JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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iran, avraham<br />

his own method of teaching the Bible. For Biram the training<br />

of pupils toward fulfilling their duties as citizens, and the inculcation<br />

of discipline, order, and precision, were educational<br />

principles which could determine the fate of the nation. He<br />

devoted special attention to physical education, military training,<br />

and scouting. Under his direction, the course of studies at<br />

the Reali High School consisted of six years of primary and six<br />

years of secondary education, the latter being divided into two<br />

stages, permitting specialization in the senior grades. Some<br />

of Biram’s reforms were later incorporated into the educational<br />

system of the country. Biram received the Israel Prize<br />

for Education in 1954.<br />

Bibliography: Sefer Biram (1956); Tidhar, 4 (1950), 1696f.<br />

[Joseph Bentwich]<br />

BIRAN, AVRAHAM (1909– ), archaeologist and diplomat.<br />

Born in Petaḥ Tikvah, of a third generation Ereẓ Israel family,<br />

Biran received his education at the Reali Secondary School in<br />

Haifa and at the David Yellin College in Bet ha-Kerem, Jerusalem.<br />

He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins<br />

University in Baltimore, where he studied with William Foxwell<br />

*Albright.<br />

From 1935 to 1937 he participated in various archaeological<br />

excavations with the University of Pennsylvania in Iraq<br />

and with the American Schools of Oriental Research near Irbid<br />

in Jordan. He also accompanied Nelson *Glueck on his<br />

discoveries along the Gulf of Elath, and in Palestine directed<br />

the excavations of the birthplace of the prophet Jeremiah in<br />

Anathoth (1935).<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1937, Biran was appointed District Officer of the Palestine<br />

Mandatory Government for the area of the Jezreel Valley.<br />

During this period he carried out an archaeological survey of<br />

the area. Transferring to Jerusalem in 1945, he became District<br />

Officer of the Mandatory Government for Jerusalem. He<br />

served as liaison between the United Nations representatives<br />

and the Jewish military authorities during the fighting before<br />

the 1948 Declaration of <strong>In</strong>dependence.<br />

Biran held a variety of positions with the government<br />

of Israel, initially as administrative assistant to Dov *Joseph,<br />

the military governor of Jerusalem, becoming governor of<br />

Jerusalem for several months. From 1949 to 1958 he was Israel<br />

Consul-General in Los Angeles and in 1958 was the director<br />

of the Armistice Affairs in the Foreign Ministry.<br />

Returning to archaeology, Biran took up the position of<br />

director of antiquities and museums of Israel and in 1974 became<br />

director of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology<br />

of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish <strong>In</strong>stitute of Religion<br />

in Jerusalem. <strong>In</strong> this capacity he directed the excavation<br />

of the Israelite sites of Ira and Aroer in the Negev; the ancient<br />

synagogue of Yesud ha-Ma’alah; and the longest ongoing excavations<br />

in Israel, at Tel Dan. These last excavations revealed<br />

a city founded in the 6th millennium B.C.E.; massive fortifications<br />

of the 2nd millennium, including a unique triple-arched<br />

gate of the 18th century B.C.E. still standing as originally built;<br />

a 14th-century B.C.E. tomb with Mycenean imports; evidence<br />

for the first settlement of the tribe of Dan, their installations<br />

for metal work; the Israelite sanctuary where *Jeroboam had<br />

set the golden calf, the religious center of northern Israel with<br />

its high place, chambers, altars; a royal scepter; and a dedicatory<br />

inscription in Greek and Aramaic – “To the God who is<br />

in Dan.” Biran was chairman of the Israel Exploration Society<br />

from 1978 (in 1999 he was named its president), the Government<br />

Names Committee, and the <strong>In</strong>ternational Committee<br />

of Museums and Sites (Israel) of UNESCO. <strong>In</strong> 2002 he was<br />

awarded the Israel Prize.<br />

[Elaine Hoter]<br />

BIRANIT (Heb. תי ִנרי ָ ּב; ִ “small fortress”), kibbutz in Israel,<br />

on the Lebanese border. Biranit was planned as the large rural<br />

center of a group of settlements including Zarit, Netu’ah,<br />

Shetulah, and Yakinton, in the framework of the Central<br />

Galilee Development Project inaugurated in 1963. Its nucleus<br />

was established on Dec. 1, 1964, by a Naḥal group affiliated<br />

with Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me’uḥad. The center’s initial tasks<br />

consisted of land reclamation, afforestation, and restoration<br />

of ancient woodlands, planting of fruit orchards, road building,<br />

and other development work. <strong>In</strong> the course of time the<br />

settlement was abandoned, the site becoming a military<br />

camp.<br />

[Efraim Orni]<br />

BIRIYYAH (Berai) (Heb. הָ ּירי ִ ּב ִ ;ירֵ ָּב),<br />

in the talmudic period<br />

an important Jewish town in Upper Galilee, 1 mi. (1½ km.)<br />

N. of Safed. After Safed’s importance decreased in the first<br />

century C.E. as an outcome of the Jewish war against Rome,<br />

Biriyyah took over its role as a regional center and became<br />

an important place of learning. Both in the Jerusalem and<br />

Babylonian Talmuds (Er. 45a, Git. 34a, TJ Meg. 2:3, 73b et al.)<br />

six sages who were residents of Biriyyah are mentioned. The<br />

Talmud also relates several episodes from the life of “Benei<br />

Berai,” i.e., Biriyyah’s inhabitants. <strong>In</strong> Biriyyah, R. Abba Sha’ul,<br />

one of the important sages of the Mishnah, is assumedly buried<br />

together with his wife, a fact mentioned by a number of<br />

travelers as late as 1876. According to kabbalist tradition, the<br />

tomb of Benaiah son of Jehoiada, one of the commanders of<br />

King David, is also to be found near Biriyyah. The genizah<br />

literature testifies that Jews lived at Biriyyah also between the<br />

11th and 13th centuries C.E., and it is possible that their descendants<br />

continued to be inhabitants of the village until the 16th<br />

century, when Biriyyah entered a new phase of ascendancy as<br />

many Jews expelled from Spain settled in Safed and its vicinity.<br />

It was then that Joseph *Caro completed at Biriyyah the first<br />

part of the *Shulḥan Arukh on the 2nd of Elul 5315 (1555 C.E.).<br />

The local Jews of that time were farmers and tradesmen, as<br />

were the Jewish inhabitants of neighboring villages. At the<br />

beginning of the 17th century, there were no longer any Jews<br />

living at Biriyyah, but the local synagogue existed until the<br />

18th century, serving the Jewish community of Safed in case<br />

of need; its keys were kept by local Arabs who showed great<br />

reverence for the synagogue.<br />

710 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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