JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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et din and judges<br />

1:5; Maim. Yad, Sanh. 5:1); the election of kings (Yad, loc. cit.<br />

and Melakhim 1:3) and of high priests (Yad, Kelei ha-Mikdash<br />

4:15); the expansion of the limits of the city of Jerusalem and<br />

of the Temple precincts (Sanh. 1:5), and the partition of the<br />

country among the tribes (according to Ulla; Sanh. 16a); the<br />

declaration of war (Sanh. 1:5); the offering of a sacrifice for<br />

the sin of the whole community (Lev. 4:13–15; Sanh. 13b); and<br />

the appointment and control of priests serving in the Temple<br />

(Mid. 5:4; Tosef., Ḥag. 2:9). The legislative functions of the<br />

Great Sanhedrin cannot easily be enumerated. It has been authoritatively<br />

said that the Great Court of Jerusalem was the<br />

essential source of all Oral Law (Yad, Mamrim 1:1). The law as<br />

laid down (or as interpreted) by the Great Sanhedrin is binding<br />

on everybody, and any person contravening or repudiating<br />

it was liable to the death penalty (Deut. 17:12; Sif. Deut.<br />

155; Yad, Mamrim 1:2), even where the law as laid down (or<br />

interpreted) by the court might appear misconceived: “even<br />

though they show you as right what in your eyes is left or as<br />

left what is right – you must obey them” (Sif. Deut. 155; but cf.<br />

Hor. 1:1 and TJ, Hor. 1:1, 45d; and see *Rabbinical Authority).<br />

As a corollary of their legislative powers, the Great Sanhedrin<br />

also exercised advisory functions: wherever in any court any<br />

question of law was in doubt, the final and binding opinion of<br />

the Great Court at Jerusalem would have to be taken (Sanh.<br />

88b; Yad, Sanh. 1:4). For the question of appeals see *Practice<br />

and Procedure.<br />

(4) Apart from the regular courts mentioned above, there<br />

sat in the Temple a special court of priests charged with the supervision<br />

of the Temple ritual and with civil matters concerning<br />

the priests (cf. Ket. 1:5). Mention is also made of a special<br />

court of levites, presumably with similar functions (cf. Tosef.,<br />

Sanh. 4:7). Originally, the priests performed general judicial<br />

functions: they were the sole competent interpreters (or diviners)<br />

of God’s judgment (Ex. 28:15, 30, 43; Num. 27:21; Deut.<br />

33:8–10); later, they adjudicated matters together or alternately<br />

with the judges (Deut. 17:9; 19:17; 21:5), and it seems that the<br />

litigants had the choice of applying to the priest for the dictum<br />

of God or to the judges for judgment according to law;<br />

eventually, the judicial functions of the priests were reduced<br />

to their simply being allotted some seats in the Great Sanhedrin<br />

(Sif. Deut. 153).<br />

(5) While no regular court could consist of less than three<br />

judges (Sanh. 3b), recognized experts in the law (“mumḥeh larabbim”)<br />

were already in talmudical times admitted as single<br />

judges (Sanh.5a), albeit in civil cases only and not without<br />

express reservations and disapproval – there being no true<br />

single judge other than God alone (Avot 4:8; Yad, Sanh. 2:11).<br />

No litigant could be compelled to submit to the jurisdiction<br />

of a single judge (Sh. Ar., ḤM 3:2).<br />

APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES. The appointment of judges<br />

presupposed the “semikhah” (“laying of hands”) by the appointer<br />

upon the appointee, as Moses laid his hands upon<br />

Joshua (Num. 27:23) thereby making him leader and supreme<br />

judge in succession to himself. The tradition is that through-<br />

out the ages judges received their authority from their immediate<br />

predecessors who “laid their hands” upon them; so<br />

it came about that in law the president of the Great Sanhedrin<br />

would be the authority conferring judicial powers on<br />

graduating judges (Sanh. 5a), in a formal procedure before a<br />

court of three in which he participated or which he appointed<br />

(Yad, Sanh. 4:5). But judges were also appointed by kings (e.g.,<br />

II Chron. 19:5–6), a power which appears to have eventually<br />

devolved on the *exilarch in Babylonia (Yad, Sanh. 4:13), but<br />

was superseded even there by the overriding authority of the<br />

heads of the academies (rashei yeshivot; cf. A. Harkavy (ed.),<br />

Zikhron… Kammah Ge’onim, 80f., no. 180). Courts need not<br />

be composed of authorized judges only: any duly authorized<br />

judge could form a court by co-opting to himself the necessary<br />

number of laymen (Yad, Sanh. 4:11).<br />

The original practice of semikhah ceased about the middle<br />

of the fourth century and at the present time battei din<br />

exercise their judicial functions only as agents of, and by virtue<br />

of, an implied authority from the Ancients (Git. 88b; BK<br />

84b; Yad, Sanh. 5:8). This “agency” does not extend to capital<br />

cases; even for cases involving fines nonauthorized judges<br />

would not be qualified (Sh. Ar., ḤM 1:1). It is only because of<br />

force of circumstances that the scope of jurisdiction was in<br />

practice never restricted, but extended to whatever causes local<br />

conditions required (cf. Netivot ha-Mishpat, Mishpat ha-<br />

Urim, ḤM 1:1; Nov. Ramban Yev. 46b).<br />

One of the consequences of the cessation of the traditional<br />

authorization of judges was the adoption in many<br />

(mostly Western European) communities of a system of election<br />

of judges; in Spain, the judges were elected every year,<br />

along with all other officers of the community (cf. Resp. Ribash<br />

207). The leading rabbinical authorities of the period were<br />

time and again consulted about election procedures (cf., e.g.,<br />

Resp. Rashba vol. 3, nos. 417, 422–5; vol. 5, no. 284), so as to<br />

ensure that the best and most impartial candidates would be<br />

elected. It seems that, when elected, they could not refuse to<br />

serve, even though they had not put up their candidature (cf.<br />

Rema ḤM 25:3; see Judicial *Autonomy; *Mishpat Ivri).<br />

<strong>In</strong> the State of Israel today, the procedure for appointing<br />

rabbinical judges is similar to that for appointing secular<br />

judges (Dayyanim Act, 5715 – 1955), but while the qualifications<br />

of secular judges are laid down in the law, those of rabbinical<br />

judges are in each individual case to be attested to by<br />

the chief rabbis on the strength of examinations.<br />

No authorization (semikhah) and no appointment of a<br />

judge will be valid where the appointee did not possess the<br />

necessary qualifications (Maim. Yad, Sanh. 4:15); and the sin<br />

of appointing unqualified judges is said to be tantamount<br />

to erecting an *asherah beside the altar of the Lord (Sanh.<br />

7b); and where the man was appointed because he was rich,<br />

it was like making gods of silver or gods of gold (ibid.), not<br />

only causing miscarriages of justice but idolatry (Maim. loc.<br />

cit., 3:8); and it is reported that judges appointed because of<br />

their money were treated with open contempt (TJ, Bik. 3:3,<br />

65d). “The Sages have said that from the Great Court mes-<br />

514 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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