JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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mahot be-Yisrael, 2 (1948), 33; idem, Die Drei-Gemeinde (1966), 66;<br />

A. Eckstein, Nachtraege zur Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen<br />

Fuerstbistum Bamberg (1899), 5; Loewenstein, in: JJLG, 3 (1905), 233;<br />

ibid., 8 (1910), 72.<br />

[Yehoshua Horowitz]<br />

BERLIN, RAYNA BATYA (c. 1817–c. 1875), learned East<br />

European woman remembered for her concern with the<br />

status of women in traditional Judaism. Berlin lived her<br />

entire life in the orbit of the Volozhin Yeshivah. Her grandfather,<br />

R. Ḥayyim *Volozhiner, founded the yeshivah, and<br />

her father, R. Isaac *Volozhiner, would later take over. <strong>In</strong> 1831<br />

Rayna Batya married R. Naphtali Ẓevi Judah Berlin (Neẓiv),<br />

a promising student who became leader of the yeshivah in<br />

1854. The couple had four children, R. Hayyim, who married<br />

Rivka Zeitlin and was a rabbi in Moscow and later in<br />

Jerusalem, Michael, who died in his youth, and Sarah Resha<br />

and Dreyzl, who were married consecutively to R. Raphael<br />

Shapira.<br />

<strong>In</strong> this environment of intense engagement with Jewish<br />

texts, where knowledge of <strong>Torah</strong> was honored above all else, it<br />

is not surprising that some of the women in the family would<br />

also take an interest in Jewish study and knowledge. Family<br />

stories about Berlin’s grandmother, as well as Berlin and her<br />

sister, describe sharp-witted and sharp-tongued women committed<br />

to upholding the rabbinic world view. By far the most<br />

complete picture of Berlin comes from the memoirs of her<br />

nephew, R. Barukh ha-Levi Epstein. Epstein, whose mother<br />

was the Neẓiv’s sister, spent the middle years of the 1870s as a<br />

student at the Volozhin Yeshivah. During these years he was<br />

also a frequent visitor at the home of his uncle and aunt. <strong>In</strong> a<br />

volume of his memoirs devoted to R. Naftali Ẓevi Judah Berlin,<br />

Epstein included one chapter on his aunt, entitled, “<strong>Wisdom</strong><br />

of Women.” The portrait of Rayna Batya Berlin produced<br />

by Epstein is of an unusually learned Jewish woman,<br />

frustrated by the limits imposed on her by gender and Jewish<br />

law. According to Epstein, Berlin spent her days sitting in her<br />

kitchen surrounded by Jewish texts including volumes of the<br />

Mishnah and aggadah as well as historical and other works.<br />

On his visits, she would frequently engage him in discussions<br />

about women in Jewish law, especially with regard to the study<br />

of the <strong>Torah</strong>. <strong>In</strong> recent years a number of scholars have taken<br />

an interest in Rayna Batya Berlin and her anomalous position<br />

in Orthodox Judaism.<br />

Bibliography: M. Bar-Ilan, Fun Volozhin biz Yerushalayim<br />

(1933); idem, Raban shel Yisrael (1943); B. Epstein, Mekor Barukh<br />

(1954); D. Seeman, “The Silence of Rayna Batya: <strong>Torah</strong>, Suffering, and<br />

Rabbi Barukh Epstein’s ‘<strong>Wisdom</strong> of Women,’” in: <strong>Torah</strong> U-Madda<br />

Journal, 6 (1995–96); D. Seeman and R. Kobrin, “ ‘Like One of the<br />

Whole Men’: Learning, Gender and Autobiography in R. Barukh<br />

Epstein’s Mekor Barukh,” in: Nashim, 5 (1999); S. Zolty, ‘And All Your<br />

Children Shall be Learned’: Women and the Study of <strong>Torah</strong> in Jewish<br />

Law and History (1993).<br />

[Eliyana R. Adler (2nd ed.)]<br />

berlin, saul ben Ẓevi hirsch levin<br />


Saul Hirschel; 1740–1794), German rabbi. His father was<br />

Hirschel *Levin (Ẓevi Hirsch) and his brother, Solomon<br />

*Hirschel. At the age of 20, he was ordained by some of the<br />

greatest rabbis of the time. <strong>In</strong> 1768 he was serving as av bet din<br />

in Frankfurt on the Oder. <strong>In</strong> 1778 he wrote an approbation for<br />

Moses Mendelssohn’s commentary on the <strong>Torah</strong> Biur (Be’ur;<br />

Berlin, 1783). Some time before 1782 Berlin, becoming disenchanted<br />

with what he considered antiquated rabbinical authority,<br />

retired from the rabbinate and settled in Berlin. There<br />

he joined the Haskalah group whose members, known as the<br />

Me’assefim, were the pupils and admirers of Mendelssohn.<br />

He was also an ardent supporter of Naphtali Herz *Wessely<br />

at a time when the most eminent rabbis of Germany violently<br />

opposed him. After the publication of Wessely’s Divrei Shalom<br />

ve-Emet (Berlin, 1782), Berlin wrote a satire Ketav Yosher<br />

(published anonymously after his death, 1794), in which he<br />

sharply criticized the methods of education and the scholarship<br />

of his time as well as the customs and superstitions which<br />

had spread among the people. It also sought to dispel the rabbis’<br />

opposition to the work of Wessely. <strong>In</strong> 1784 he traveled to<br />

Italy, ostensibly to seek a cure for his rheumatism, but, quite<br />

conceivably, to meet those rabbis who had placed themselves<br />

in Wessely’s camp. <strong>In</strong> Italy Berlin wrote a provocative anonymous<br />

pamphlet of objections to the Birkei Yosef of R. Ḥayyim<br />

Joseph David *Azulai (Leghorn, 1772), to which the latter replied<br />

in his book Maḥazik Berakhah (ibid., 1785). <strong>In</strong>teresting<br />

himself in manuscripts, Berlin began to edit the Or Zaru’a of<br />

*Isaac b. Moses of Vienna, to which he added his own notes<br />

and novellae; these were omitted, however, from the posthumously<br />

published version in 1862. <strong>In</strong> 1789 his book Miẓpeh<br />

Yokte’el appeared in Berlin under the pseudonym of Obadiah<br />

b. Baruch Ish Polonyah. It contained the most extreme criticism<br />

of the novellae to Yoreh De’ah, entitled Torat Yekuti’el,<br />

by Raphael b. Jekuthiel Susskind *Kohen, rabbi of the united<br />

communities of Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbeck. Berlin’s<br />

book, in which Raphael is accused of plagiarism and of condoning<br />

corruption, stirred up a storm among the rabbis, including<br />

Berlin’s own father, who placed a ban upon the book<br />

and upon its author. When the identity of the author became<br />

known, his father regretted his action and tried to protect his<br />

son. However, before the storm had subsided, another of his<br />

books, Besamim Rosh, appeared in Berlin in 1793 and touched<br />

off a new tempest. The book contains 392 responsa purporting<br />

to be by Asher b. Jehiel and his contemporaries: on the<br />

title page it was stated that these responsa had been collected<br />

and prepared for publication by R. Isaac di Molina. Although<br />

Berlin maintained that he had copied the book from a manuscript<br />

in Italy and that he had only added his own notes and<br />

novellae (Kassa de-Harsana), it soon became evident that the<br />

statements attributed to Asher and the other rabbis quoted<br />

were full of strange leniencies which actually bordered on antinomianism.<br />

The suspicion was soon raised that the whole<br />

book was fictitious and that its author was Berlin. The first<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 459

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