JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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enedict, sir julius<br />

Spain in 1391, but this had already been granted them by the<br />

king of Castile. His attempt in 1410 to calm the excessive zeal<br />

of the inquisitors in Majorca may also have been due to the<br />

exigencies of diplomacy rather than to personal good will. His<br />

really spectacular anti-Jewish activity began when, expelled<br />

from Avignon, he moved to his native Spain, still claiming to<br />

be the only legitimate pope. The depressed condition of the<br />

Spanish Jews at the time persuaded him that he could startle<br />

Christendom by obtaining the conversion of all Spanish Jewry.<br />

The Disputation of *Tortosa was the result. When it was concluded<br />

in May 1415, Benedict issued his Bull Etsi doctoribus<br />

gentium imposing every conceivable restriction on Jewish life.<br />

It condemned the Talmud and ordered it expurgated of every<br />

statement that might appear uncomplimentary to Christianity,<br />

and it made contact between Jews and Christians all but<br />

impossible. The Bull’s enforcement lapsed after Benedict XIII<br />

was deposed by the Council of Constance in 1417; but its spirit<br />

remained alive and found echoes in a number of *Bulls by later<br />

popes. BENEDICT XIII (1724–1730) used every pressure, especially<br />

economic, on the inhabitants of the Roman ghetto to<br />

become converted to Christianity. He personally participated<br />

in the ceremonious baptism of 26 of them. He tried to limit<br />

Jewish trade to nonessentials. BENEDICT XIV (1740–1758) was<br />

deeply interested in the rigid interpretation and enforcement<br />

of Canon Law. Consequently, while reaffirming the right of<br />

the Jews of Avignon to trade in cloth, he increased the onus<br />

of the Jewish badge for the Jews of Rome by ordering them to<br />

wear it even when on a journey. A mere suspicion of consent<br />

was now enough to declare a Jew properly baptized; while a<br />

child, even if baptized without parental consent, was compelled<br />

to remain a Christian. Converts were limited to marrying<br />

only born Christians. Twice during his pontificate, in<br />

1753 and 1755, Jewish books were confiscated and examined<br />

for anti-Christian statements. Yet he recognized that Jewish<br />

taxation was too heavy. Moreover, it was under his auspices<br />

that Lorenzo Ganganelli (later Pope *Clement XVI) drew up<br />

his memorandum concerning the *blood libel, and Benedict<br />

subsequently wrote to the authorities in Poland deploring the<br />

recent wave of accusations.<br />

For Benedict XVI, see *Popes; *Vatican.<br />

Bibliography: BENEDICT VII: Roth, Dark Ages, 76, 119; Vogelstein-Rieger,<br />

1 (1896), 213. BENEDICT XII: Grayzel, in: HJ, 17 (1955),<br />

89–120; MHJ, 1 (1903), 62, no. 36; Baron, Social2, 11 (1967), 170f., 267.<br />

BENEDICT XIII (anti-pope): Baer, Spain, 2 (1966), 155, 167, 229ff.,<br />

393f.; M. Simonsohn, Kirchliche Judengesetzgebung im Zeitalter der<br />

Reformkonzilien von Konstanz und Basel (1912). BENEDICT XIII: E.<br />

Rodocanachi, Le Saint-Siège et les Juifs (1891), 220, 284; Roth, Italy,<br />

381. BENEDICT XIV: C. Roth, Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1934);<br />

Roth, Italy, 379, 411; Rodocanachi, op. cit., 266, 284, 292; Vogelstein-<br />

Rieger, 2 (1895), 242, 245ff.; New Catholic Encyclopedia, index.<br />

[Solomon Grayzel]<br />

BENEDICT, SIR JULIUS (Isaac; 1804–1885), composer<br />

and conductor, born in Stuttgart. After conducting in Vienna<br />

(1823–25) and later in Naples, he settled in London in 1835. He<br />

accompanied Jenny Lind on her American tour (1850–52) and<br />

conducted at Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Of his operas,<br />

