JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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tinued to be the southern frontier of the kingdom of Judah;<br />

the expression “from Dan to Beer-Sheba” was then replaced by<br />

“from Beer-Sheba to the hill-country of Ephraim” (II Chron.<br />

19:4) or “from Geba to Beer-Sheba” (II Kings 23:8). Zibiah, the<br />

mother of Jehoash, king of Judah, originated from Beer-Sheba<br />

(II Kings 12:2). Elijah set out on his journey to Horeb from<br />

Beer-Sheba, the gateway to the desert (I Kings 19:3, 8). The city<br />

was settled by Jews after the return from Babylon (Neh. 11:27,<br />

30). The biblical town of Beer-Sheba is to be sought at Tell al-<br />

Saʿb (Tell Beer-Sheba, a unesco World Heritage site (2005)),<br />

2½ mi. (4 km.) NE of the new town, where remains of a fortress<br />

and potsherds from the Iron Age to the Roman period were<br />

found in excavations begun in 1969 by Y. Aharoni.<br />

After 70 C.E. Beersheba was included in the Roman frontier-line<br />

defenses against the Nabateans and continued to be<br />

a Roman garrison town after the Roman annexation of the<br />

Nabatean kingdom. A large village existed then at its present<br />

site, where many remains have been found including mosaic<br />

pavements and Greek inscriptions (including a sixth-century<br />

C.E. ordinance regarding tax payments, which was issued to<br />

the south of the country, and a synagogue inscription). <strong>In</strong> the<br />

fourth and fifth centuries C.E., Beersheba first belonged to the<br />

district of Gerar and was later annexed to “Palaestina Tertia.”<br />

The town was abandoned in the Arab period.<br />

[Michael Avi-Yonah]<br />

Modern Beersheba<br />

The modern settlement dates from 1900, when the Turkish<br />

government set up an administrative district in southern Palestine<br />

separate from that of Gaza and built an urban center<br />

in this purely nomadic region. The Turks were motivated by<br />

the need to strengthen governmental authority over the Bedouin<br />

at a time when Turkey was struggling with Britain over<br />

the delineation of the Egyptian border in Sinai. German and<br />

Swiss engineers aided in laying out a city plan. Both a city and<br />

a district council were set up, and Bedouin sheikhs held seats<br />

on them. Until 1914, however, progress was slow, and Beersheba<br />

had about 800 Muslim inhabitants and some Jewish<br />

families, one of whom ran a flour mill. <strong>In</strong> World War I, the<br />

town became the principal base for the Turko-German Army<br />

fighting on the Suez and Sinai front. Fortifications were laid<br />

out around the town and more settlers, including Jews, came<br />

and provided services to the army. A branch of the Jerusalem-<br />

Jaffa railway line was constructed and led beyond Beersheba<br />

to the southwest. On Oct. 31, 1917, the town was taken by Allied<br />

forces under General *Allenby’s command, with Australian<br />

and New Zealand units prominent in the battle. Allied<br />

losses were considerable; the British War Cemetery at Beersheba<br />

has about 1,300 graves. When Beersheba’s strategic role<br />

ended, its economy dwindled and the railway was dismantled.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1920, a few Jewish laborers planted a tree nursery and eucalyptus<br />

grove there and experimented with cultivating vegetables<br />

and other crops. <strong>In</strong> 1922, the population reached 2,356,<br />

among whom were 98 Jews. By 1931, the number of Jews had<br />

beersheba<br />

decreased to 11. The last Jews left during the 1936–39 riots, but<br />

efforts were intensified to purchase land for Jewish settlement<br />

in the Negev. During the *War of <strong>In</strong>dependence the invading<br />

Egyptian army made Beersheba its headquarters for the Negev.<br />

When the town was taken by Israel forces on Oct. 21, 1948, it<br />

was totally abandoned by its inhabitants. Early in 1949, Jewish<br />

settlers, mostly new immigrants, established themselves there.<br />

The population, which totaled 1,800 at the end of 1949, reached<br />

25,500 in 1956, 51,600 in 1962, and over 70,000 in 1968.<br />

The vast majority of its inhabitants were originally new<br />

immigrants, mainly from North Africa, Iraq, <strong>In</strong>dia, Romania,<br />

Poland, Hungary, and South America. The first arrivals took<br />

over the abandoned houses, but from 1951 large new suburbs<br />

were built extending mainly to the north and northwest, while<br />

to the east a large industrial area sprang up. Arab Beersheba of<br />

Turkish times now became a small “old city” in a large modern<br />

town. The municipal area of about 10 sq. mi. (26 sq. km.)<br />

was doubled in 1967. Beersheba became the capital of Israel’s<br />

Southern District, and a hub of communications linking up<br />

with the main roads and the railway lines Lydda-Kiryat Gat<br />

and Dimonah-Oron. A pumping station of the Eilat-Haifa<br />

oil pipeline was located there. Its largest industries (ceramics,<br />

sanitary ware, fire-resistant bricks, pesticides and other<br />

chemicals, and bromide compounds) exploited Negev minerals.<br />

There was also a large textile factory, flour mill, machine<br />

garage, and smaller plants for building materials, diamonds,<br />

metals, and other industries. The city had several academic,<br />

scientific, and cultural institutions, of which the Soroka Medical<br />

Center and the Municipal Museum were the first. <strong>In</strong> 1957,<br />

the Negev <strong>In</strong>stitute for Arid Zone Research was established,<br />

which experiments with water desalination by electrodialysis,<br />

exploitation of solar energy, cloud seeding, adaptation of<br />

plants to aridity, hydroponics, and human behavior under desert<br />

conditions. The <strong>In</strong>stitute for Higher Education, opened in<br />

1965, was formally recognized as the University of the Negev<br />

in 1970 and had 1,600 students. Subsequently renamed Ben-<br />

Gurion University after Israel’s first prime minister. It had<br />

15,000 students in 2002. <strong>In</strong> 1973 the Beersheba Theater and<br />

the Symphony Orchestra were established. Beersheba also<br />

had a Biological <strong>In</strong>stitute, mainly for the study of plant life<br />

in the desert. The city also served as a market center for the<br />

Negev’s tens of thousands of Bedouin and had several large<br />

hotels. The traditional Thursday Bedouin market day was a<br />

noted tourist attraction.<br />

<strong>In</strong> the 1970s the population of Beersheba passed the<br />

110,000 mark, making it the fourth largest urban concentration<br />

in Israel after Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. The original<br />

plan to make Beersheba an industrial center was not too successful,<br />

though there were several large industrial plants, such<br />

as Machteshim, which produced agricultural fertilizers and<br />

employed over 1,000 workers, and an Israel Aircraft <strong>In</strong>dustries<br />

metal plant. The main sources of employment, however,<br />

were the Soroka Medical Center, employing over 2,000, and<br />

the university. The city thus continued to serve as a regional<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 257

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