JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ava meẒia<br />

ited in Caesarea, no later than 350 C.E., while the rest of the<br />

Jerusalem Talmud was edited in Tiberias, some 50 years later.<br />

Among its distinguishing features are the short, pithy nature<br />

of the discussions, indicating a minimum of editing; a more<br />

primitive talmudic terminology; archaic Hebrew words; a<br />

relatively wider use of Greek and Latin (Caesarea was the<br />

seat of the Roman government in Palestine); and a distinctive<br />

orthography (e.g., - ָל for אָל). Anonymous statements in<br />

Nezikin are quoted elsewhere in the Jerusalem Talmud in the<br />

name of “the sages of Caesarea,” or in the name of specific<br />

amoraim who lived in Caesarea. When points of law relating<br />

to Nezikin are discussed elsewhere in the Jerusalem Talmud,<br />

the treatment differs from the parallels in Nezikin. Conversely,<br />

sections of Nezikin which discuss matters relating to<br />

other tractates do not correspond to the material found in the<br />

relevant section of those tractates, although it is reasonable<br />

to assume that they were present in the corresponding tractates<br />

of the Talmud collection used by the editor of Nezikin.<br />

All this leads to the conclusion that Nezikin differs from the<br />

other tractates of the Jerusalem Talmud and constitutes the<br />

only existing remnant of the “Talmud of Caesarea.” This issue<br />

has recently been reexamined by Y. Sussman, who arrived at<br />

different conclusions.<br />

Aside from the regular editions, commentaries and translations,<br />

Bava Kamma has received special scholarly attention<br />

with the publication of a new critical edition of the Jerusalem<br />

Talmud of Massekhet Nezikin, edited by E.S. Rosenthal with<br />

commentary by S. Lieberman, and a comparative study of the<br />

Mishnah and Tosefta by Abraham Goldberg.<br />

Bibliography: A. Weiss, Diyyunim u-Verurim be-Vava<br />

Kamma (1966); S. Lieberman, in: Tarbiz, 2 (1931), Suppl. 4; L. Jacobs,<br />

Studies in Talmudic Logic and Methodology (1961), 132–5; M. Silberg,<br />

Harvard Law Review, 75 (1961), 307–31; Epstein, Amora’im, 279–87;<br />

S. Lieberman, Sifrei Zutta (1968); S. Friedman, (ed.), Jonathan ha-<br />

Kohen’s Commentary to Bava Kamma (1969). Add. Bibliography:<br />

Y. Sussman, in: Talmudic Studies (1990), 55–133; Yerushalmi Neziqin,<br />

ed. E.S. Rosenthal (1983); A. Goldberg, Tosefta Bava Kamma:<br />

A Structural and Analytical Commentary (2001); A. Westreich, Sidra,<br />

19 (2004), 77–100.<br />

[Shamma Friedman]<br />

BAVA MEẒIA (Aram. אעי ָ ִצ ְמ אָ בָ ּב, “middle gate”), tractate of<br />

the Mishnah, with Gemara in the Jerusalem and Babylonian<br />

*Talmuds. Originally Bava Meẓia was not a separate tractate<br />

but the second part of the tractate Nezikin (see *Bava Kamma).<br />

Chapters 1 and 2 deal with the laws of *acquisition (kinyan)<br />

of lost or abandoned articles and describe the cases in which<br />

the article may not be acquired by the finder but must be held<br />

until claimed. These regulations are thus related to the laws of<br />

the last two chapters of Bava Kamma, which determine how<br />

and under what circumstances stolen articles may be legitimately<br />

acquired and under what circumstances they must be<br />

returned. Great religious importance is attached to the commandment<br />

of returning lost property: if a man returns a lost<br />

animal and it escapes again, he must continue to return it, even<br />

“100 times” (31a). Nonetheless, exemption is granted from this<br />

commandment if its performance would require violation of<br />

a ritual prohibition, entail behavior which is an affront to the<br />

personal dignity of the finder, or require the finder to neglect<br />

his own work and thereby sustain a financial loss greater than<br />

the object’s value (30a). Chapter 2:9 reads like a new beginning<br />

and probably represents the incorporation of a new source,<br />

originally a Midrash on Deuteronomy 22:1. It closes with a<br />

section which is religious and moral in tone, thus marking<br />

the end of a unit.<br />

An unpaid guardian, with whom goods were deposited<br />

for safekeeping, is discussed in chapter 3. He resembles one<br />

who guards found property (ch. 2), and also must, on some<br />

occasions, sell perishables deposited with him and hold the<br />

proceeds for the owner. If the guardian misuses the object, he<br />

is considered a robber and must assume all responsibility for<br />

subsequent damage. Chapter 4 opens with the general rules for<br />

acquiring movable property in a business transaction. Transfer<br />

of title to the buyer occurs, not at the time of payment, but<br />

only when the buyer takes the item (or symbolically “draws”<br />

it to himself). This means that the sale can be legally canceled<br />

even after payment, as long as the goods have not been<br />

“drawn”; but the sages said, “He that exacted punishment from<br />

the generation of the Flood … will exact punishment from<br />

him that does not abide by his spoken word” (4:2). However,<br />

R. Johanan held that originally payment of some amount of<br />

money effected the transfer of title, but that since this law led<br />

to abuse – the seller would not deliver but say, “Your wheat was<br />

destroyed by fire in the storeroom” – the rule was changed to<br />

its present form (46b). The remainder of the chapter contains<br />

a detailed section on ona’ah, unfair and illegal business practices<br />

(based on Lev. 25:17). Much attention is given to overcharging;<br />

the law guarantees redress to the party defrauded of<br />

one-sixth or more of the value of the purchase.<br />

Chapter 5 is a self-contained unit dealing with the laws<br />

of interest (see Lev. 25:36); it appears here probably by virtue<br />

of its association with the regulations on commerce found<br />

in chapter 4, and closes with a section emphasizing the ethical<br />

seriousness of the prohibition (see Tosef. 6:17). Chapter 6<br />

opens with cases of deception between employer and craftsmen,<br />

which can be considered a continuation of the theme of<br />

ona’ah found in chapter 4. The first Mishnah is followed by a<br />

series of mishnayot each beginning with the words, “If a man<br />

hired….” They deal with breach of contract in cases of hiring<br />

craftsmen or work animals. The final section concerns itself<br />

with craftsmen who work with others’ material but on their<br />

own premises; they have the status of “paid guardian” and are<br />

responsible for loss or theft. Chapter 7 gives rules of labor relations<br />

and the right of the employee, especially the agricultural<br />

worker, to eat from the produce of the field. This law reflects<br />

the interpretation that Deuteronomy 23:25–26 refers specifically<br />

to the agricultural worker and not to any passerby, for<br />

granting to the latter the rights of eating the field’s produce<br />

would not yield a viable situation for the owner (92a). The duty<br />

of the farmer to allow his animal to eat of the produce (Deut.<br />

25:4) is also treated. The discussion of the right of those who<br />

226 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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