JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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erliner, abraham<br />

to attack him was R. Wolf Landsberg in his pamphlet Ze’ev<br />

Yitrof (Frankfurt on the Oder, 1793). After him came R. Mordecai<br />

Benet, who wrote to Berlin’s father and to other rabbis.<br />

A massive rabbinical campaign then followed which branded<br />

Berlin as an atheist who sought to uproot the foundations of<br />

the <strong>Torah</strong>. Berlin’s father came again to his aid, requesting the<br />

rabbis to retract their accusations against his son, and even attempting<br />

to establish the genuineness of the manuscript and<br />

R. Raphael ha-Kohen and his circle as the source of the libel. It<br />

seems that he succeeded in appeasing the rabbis, but not those<br />

scholars who held no rabbinical position. Disappointed, Berlin<br />

began to wander from one country to another. According<br />

to his relative Ẓevi Horowitz (Kitvei ha-Ge’onim, 1928), Berlin<br />

went to London in 1794 to take up the position of rabbi of<br />

the Ashkenazi community there but died before he was able<br />

to assume the office. His literary remains present many bibliographical<br />

problems, some of which have not yet been solved.<br />

He left critical essays which have been published in various<br />

places. He is probably the author of Ha-Orev (Vienna, 1795),<br />

attributed to R. Baruch *Jeiteles.<br />

Bibliography: C. Roth, The Great Synagogue London 1690–<br />

1940 (1950), 108–24, 180–201; Samet, in: KS, 43 (1967/68), 429–41; M.<br />

Wunder, ibid., 44 (1968/69), 307–8.<br />

[Abraham David]<br />

BERLINER, ABRAHAM (1833–1915), scholar and author.<br />

Berliner’s vast knowledge of rabbinic literature and of ancient<br />

and modern languages was mostly self-taught (cf. his autobiographical<br />

Aus meiner Knabenzeit, JJGL, 16 (1913), 165ff.). After<br />

succeeding his father as teacher in his native Obersitzko,<br />

he became preacher and teacher in Arnswalde (both in the<br />

province of Posen, then Germany). From 1858 to 1865 he lectured<br />

at the bet ha-midrash of the Berlin Talmudic Society<br />

out of which developed the Rabbinical Seminary, founded<br />

by Azriel *Hildesheimer in 1873. Here Berliner lectured in<br />

Jewish history and literature and was also librarian. <strong>In</strong> subsequent<br />

years he paid frequent visits to the important libraries<br />

of Germany, England, Holland, France, and, above all, Italy,<br />

in search of their Jewish treasures. He prepared the first critical<br />

edition of Rashi’s commentary on the Pentateuch, giving<br />

Rashi’s sources and explanatory notes (1866); this book was<br />

accepted by Leipzig university as a Ph.D. thesis. <strong>In</strong> the completely<br />

revised second edition (1905) he added a vocabulary of<br />

foreign words used in the commentary. Berliner pursued his<br />

Rashi studies in a number of important monographs and also<br />

turned his attention to other medieval commentators (Peletat<br />

Soferim, 1872, 19662). He also provided a modern edition<br />

of Targum Onkelos (1884). Berliner’s historical studies were<br />

chiefly devoted to Italian Jewry, as shown by his three-volume<br />

Geschichte der Juden in Rom (1893). On the history of<br />

German Jewry, he wrote Aus dem Leben der deutschen Juden<br />

im Mittelalter (1861, second revised and enlarged edition 1900,<br />

19373; Hebrew translation, 1900). Complementary to this work<br />

was a monograph Persoenliche Beziehungen zwischen Juden<br />

und Christen im Mittelalter (1882). Berliner also wrote biog-<br />

raphies of Israel *Isserlein and of Isaiah *Berlin and a defense<br />

of *Maimonides against the accusation of apostasy (Moses<br />

ben Maimon, sein Leben… 2 (1914), 103ff.). Berliner published<br />

many bibliographical studies and works on liturgy and Talmud.<br />

He discovered in Rome parts of commentaries on the<br />

Bible and the Talmud by *Hananel b. Ḥushi’el and *Gershom<br />

b. Judah and was instrumental in the inclusion of both commentaries<br />

in the Vilna (Romm) Talmud edition. <strong>In</strong> 1874 Berliner<br />

began to publish a Magazin fuer juedische Geschichte<br />

und Literatur which two years later became the Magazin fuer<br />

die Wissenschaft des Judentums (with a Hebrew supplement,<br />

Oẓar Tov), which he edited with David *Hoffmann until 1893.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1885 he revived the *Mekiẓe Nirdamim society. On his<br />

70th birthday he was awarded the title of professor by the Prussian<br />

government. On that occasion too appeared a Festschrift<br />

in his honor, edited by A. Freimann and M. Hildesheimer<br />

(Birkat Avraham, 1903) with a bibliography of his writings.<br />

A three-volume collection of Berliner’s writings was planned<br />

but only the first appeared in 1913. A two-volume collection<br />

was published in Hebrew (1945–49). Berliner was a staunch<br />

supporter of Orthodoxy and an opponent of Reform. He<br />

supported Hildesheimer in the establishment of the Adass<br />

Jisroel secessionist congregation and acted as the chairman<br />

of its council for many years. Yet in his Randbemerkungen<br />

he suggested certain changes in prayer texts and customs,<br />

which were not to the liking of some of his Orthodox<br />

friends.<br />

Bibliography: Eppenstein, in: Jeschurun (new series), 2<br />

(1915), 457ff. Add. Bibliography: Biographisches Handbuch der<br />

Rabbiner, 1:1 (2004), 186–87 (bibl.).<br />

[Alexander Carlebach]<br />

BERLINER, EMILE (1851–1929), inventor. Born and educated<br />

in Wolfenbuettel, Germany, Berliner emigrated to the<br />

U.S.A. in 1870. He worked in New York and Washington, D.C.,<br />

as a clerk, salesman, and assistant in a chemical laboratory.<br />

He studied electricity and in 1876 began experimenting with<br />

Bell’s newly invented telephone, which he succeeded in refining<br />

with his invention of the loose-contact telephone transmitter<br />

or microphone and the use of an induction coil. The<br />

Bell Telephone Company immediately purchased the rights<br />

to his invention, which for the first time made the telephone<br />

practical for long-distance use. Berliner was appointed chief<br />

electrical instruments inspector of the company. <strong>In</strong> 1887 he improved<br />

Edison’s phonograph by introducing a flat disc instead<br />

of a cylinder and the use of a shallow groove. The patent was<br />

acquired by the Victor Talking Machine Company and served<br />

as the basis for the modern gramophone. <strong>In</strong> his later years he<br />

engaged in aviation experiments and introduced the use of a<br />

revolving cylindered light engine. Between 1919 and 1926 he<br />

built three helicopters which he tested in flight himself. Berliner<br />

also interested himself in public matters, particularly in<br />

the field of health and hygiene. <strong>In</strong> 1890 he founded the Society<br />

for the Prevention of Sickness. <strong>In</strong> 1907 he organized the first<br />

milk conference in Washington, whose efforts contributed to<br />

460 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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