the most successful was The Lily of Killarney (Covent Garden,<br />

1862). Although a convert to Protestantism (1826), he set to<br />

music Psalm 84 (first verse) for the inauguration of the first<br />

British Reform Synagogue (West London) in 1840. His works<br />

include cantatas, symphonies, and piano concertos. He wrote<br />

biographies of Felix Mendelssohn (18532) and Carl Maria von<br />

Weber (1881), whose pupil he was. He was knighted in 1871.<br />

Bibliography: P.H. Emden, Jews of Britain (1943), 514–15;<br />

Raphael, in: BLBI, 11 no. 41 (1968), 32–37; Grove, Dict; Riemann-Gurlitt;<br />

Baker, Biog Dict; Sendrey, Music, indexes.<br />

[Dora Leah Sowden]<br />

BENEDICT BEN MOSES OF LINCOLN (d. 1278), English<br />

financier, in secular records called Magister Benedictus filius<br />

Magistri Mossei de Lincolnia. Benedict came from a family of<br />

scholars: his great-grandfather, Moses of Bristol (later of Oxford),<br />

had been a patron of letters; his grandfather, Yom Tov<br />

(apparently also known as Simeon), composed the lost Sefer ha-<br />

Tena’im; and his father, R. *Moses b. Yom Tov of London, was<br />

the leading Hebrew and talmudic scholar of his day in England.<br />

One of Benedict’s brothers was Hagin (Ḥayyim), *archpresbyter<br />

of English Jewry from 1257 until his death in 1280; another<br />

was R. *Elijah Menahem b. Moses of London. Benedict’s business<br />

activities in Lincoln date from 1252 and are often referred<br />

to in the records of subsequent decades. It is conjectured that<br />

the *blood libel at Lincoln in 1255 took place when a number<br />

of Jews from all over England were assembled to celebrate the<br />

marriage of Benedict’s daughter Bellasset. Benedict was among<br />

those arrested. After his family had procured the intervention<br />

of the Castilian ambassador, Benedict was released in December<br />

1255 and his sequestered property restored to him. <strong>In</strong> Hebrew<br />

Benedict was known as R. Berechiah of Nicole (Lincoln).<br />

He was regarded as one of the outstanding Anglo-Jewish halakhic<br />

scholars of his day and was mentioned with veneration<br />

long after his death. R. Berechiah was also known as an exegete.<br />

His name occurs along with those of other English rabbis of<br />

the 13th century in the works of several tosafists.<br />

Bibliography: J. Jacobs, in: JHSET, 1 (1893–94), 101–2; C.<br />

Roth, ibid., 15 (1946), 29ff.; idem, in: JJS, 3 (1952), 56–61; Rigg-Jenkinson,<br />

Exchequer, index; Urbach, Tosafot, 402; J. Ḥazzan, Eẓ Ḥayyim,<br />

ed. by I. Brodie, 1 (1962), 141, 310; 2 (1964), 179; E.E. Urbach, in: Sefer<br />

ha-Yovel Tiferet Yisrael… Brodie (1967), 1ff.<br />

BENEDICTIONS (Heb. sing. הָכָ רְ ּב, berakhah; pl. תֹ וכרְ ָ ּב, berakhot),<br />

formulas of blessing or thanksgiving, in public and private<br />

services. The Hebrew noun berakhah is derived from the<br />

verb brk ךרב (“to fall on one’s knees”). The Talmud ascribes the<br />

institution and formulation of the benedictions to “the Men<br />

of the Great *Synagogue” (Ber. 33a), to the sages of old (Sif.<br />

Deut. 33:2; Mid. Ps. 17:4), or to the “120 elders” at the head of<br />

the community in the time of *Ezra (Meg. 17b; TJ, Ber. 2:4,<br />

4d). These references, however, cannot be considered histori-<br />

330 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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