JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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abbreviations<br />

IQSa The Rule of the Congregation or Serekh<br />

ha-Edah from Qumran, cave one (ed. by<br />

Burrows et al., Dead Sea Scrolls ..., 1 (1950),<br />

under the abbreviation IQ28a).<br />

IQSb Blessings or Divrei Berakhot from Qumran,<br />

cave one (ed. by Burrows et al., Dead Sea<br />

Scrolls ..., 1 (1950), under the abbreviation<br />

IQ28b).<br />

4QSama Manuscript of I and II Samuel from<br />

Qumran, cave four (partially ed. by F.M.<br />

Cross, in BASOR, 132 (1953), 15–26).<br />

4QSamb Manuscript of I and II Samuel from<br />

Qumran, cave four (partially ed. by F.M.<br />

Cross, in JBL, 74 (1955), 147–72).<br />

4QTestimonia Sheet of Testimony from Qumran, cave<br />

four (ed. by J.M. Allegro, in JBL, 75 (1956),<br />

174–87).).<br />

4QT.Levi Testament of Levi from Qumran, cave four<br />

(partially ed. by J.T. Milik, in RB, 62 (1955),<br />

398–406).<br />

Rabinovitz, Dik Sof See Dik Sof.<br />

RB Revue biblique (1892ff.)<br />

RBI Recherches bibliques (1954ff.)<br />

RCB Revista de cultura biblica (São Paulo )<br />

(1957ff.)<br />

Régné, Cat J. Régné, Catalogue des actes . . . des rois<br />

d’Aragon, concernant les Juifs (1213–1327),<br />

in: REJ, vols. 60 70, 73, 75–78 (1910–24).<br />

Reinach, Textes T. Reinach, Textes d’auteurs Grecs et<br />

Romains relatifs au Judaïsme (1895; repr.<br />

1963).<br />

REJ Revue des études juives (1880ff.).<br />

Rejzen, Leksikon Z. Rejzen, Leksikon fun der Yidisher<br />

Literature, 4 vols. (1927–29).<br />

Renan, Ecrivains A. Neubauer and E. Renan, Les écrivains<br />

juifs français ... (1893).<br />

Renan, Rabbins A. Neubauer and E. Renan, Les rabbins<br />

français (1877).<br />

RES Revue des étude sémitiques et Babyloniaca<br />

(1934–45).<br />

Rev. Revelation (New Testament).<br />

RGG3 Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart,<br />

7 vols. (1957–653).<br />

RH Rosh Ha-Shanah (talmudic tractate).<br />

RHJE Revue de l’histoire juive en Egypte (1947ff.).<br />

RHMH Revue d’histoire de la médecine hébraïque<br />

(1948ff.).<br />

RHPR Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses<br />

(1921ff.).<br />

RHR Revue d’histoire des religions (1880ff.).<br />

RI Rivista Israelitica (1904–12).<br />

Riemann-Einstein Hugo Riemanns Musiklexikon, ed. by A.<br />

Einstein (192911).<br />

Riemann-Gurlitt Hugo Riemanns Musiklexikon, ed. by W.<br />

Gurlitt (1959–6712), Personenteil.<br />

Rigg-Jenkinson,<br />

Exchequer<br />

J.M. Rigg, H. Jenkinson and H.G.<br />

Richardson (eds.), Calendar of the Pleas<br />

Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, 4 vols.<br />

(1905–1970); cf. in each instance also J.M.<br />

Rigg (ed.), Select Pleas ... (1902).<br />

RMI Rassegna Mensile di Israel (1925ff.).<br />

Rom. Epistle to the Romans (New Testament).<br />

Rosanes, Togarmah S.A. Rosanes, Divrei Yemei Yisrael be-<br />

Togarmah, 6 vols. (1907–45), and in 3 vols.<br />

(1930–382).<br />

Rosenbloom, Biogr J.R. Rosenbloom, Biographical Dictionary<br />

Dict<br />

of Early American Jews (1960).<br />

Roth, Art C. Roth, Jewish Art (1961).<br />

Roth, Dark Ages C. Roth (ed.), World History of the Jewish<br />

People, second series, vol. 2, Dark Ages<br />

(1966).<br />

Roth, England C. Roth, History of the Jews in England<br />

(19643).<br />

Roth, Italy C. Roth, History of the Jews in Italy (1946).<br />

Roth, Mag Bibl C. Roth, Magna Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica<br />

(1937).<br />

Roth, Marranos C. Roth, History of the Marranos (2nd rev.<br />

ed 1959; reprint 1966).<br />

Rowley, Old Test H.H. Rowley, Old Testament and Modern<br />

Study (1951; repr. 1961).<br />

RS Revue sémitiques d’épigraphie et d’histoire<br />

ancienne (1893/94ff.).<br />

RSO Rivista degli studi orientali (1907ff.).<br />

RSV Revised Standard Version of the Bible.<br />

Rubinstein, Australia I H.L. Rubinstein, The Jews in Australia, A<br />

Thematic History, Vol. I (1991).<br />

Rubinstein, Australia II W.D. Rubinstein, The Jews in Australia, A<br />

Thematic History, Vol. II (1991).<br />

Ruth Ruth (Bible).<br />

Ruth R. Ruth Rabbah.<br />

RV Revised Version of the Bible.<br />

Sac. Philo, De Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini.<br />

Salfeld, Martyrol S. Salfeld, Martyrologium des Nuernberger<br />

Memorbuches (1898).<br />

I and II Sam. Samuel, book I and II (Bible).<br />

Sanh. Sanhedrin (talmudic tractate).<br />

SBA Society of Biblical Archaeology.<br />

SBB Studies in Bibliography and Booklore<br />

(1953ff.).<br />

SBE Semana Biblica Española.<br />

SBT Studies in Biblical Theology (1951ff.).<br />

SBU Svenkst Bibliskt Uppslogsvesk, 2 vols. (1962–<br />

632).<br />

Schirmann, Italyah J.Ḥ. Schirmann, Ha-Shirah ha-Ivrit be-<br />

Italyah (1934).<br />

Schirmann, Sefarad J.Ḥ. Schirmann, Ha-Shirah ha-Ivrit bi-<br />

Sefarad u-vi-Provence, 2 vols. (1954–56).<br />

Scholem, Mysticism G. Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish<br />

Mysticism (rev. ed. 1946; paperback<br />

ed. with additional bibliography<br />

1961).<br />

Scholem, Shabbetai<br />

Ẓevi<br />

G. Scholem, Shabbetai Ẓevi ve-ha-Tenu’ah<br />

ha-Shabbeta’it bi-Ymei Ḥayyav, 2 vols.<br />

(1967).<br />

Schrader, Keilinschr E. Schrader, Keilinschriften und das Alte<br />

Testament (19033).<br />

Schuerer, Gesch E. Schuerer, Geschichte des juedischen<br />

Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, 3 vols. and<br />

index-vol. (1901–114).<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1

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