JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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irkat ha-torah<br />

This was also the version commonly used in the Babylonian rite,<br />

in which the penultimate sentence, “And let them be blotted<br />

out,” was replaced by a petition to cut off all enemies, “may all<br />

the enemies of your people and their opponents be speedily cut<br />

off.” Other variants reflect a longer, more elaborated request for<br />

obliteration of enemies. The language of the benediction clearly<br />

demonstrates that it was directed, not at non-Jews in general,<br />

but rather specifically aimed against external persecutors of<br />

the Jews and against Jewish separatists who posed a danger to<br />

Judaism’s internal cohesion. Nonetheless, as early as the first<br />

centuries C.E. we find church fathers voicing the claim that the<br />

Jews curse the Christians in their prayers. Such contentions,<br />

alongside censorship of siddurim, wrought significant changes<br />

in the wording of the benediction during the Middle Ages.<br />

Also contributing to this modificatory process were shifts in<br />

the social environment of the Jews and in their worldview.<br />

Without exception, the word noẓerim was expunged from<br />

all Jewish prayer rites, and in many, substitutions were made<br />

for minim (heretics) and meshummadim (apostates), as in the<br />

accepted opening in the Ashkenazi rite: “may the slanderers<br />

(malshinim) have no hope.” Some Reform prayer books omit<br />

this benediction entirely.<br />

Bibliography: G. Alon, The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic<br />

Age (70–640 C.E.) (1980), 288–307; I. Elbogen, Jewish Liturgy:<br />

A Comprehensive History. tr. R.P. Scheindlein (1993), 31–34, 45–46;<br />

E. Fleischer. “Le-Kadmoniyyut Tefillot ha-Ḥovah be-Yisrael,” in: Tarbiz,<br />

59 (1990), 435–37; D. Flusser, “Mikat ma’asei ha-<strong>Torah</strong>’ u-Virkat<br />

ha-Minim.” in: Tarbiz, 61 (1992), 333–74; J. Heinemann, Prayer in the<br />

Talmud: Forms and Patterns (1977), 225–26; W. Horbury. “The Benediction<br />

of the ‘Minim’ and Early Jewish-Christian Controversy,” in:<br />

Journal of Theological Studies, 33:1 (1982), 19–61; R. Kimelman. “Birkat<br />

Ha-Minim and the Lack of Evidence for an Anti-Christian Prayer in<br />

Late Antiquity,” in: E.P. Sanders (ed.), Jewish and Christian Self-Definition,<br />

vol. 2 (1981), 226–44; J.J. Petuchowski, Prayerbook Reform in<br />

Europe (1968), 223–25; S. Schechter, “Genizah Specimens,” in: JQR,<br />

10 (1898), 657.<br />

[Uri Ehrlich(2nd ed.)]<br />

BIRKAT HA-TORAH (Heb. הרֹ ָותַה<br />

ּ תַ ּכְ רִ ּב), the blessing over<br />

the Law. The study of the Law was always regarded as a foremost<br />

religious duty and hence had to be preceded by a formula<br />

of benediction. This requirement applies both to the liturgical<br />

reading of the <strong>Torah</strong> and to ordinary study. Various<br />

formulas are given in the Talmud (Ber. 11a–b) in the name of<br />

several rabbis and all have been integrated into the traditional<br />

liturgy. These benedictions were instituted in talmudic times<br />

based upon Deuteronomy 32:3 (see TJ, Meg. 4:1, 74d) and by<br />

a fortiori inference from the duty to recite Grace after Meals<br />

(TJ, Ber. 7:11a; TJ, Meg. loc. cit.). Three blessings over the Law<br />

are pronounced at the beginning of the daily morning prayer.<br />

The first praises God for granting Israel the privilege and the<br />

duty of studying <strong>Torah</strong>; the second is a prayer that the study<br />

of <strong>Torah</strong> may be pleasant and that it should be cultivated<br />

by one’s offspring and the whole house of Israel; the third is<br />

identical to the benediction recited before the Reading of the<br />

Law in the synagogue service: “Who has chosen us from all<br />

nations and hast given us Thy Law.” They are followed by selections<br />

from Scripture (Num. 6:24–27), the Mishnah (Pe’ah<br />

1:1) and the Talmud (Shab. 127a), recited in symbolic fulfillment<br />

of the duty to study <strong>Torah</strong>. Jacob b. Asher interpreted<br />

the words “<strong>Torah</strong> of truth” to refer to the written <strong>Torah</strong>, and<br />

the words “everlasting life” to refer to the oral tradition. These<br />

benedictions contain 40 words, said to symbolize the 40 days<br />

Moses spent on Mount Sinai (Tur OH 139). The benedictions<br />

over the Law have uniform wording in all modern rituals, including<br />

that of Reform Judaism. Only the Reconstructionist<br />

trend, which repudiates the notion of the election of Israel,<br />

has changed the wording of the middle part of the benediction<br />

to read “who hast brought us close to Thy service” instead<br />

of “who hast chosen us.”<br />

Bibliography: ET, 4 (1952), 615–31; J. Heinemann, Ha-Tefillah…<br />

(1964), 105–8; E. Levy, Yesodot ha-Tefillah (19522), 130, 315–6;<br />

Hertz, Prayer, 12–17, 190–3; E. Munk, World of Prayer (1961), 41–49,<br />

174–5.<br />

BIRKENTHAL (Brezhover), DOV BER (Ber of Bolechow;<br />

1723–1805), Hebrew writer and memoirist. Born in Bolechow,<br />

Birkenthal adopted a German name in accordance with the<br />

decree of Joseph II in 1772, when the city passed from Polish<br />

to Austrian rule. He received a traditional Jewish education,<br />

but his father, who was a wine dealer and had contact<br />

with Polish and Hungarian nobles and priests, agreed to engage<br />

a non-Jewish tutor – an unusual step for the time – who<br />

taught him Polish, Latin, German, and French. Birkenthal<br />

took over his father’s business and became the leader of the<br />

Bolechow community. <strong>In</strong> the debate with the followers of<br />

Jacob *Frank, which was held in the main church of Lemberg<br />

in 1759, Birkenthal served as interpreter and adviser to<br />

R. Ḥayyim b. Simḥah ha-Kohen Rapoport, the chief rabbi of<br />

Lemberg. His main literary work, Imrei Binah, is a study of<br />

false-Messiah movements in Jewish history, and the debate<br />

with the Frankists occupies a central position in it. The work<br />

was discovered in 1910, long after his death, and published<br />

by A.J. Brawer in Ha-Shilo’aḥ (vols. 33 and 38). A manuscript<br />

of his memoirs was discovered in Jews’ College, London, in<br />

1912 and was published – with introduction – in 1922 in Berlin<br />

by M. Wischnitzer. It was published in Yiddish (Ber Bolekhovers<br />

Zikhroynes) and in English translation (The Memoirs<br />

of Ber of Bolechow) in the same year. These two works<br />

contain valuable information for the study of Jewish history<br />

in Galicia in the 18th century, not only for the Frankist movement<br />

but also for the history of the Council of the Lands, the<br />

Jewish census in Poland (1764), and for Jewish economic history<br />

of that period.<br />

Bibliography: Zinberg, Sifrut, 5 (1959), 109–11; Wischnitzer,<br />

in: JQR, 12 (1921/22), 1–24; Balaban, in: Festschrift… S. Poznański<br />

(1927), 25ff.<br />

[Abraham J. Brawer]<br />

BIRMINGHAM, city in Alabama, U.S. The city grew from<br />

the intersection of two railroads in 1871, and the discovery of<br />

712 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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