />

Shomer ha-Ẓa’ir active from the late 1930s in trying to find<br />

a peaceful solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis<br />

of bi-nationalism, and was an active member in the League<br />

for Jewish-Arab Rapprochement and Cooperation. He was<br />

a member of the Jewish delegation to the 1939 Round Table<br />

Conference with the British Government to discuss the future<br />

of Palestine. Following the failure of the Conference, Bentov<br />

380 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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