JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ible<br />

The Number of Books<br />

By dividing Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles into two books<br />

each, and by individually enumerating Ezra, Nehemiah, and<br />

the twelve minor prophets, English Bibles usually list 39 books.<br />

This reckoning, however, is not traditional, for the twelve were<br />

written on a single scroll and counted as one; Ezra and Nehemiah<br />

were likewise treated as a unit, and the convenient<br />

bisection of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles was unknown in<br />

Hebrew Bibles before the Bomberg edition of 1521 (see Editions,<br />

below). <strong>In</strong> this way the traditional total of 24 books is<br />

obtained.<br />

This number is consistently specified in the literature<br />

of the amoraim (cf. Ta’an. 5a) and is implicit in the tannaitic<br />

listing of the biblical books (BB 14b). It must be quite ancient<br />

for it is expressly mentioned as something well understood<br />

n IV Ezra 14:45, a passage deriving from about 100 C.E. From<br />

about this same period derives a variant tradition of Josephus<br />

limiting the canon to 22 books (Apion 1:39–41). It is possible<br />

that the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes were not yet included<br />

in Josephus’ Bible. More likely, however, the difference is<br />

to be explained by the practice of attaching Ruth to Judges<br />

or Psalms, and Lamentations to Jeremiah. Since many of<br />

the Church Fathers also mention a 22-book canon (cf. Origen<br />

in Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 6:25, 1), it must be assumed<br />

that the observation of Josephus reflects a fairly widespread,<br />

if minority, Jewish scribal tradition that persisted for several<br />

centuries. Either way, the specified number really refers to<br />

the sum of separate scrolls used in transcribing the corpus of<br />

canonized literature. The artificiality of the number 24 and<br />

the absence of any authentic tradition to explain its origin<br />

are clear from the homiletics of the amoraim, who variously<br />

connected it with the like number of ornaments in Isaiah<br />

3:18–24 (Ex. R. 41:5; Song. R. 4:11; Tanḥ. B., Ex. 111–117), of<br />

priestly and levitical courses in I Chron. 23:28; 24:4 (Num.<br />

R. 14:18; Eccles. R. 12:11; PR 3:9), and of the bulls brought as<br />

dedicatory offerings by the chieftains of the tribes (Num. 7:88;<br />

Num. R. 14:18).<br />

It has been suggested, but with little probability, that Jewish<br />

practice may have been influenced by the pattern set by<br />

the Alexandrian division of the Odyssey and Iliad of Homer<br />

into 24 books each, an innovation itself dictated as much by<br />

the practical consideration of avoiding the inconvenience of<br />

handling a scroll containing more than 1,000 verses as by the<br />

desire to create a correspondence with the number of letters<br />

in the Greek alphabet. The 24-book division may have been<br />

regarded as a model for the national classics, especially because<br />

it is a multiple of 12, a number which was charged with<br />

special significance in the ancient world, even in the literary<br />

sphere. This is evidenced by the 12-tablet division of the Gilgamesh<br />

Epic, the 12 sections of the Theogony of Hesiod and<br />

the Laws of the Twelve Tablets. The 22-book division might<br />

well have been an adaptation of Greek practice to the Hebrew<br />

alphabetic enumeration.<br />

The Order of the Books<br />

<strong>In</strong> considering the arrangement of the biblical books in a spe-<br />

cific sequence, two distinct problems have to be differentiated.<br />

The first relates to the very meaning of “order,” the second to<br />

the underlying rationale of the diverse arrangements found<br />

in literary sources and manuscripts. The earliest list of biblical<br />

books is that preserved in an anonymous tannaitic statement<br />

(BB 14b):<br />

Our Rabbis taught: the order of the Prophets is Joshua, Judges,<br />

Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and the Twelve…; the<br />

order of the Ketuvim is Ruth, the Book of Psalms, Job, Proverbs,<br />

Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, Lamentations, Daniel, the Scroll<br />

of Esther, Ezra, and Chronicles.<br />

The question of “order” would normally apply to books<br />

produced as codices, rather than scrolls. However, the abovecited<br />

baraita cannot be later than the end of the second<br />

century C.E., whereas the codex was not accepted by Jews<br />

until many centuries later. Sarna seeks the solution in the<br />

library practices of the Mesopotamian and Hellenistic<br />

worlds.<br />

The steady growth of collections, whether of cuneiform<br />

tablets or papyrus rolls, necessitated the introduction of<br />

rationalized and convenient methods of storing materials in<br />

ways that facilitated identification and expedited usage. At the<br />

same time, the requirements of the scribal schools engendered<br />

an established sequence in which the classic works were to<br />

be read or studied. This combination of library needs and<br />

pedagogic considerations would then be what lies behind<br />

the fixing of the order of the Prophets and Ketuvim as recorded<br />

in the list above. The reference would be to the order in<br />

which the individual scrolls in these two corpora were shelved<br />

and cataloged in the Palestinian archives and schools. Haran<br />

has challenged Sarna’s theory on the grounds that the small<br />

number of the books of the Bible made literary cataloguing<br />

unnecessary. It would have been simple to follow Roman<br />

practice and lay out the scrolls on shelves divided by panels.<br />

Alternatively, scrolls might have been tagged as they were<br />

The Order of the Latter Prophets<br />

1.<br />

Talmud and<br />

three mss.<br />

2.<br />

Two mss.<br />

3.<br />

Eleven mss.<br />

4.<br />

Five Early<br />

Editions<br />

Jeremiah Jeremiah Jeremiah Jeremiah<br />

Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezekiel<br />

Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah<br />

The Twelve The Twelve The Twelve The Twelve<br />

1. (1) The Babylonian Talmud; (2) 1280 C.E. Madrid, National Library, ms. no. 1;<br />

(3–5) London, British Museum, mss. Orient. 1474, Orient. 4227, Add. 1545.<br />

2. (1) 1286 C.E. Paris, National Library; (2) London, British Museum, Orient.<br />

2091.<br />

3. (1) 916 C.E. Leningrad codex; (2) 1009 C.E. Leningrad ms.; (3–11) London,<br />

British Museum, mss. Orient. 1246 C.E., Arund. Orient. 16, Harley 1528, Harley<br />

5710–11, Add. 1525, Add. 15251, Add. 15252, Orient. 2348, Orient, 2626–8.<br />

4. (1) The first printed edition of the entire Bible, 1488 Soncino; (2) The second<br />

edition, 1491–93 Naples; (3) The third edition, 1492–1494 Brescia; (4) The first<br />

edition of the Rabbinic Bible, edited by Felix Pratensis, 1517 Venice; (5) The<br />

first edition of the Bible with the Masorah, edited by Jacob b. Ḥayyim, 1524–25<br />

Venice.<br />

580 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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