JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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aerwald, alex<br />

(Eshkol). Baer’s first extensive research was into the history<br />

of the Jews of Christian Spain. On this subject he wrote his<br />

dissertation Studien zur Geschichte der Juden im Königreich<br />

Aragonien während des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts (Berlin, 1913);<br />

Untersuchungen über Quellen und Komposition des Schebet<br />

Jehuda (Berlin, 1923; second printing 1936); Probleme der jüdisch-spanischen<br />

Geschichte (in KAWJ, 6 (1925), 5–25); articles<br />

on Abner of Burgos (in Tarbiz, 11 (1939/40), 188–206), on the<br />

disputations of Paris, Barcelona, and Tortosa, on Isaac Abrabanel<br />

(in Tarbiz, 8 (1936/37), 241–59); Die Juden im christlichen<br />

Spanien (1929, 1936), an important two-volume collection of<br />

unpublished documents on Spain, which served as the basis<br />

for his History of the Jews in Christian Spain (Heb., 1945, 19592,<br />

repr. 1965; Eng. ed., 2 vols., 1961–66), which is regarded as the<br />

standard work on the subject. Baer’s work is remarkable for<br />

its broad historical outlook, accuracy in detail, and scholarly<br />

synthesis. These qualities enabled him to throw new light on<br />

the economic, social, legal, political as well as the religious and<br />

cultural condition of Spanish Jewry. His works are a model of<br />

historiography. Especially important among his studies of the<br />

development and history of the Jewish communal organization<br />

are his Das Protokollbuch der Landjudenschaft des Herzogtums<br />

Kleve, 1 (1922, repr. 1936), and his article on the beginnings<br />

and fundaments of Jewish communal organization<br />

in the Middle Ages (Zion, 15 (1949/50, 1–41). His method seeks<br />

to bring to light the internal forces that fashioned the Jewish<br />

communities within the framework of general history and local<br />

conditions. Baer believed that the essential features of Jewish<br />

communal organization were already set during the early<br />

generations of the Second Temple period and that these forms<br />

of organization were a product of the religious and national<br />

experiences of the people, and not that the Diaspora gave birth<br />

to them, although there were changes reflecting special conditions<br />

of time and place. Baer also investigated the spiritual and<br />

religious world of the Jewish people from the Second Temple<br />

period and the Middle Ages. Among his studies in this area<br />

are a series of articles in Zion written between 1932 and 1961<br />

dealing with the theology of the Sefer Ḥasidim (see also Baer’s<br />

contribution to G. Scholem… Fest schrift, 1968) and the Ḥasidei<br />

Ashkenaz in general; with the historical basis of halakhah;<br />

with the relations between Jews, the early Christian Church,<br />

and the Roman Empire until Constantine; and his books Galut<br />

(Ger. 1936; Eng. 1947, Port. 1952) and Yisrael ba-Ammim<br />

(1955), and the article “Social Ideals of the Second Commonwealth”<br />

(in Cahiers d’Histoire Mondiale, 11 (1967/68), 69–91).<br />

From all these emerges an original view of the entire course of<br />

Jewish history. According to Baer the driving force of Jewish<br />

history lies in the continuing socioreligious activity of groups<br />

of pious and practical men of faith who aimed at perfecting<br />

the world. They succeeded in influencing the active elements<br />

among the people, with their beliefs and teachings, maintaining<br />

close ties with the non-Jewish world, and participating in<br />

its religiocultural and socioethical development. Baer reveals<br />

keen understanding of hellenistic and Christian culture and<br />

society. From this vantage point he examined the history of the<br />

Jews in the days of the Second Temple. His conclusions may<br />

be evaluated from his above-mentioned works as well as from<br />

articles in Molad (21 (1963), 308ff.) and Zion (23–24 (1958–59),<br />

nos. 3–4) and on Serekh ha-Yaḥad (“The Manual of Discipline,”<br />

Zion, 29, 1964), which he sees as a Judeo-Christian document<br />

of the beginning of the second century C.E. He also dealt with<br />

the image of Judaism in the synoptic gospels (Zion, 31, 1966)<br />

and came to the conclusion that the polemics reflect conditions<br />

of the period following the destruction of the Temple.<br />

Baer is recognized as one of the most fruitful students and<br />

teachers of Jewish history of modern times. A jubilee volume<br />

was published in his honor in 1961 on the occasion of his 70th<br />

birthday (including his bibliography up to 1959).<br />

Bibliography: I. Sonne, in: JSOS, 9 (1947), 61–80; L. Yahil,<br />

in: Molad, 21 (1963), 549–3: H.H. Ben-Sasson, in: Religion and Society,<br />

Lectures of the Historical Society of Israel (Heb., 1964), 23–40; J.M.<br />

Millás, in: KS, 9 (1932/33), 464–5; C. Roth, ibid., 15 (1938/39), 200–1;<br />

F. Cantera, in: Sefarad, 1 (1941), 232–3; 26 (1966), 346–52; J.M. Millás,<br />

ibid., 5 (1945), 417–40; 6 (1946), 163–88; 22 (1962), 178–80.<br />

[Benzion Dinur (Dinaburg)]<br />

BAERWALD, ALEX (1878–1930), one of the first Jewish architects<br />

in Ereẓ Israel. He was born in Berlin, and studied<br />

architecture at Charlottenburg. <strong>In</strong> 1910, he was invited by<br />

the Hilfsverein to plan the Technion buildings and the Reali<br />

school in Haifa. <strong>In</strong> these buildings, Baerwald tried to create a<br />

Jewish style of architecture, based on Muslim architecture.<br />

Baerwald settled in Palestine in 1925, when he was appointed<br />

a lecturer at the Technion (which had been opened<br />

in 1924), and founded its Faculty of Architecture. He built<br />

many buildings in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and elsewhere in Palestine,<br />

in the same style that he developed in the Technion<br />

buildings (Bet Struck, the Anglo-Palestine Bank in Haifa).<br />

<strong>In</strong> spite of the quality of these buildings and their high architectural<br />

standard their influence on the development of<br />

architecture in Jewish Palestine was very limited. Baerwald<br />

himself designed a number of buildings in the contemporary<br />

modern European style. These include the Central Jezreel<br />

Valley Hospital and the Electricity Company’s power stations<br />

at Haifa and Tiberias. He also planned two buildings in<br />

kibbutz Merḥavyah, combining rural European architecture<br />

with Middle Eastern motifs.<br />

Add. Bibliography: A. Elhanani, “Israeli Architecture in<br />

the Twentieth Century” (Heb., 1998).<br />

[Abraham Erlik]<br />

BAERWALD, MORITZ (1860–1919), German lawyer and<br />

politician. Baerwald was born in Thorn, West Prussia, and<br />

founded a law firm in Bromberg, Posen, where Jewish business<br />

and professional men constituted the nucleus of the urban<br />

bourgeoisie and enjoyed privileges not easily available<br />

to them elsewhere in Germany. Baerwald was elected to the<br />

board of attorneys, to the Bromberg city government, and to<br />

the Prussian Diet in 1912. <strong>In</strong> 1919 he was elected to the German<br />

National Assembly but, like all the other deputies from<br />

54 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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