JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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of individual scholar-translators with particular approaches to<br />

present their own vision of the text. Major translations since<br />

NJV (1962) include three traditionalist versions and three more<br />

“literary” renderings. Some of these are clearly intended for<br />

synagogue use, while others aim at a broader audience.<br />

Aryeh Kaplan, The Living <strong>Torah</strong>: A New Translation<br />

Based on Traditional Jewish Sources (1981, no Hebrew), is an<br />

example of a translation wrought in line with traditional Jewish<br />

teachings. Kaplan was known for his interpretations of<br />

Kabbalah and his expositions of traditional Judaism. <strong>In</strong> his<br />

<strong>In</strong>troduction to The Living <strong>Torah</strong>, he cites the Rabbinic tradition<br />

against literal translation (Kid. 49a, Tosef., Meg. 3:21),<br />

and promotes an idiomatic approach as the one most likely to<br />

avoid misreading. Kaplan approaches narrative texts with an<br />

eye to making them readable, as in storytelling; in contrast,<br />

he treats legal texts primarily in the light of “the final decision<br />

in Jewish law.” He summarizes his goal as attempting to create<br />

a translation that is “accurate, clear, modern, readable, and<br />

above all, in consonance with the living tradition of Judaism.”<br />

As a rule he supplies a healthy dose of translation alternatives<br />

in his notes, drawing mostly on ancient versions (especially<br />

Targumim) and a wide selection of medieval commentators.<br />

Example A: Gen. 35:22, “While Jacob was living undisturbed<br />

in the area, Reuben went and disturbed the sleeping<br />

arrangements of Bilhah, his father’s concubine.” Kaplan derives<br />

this reading from TB Shabbat 55a, b, as distinct from the<br />

usual “Reuben went and lay with Bilhah…,” but gives other<br />

choices in his notes.<br />

Example B: Ex. 33:14, 18, “‘My Presence will go and lead<br />

you,’ replied [God].”…. “‘Please let me have a vision of Your<br />

Glory,’ begged Moses.” These passages feature a less formal<br />

tone, and offer differing renderings for vayyomar.<br />

Samson Rafael Hirsch, The Pentateuch (English Translation<br />

by Gertrude Hirschler) (1990, includes Hebrew), an unusual<br />

project in that it incorporates a translation of a translation,<br />

reflects the 19th-century German Neo-Orthodox leader’s<br />

approach of deriving “the meaning of the words from the<br />

treasure of linguistic explanations which we possess in our<br />

traditional literature” and from his own phonetic-etymological<br />

system. His lengthy commentary is largely philosophical,<br />

and often makes use of biblical language as a springboard for<br />

his thoughts.<br />

Example A: Gen. 1:26, “‘Let Us make an Adam (a deputy)<br />

in a form worthy of us.’” Here Hirsch understands adam as<br />

flowing from the “majesty of plurality” suggested in na’aseh<br />

adam (“Let Us make man”), and notes that “only as a representative<br />

of the community as a whole can the sovereign rule<br />

over his subjects. <strong>In</strong> the same spirit, the Creator now wishes<br />

to inform the terrestrial world that its [human] master is to<br />

be appointed for its own welfare.” He also derives adam from<br />

adom, red, which, as “the least-broken ray of the spectrum,”<br />

is “the closest manifestation of the Divine earth.”<br />

Example B: Ex. 17:12, “The hands of Moshe became heavy;<br />

and they took a stone and placed it under him, and he sat upon<br />

it. Aharon and Hur supported his hands, the one on the one<br />

bible<br />

side and the other on the other side; so his hands remained<br />

an expression of trust until the sun went down.” Hirsch reads<br />

emunah not as the customary etymology would have it, “firm,”<br />

but rather theologically, “an expression of trust.”<br />

The Chumash (ArtScroll Series: The Stone Edition; ed.<br />

Nosson Scherman) (1993); incorporated in Tanach (The Stone<br />

Edition) (1996, includes Hebrew), like the previous two works,<br />

translates with an eye to rabbinic understandings of the text<br />

and incorporates these into the translation when it feels them<br />

to be warranted. Strikingly, the English text is printed entirely<br />

in italics. The translation is part of ArtScroll’s program of presenting<br />

classical Jewish texts in English and Hebrew, accompanied<br />

by traditionally-based commentaries.<br />

Example A: Deut. 6:5, “You shall love HASHEM, your<br />

God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your<br />

resources.” The choice of “resources” reflects the understanding<br />

of me’od found in Targum Onkelos, Sifre (Deut. 32), and<br />

M. Ber. 9:5.<br />

Example B: Lev. 20:27, “Any man or woman in whom<br />

there shall be the sorcery of Ov or of Yid’oni, they shall be<br />

put to death.” The reader is directed to a note that reads in<br />

part, “Ov and Yid’oni were magical means of foretelling<br />

the future,” differing somewhat from modern scholarly interpretation,<br />

which understands them as related to departed<br />

spirits.<br />

Everett Fox, The Five Books of Moses (The Schocken Bible,<br />

Vol. 1) (1995; rev. 1997, no Hebrew), following in the footsteps<br />

of the German Buber-Rosenzweig translation (q.v.), seeks to<br />

echo rhythms and literary devices of the Hebrew text. While<br />

not as radical as the German work, given the less malleable<br />

nature of English, it is designed, like its predecessor, to be read<br />

aloud and to give the English reader an aural feel for the Hebrew<br />

text. Thus it is printed in a form resembling free verse,<br />

names retain their Hebrew forms, as in Hirsch, and the principle<br />

of “leading words” (Buber) – theme words in the text – is<br />

reflected in English. Fox’s line divisions do not strictly follow<br />

the traditional te’amim, but they often correspond to them.<br />

The text is accompanied by commentary on thematic issues,<br />

and notes on specific words. Previous versions of his Genesis<br />

appeared in 1972 and 1983; of Exodus, in 1986.<br />

Example A: Ex. 2:10, “She called his name: Moshe/He-<br />

Who-Pulls-Out; / she said: For out of the water meshitihu/Ipulled-him.”<br />

The translation, using the Hebrew form of Moses’s<br />

name and the Hebrew phrase attached to it by Pharaoh’s<br />

daughter, points to the grammatical significance of the form<br />

Moshe (in hiph’il) as an active foreshadowing of Moses’s future<br />

role.<br />

Example B: Gen. 6:11, 13, “Now the earth had gone to<br />

ruin before God, the earth was filled with wrongdoing. / God<br />

saw the earth, and here, it had gone to ruin, / for all flesh had<br />

ruined its way upon the earth. / …here, I am about to bring<br />

ruin upon them, together with the earth.” The repetition of key<br />

word “ruin,” representing the Hebrew root sh-h’-t, appears to<br />

be used by the text to express the biblical concept of the punishment<br />

corresponding to the crime.<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 623

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