JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ible<br />

his contacts with Jewish teachers had been influential in his<br />

change of front. It is not too much to say that wherever the<br />

influence of the Synagogue is to be seen – as in Dorotheus,<br />

head of the catechetical school in Antioch, who painstakingly<br />

learned Hebrew – there was a tendency toward a literal<br />

understanding of the Old Testament. This was not to deny<br />

the deeper meaning of Scripture, which was to them unquestioned.<br />

Rather, the deeper meaning was built onto the literal,<br />

not flatly opposed to it as Barnabas had fulminated.<br />

The most influential of the school of Antioch was Theodore<br />

of Mopsuestia. He insisted on the historical reality of<br />

biblical revelation. <strong>In</strong> the prophecies of Christ’s coming, allegory<br />

is not to be seen, as the Alexandrians had maintained.<br />

Rather, the prophets actually foresaw what was to come to pass<br />

in Israel and announced it, but in addition they saw – or some<br />

of them did – the ultimate coming of Christ. Nor could Alexandria<br />

rightly claim Paul’s words in Galatians 4 and I Corinthians<br />

10 as its support. Despite Paul’s phrase, he was not indulging<br />

in allegory. His words were typological. The incident<br />

was real, but in addition it typified a deeper truth. The events<br />

had taken place; nonetheless they were comparisons and so<br />

he could use them as warning examples. Actually Theodore<br />

insisted that only four of the Psalms (2, 8, 44, 109) are in any<br />

sense to be seen as predictive of Jesus, and that they are not<br />

truly messianic but rather give glimpses of the incarnation.<br />

Only books containing a prophetic element are to be regarded<br />

as canonical; thus Job, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Esther,<br />

as well as all the books of the Apocrypha, are to be seen as<br />

containing human wisdom alone and are to be rejected from<br />

the canon. This exclusion of any of the books of the Hebrew<br />

canon was most unusual, and a century later Theodore’s writings<br />

were burned as heretical – in part because of the views of<br />

his pupil Nestorius, for which he was held responsible, and in<br />

part because of his exclusion of books universally revered as<br />

canonical, quite regardless of the way they were interpreted.<br />

As the Christian movement spread into the gentile world,<br />

it was but natural that the current Greek version of their inherited<br />

Scripture became their Bible. Because of the confidence<br />

that Jesus and the Christian movement were to be found in its<br />

pages and because of the Christian conviction that the Jewish<br />

understanding of the Scriptures was in error regarding what<br />

to them was palpably a Christian book, it is not surprising<br />

that the Septuagint speedily lost all authority in Jewish eyes<br />

and that the second century saw several new Greek translations<br />

(Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion) stemming from Jewish<br />

feelings of outrage that their Scripture was being so crassly<br />

misused and turned into a weapon against them. One of the<br />

most significant achievements by any early Christian scholar,<br />

well indicating the universal Christian acceptance of the Old<br />

Testament as a part of their inspired Scripture, was the gigantic<br />

Hexapla, with the Old Testament standing in six parallel<br />

columns (cf. above, Ancient Versions, Greek). Well aware of<br />

the fact, as he was, that frequently the Septuagint and the Hebrew<br />

diverge, Origen sought to indicate this. Material in the<br />

Septuagint but not in the Hebrew was indicated by warning<br />

obeli; material in the Hebrew but not in the Greek was indicated<br />

by asterisks. <strong>In</strong> addition to this monumental work by<br />

Origen, other recensions of the Septuagint (Hesychian and<br />

Lucianic) were subsequently made. Occasionally Christian<br />

scholars in the early days had some knowledge of Hebrew<br />

and made use of Hebrew texts, although regularly chided by<br />

Jewish scholars for employing inferior and corrupted texts;<br />

by and large until the 16th century, when knowledge of Greek<br />

and Hebrew became a scholarly must, study of the Old Testament<br />

was based upon the Greek texts. Although translations<br />

of both Testaments into Latin and Syriac were made early,<br />

Greek continued to be the usual medium until the fourth century.<br />

Gradually Latin became the common Christian tongue,<br />

and a standard authoritative Latin version of both Testaments<br />

became necessary to bring order out of the chaos which had<br />

arisen and of which Augustine remarked: “Whenever in earlier<br />

days a Greek manuscript came into any man’s hand, provided<br />

he fancied that he had any skill at all in both languages, he did<br />

not hesitate to translate it.” After completing his revision of the<br />

Latin text of the New Testament at Rome at the behest of Pope<br />

Damasus, Jerome went to Bethlehem and produced a version<br />

of the Old Testament. He claimed that it was a new translation<br />

into Latin of the Septuagint on the basis of Origen’s hexaplaric<br />

text, that is, the fifth column of the Hexapla. Whether this was<br />

actually a fresh translation, as Jerome claimed, or simply a revision<br />

of the Old Latin text, is uncertain, for Jerome’s claims<br />

are often unreliable. At any rate, he speedily became convinced<br />

of the need of a fresh translation of the Old Testament from<br />

the Hebrew text. This he made and, except for the Psalms, it<br />

is the present Vulgate (cf. above, Ancient Versions, Latin). His<br />

translation of the Hebrew Psalter was never likely to oust in<br />

popular regard his earlier translation from the Greek (Gallican<br />

Psalter). <strong>In</strong> consequence of his work, Jerome became convinced<br />

that only the books in the Hebrew Bible had warrant to<br />

be considered part of the Bible. Despite his arguments and insistence,<br />

the Roman Church continued to use the Apocrypha,<br />

which had been regularly regarded as canonical by Christians<br />

to whom the Septuagint was their Bible; the Apocrypha continued<br />

to be, as it is today, an unquestioned part of the Bible<br />

of the Roman Catholic Church, not collected at the end, but<br />

interspersed, as it was in the Septuagint, among the other Old<br />

Testament books. Jerome’s objections eventually found acceptance<br />

in Protestantism. Luther relegated the Apocrypha to the<br />

end of the Old Testament. Subsequently British and American<br />

churches came to exclude these books, even as a separate collection,<br />

from printed editions of the Bible, although in the 20th<br />

century they have regained a measured popularity as valuable<br />

reading. They are not, and they have not been since the Reformation,<br />

a veritable part of the Bible in Protestant eyes (see also<br />

*Luther; *Reformation; *Protestantism). For many centuries<br />

the basic contention of both Judaism and Christianity maintained<br />

that the Bible is totally different from all other books,<br />

and in consequence the rules and procedures for studying and<br />

appraising other writings do not apply here. The past three<br />

centuries have seen the rise and development of a direct chal-<br />

666 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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