JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Derashot Ran, Sermons by *Nissim b. Reuben Gerondi.<br />

Derekh Ḥayyim, Comm. to Avot by *Judah Loew (Lob., Liwa) b.<br />

Bezalel (Maharal) of Prague.<br />

Derishah, by Joshua b. Alexander ha-Kohen *Falk; additions<br />

to his Perishah (comm. on Tur); printed in many editions of<br />

Tur.<br />

Derushei ha-Ẓelaḥ, Sermons, by Ezekiel b. Judah Halevi *Landau.<br />

Devar Avraham, Resp. by Abraham *Shapira.<br />

Devar Shemu’el, Resp. by Samuel *Aboab.<br />

Devar Yehoshu’a, Resp. by Joshua Menahem b. Isaac Aryeh Ehrenberg.<br />

Dikdukei Soferim, variae lections of the talmudic text by Raphael<br />

Nathan*Rabbinowicz.<br />

Divrei Emet, Resp. by Isaac Bekhor David.<br />

Divrei Ge’onim, Digest of responsa by Ḥayyim Aryeh b. Jeḥiel Ẓevi<br />

*Kahana.<br />

Divrei Ḥamudot, Comm. on Piskei ha-Rosh by Yom Tov Lipmann<br />

b. Nathan ha-Levi *Heller; printed in major editions of the Talmud.<br />

Divrei Ḥayyim several works by Ḥayyim *Halberstamm; if quoted<br />

alone refers to his Responsa.<br />

Divrei Malkhi’el, Resp. by Malchiel Tenebaum.<br />

Divrei Rivot, Resp. by Isaac b. Samuel *Adarbi.<br />

Divrei Shemu’el, Resp. by Samuel Raphael Arditi.<br />

Edut be-Ya’akov, Resp. by Jacob b. Abraham *Boton.<br />

Edut bi-Yhosef, Resp. by Joseph b. Isaac *Almosnino.<br />

Ein Ya’akov, Digest of talmudic aggadot by Jacob (Ibn) *Habib.<br />

Ein Yiẓḥak, Resp. by Isaac Elhanan *Spector.<br />

Ephraim of Lentshitz = Solomon *Luntschitz.<br />

Erekh Leḥem, Nov. and glosses to Sh. Ar. by Jacob b. Abraham<br />

*Castro.<br />

Eshkol, Sefer ha-, Digest of halakhot by *Abraham b. Isaac of Narbonne.<br />

Et Sofer, Treatise on Law Court documents by Abraham b. Mordecai<br />

*Ankawa, in the 2nd vol. of his Resp. Kerem Ḥamar.<br />

Etan ha-Ezraḥi, Resp. by Abraham b. Israel Jehiel (Shrenzl) *Rapaport.<br />

Even ha-Ezel, Nov. to Maimonides’ Yad Ḥazakah by Isser Zalman<br />

*Meltzer.<br />

Even ha-Ezer, also called Raban of Ẓafenat Pa’ne’aḥ, rabbinical work<br />

with varied contents by *Eliezer b. Nathan of Mainz; not identical<br />

with the subdivision of Tur, Shulḥan Arukh, etc.<br />

Ezrat Yehudah, Resp. by *Isaar Judah b. Nechemiah of Brisk.<br />

Gan Eden, Karaite treatise by *Aaron b. Elijah of Nicomedia.<br />

Gersonides = *Levi b. Gershom, also called Leo Hebraecus, or<br />

Ralbag.<br />

Ginnat Veradim, Resp. by *Abraham b. Mordecai ha-Levi.<br />

Haggahot, another name for Rema.<br />

Haggahot Asheri, glosses to Piskei ha-Rosh by *Israel of Krems;<br />

printed in most Talmud editions.<br />

Haggahot Maimuniyyot, Comm,. to Maimonides’ Yad Ḥazakah by<br />

*Meir ha-Kohen; printed in most eds. of Yad.<br />

Haggahot Mordekhai, glosses to Mordekhai by Samuel *Schlettstadt;<br />

printed in most editions of the Talmud after Mordekhai.<br />

Haggahot ha-Rashash on Tosafot, annotations of Samuel *Strashun<br />

on the Tosafot (printed in major editions of the Talmud).<br />

Ha-Gra = *Elijah b. Solomon Zalman (Gaon of Vilna).<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1<br />

abbreviations<br />

Ha-Gra, Commentaries on Bible, Talmud, and Sh. Ar. respectively,<br />

by *Elijah b. Solomon Zalman (Gaon of Vilna); printed in major<br />

editions of the mentioned works.<br />

Hai Gaon, Comm. = his comm. on Mishnah.<br />

Ḥakham Ẓevi, Resp. by Ẓevi Hirsch b. Jacob *Ashkenazi.<br />

Halakhot = Rif, Halakhot. Compilation and abstract of the Talmud<br />

by Isaac b. Jacob ha-Kohen *Alfasi; printed in most editions of<br />

the Talmud.<br />

Halakhot Gedolot, compilation of halakhot from the Geonic period,<br />

arranged acc. to the Talmud. Here cited acc. to ed. Warsaw (1874).<br />

Author probably *Simeon Kayyara of Basra.<br />

Halakhot Pesukot le-Rav Yehudai Ga’on compilation of halakhot.<br />

Halakhot Pesukot min ha-Ge’onim, compilation of halakhot from<br />

the geonic period by different authors.<br />

Ḥananel, Comm. to Talmud by *Hananel b. Ḥushi’el; printed in<br />

some editions of the Talmud.<br />

Harei Besamim, Resp. by Aryeh Leib b. Isaac *Horowitz.<br />

Ḥassidim, Sefer, Ethical maxims by *Judah b. Samuel he-Ḥasid.<br />

Hassagot Rabad on Rif, Glosses on Rif, Halakhot, by *Abraham b.<br />

David of Posquières.<br />

Hassagot Rabad [on Yad], Glosses on Maimonides, Yad Ḥazakah,<br />

by *Abraham b. David of Posquières.<br />

Hassagot Ramban, Glosses by Naḥmanides on Maimonides’ Sefer<br />

ha-Mitzvot; usually printed together with Sefer ha-Mitzvot.<br />

Ḥatam Sofer = Moses *Sofer.<br />

Ḥavvot Ya’ir, Resp. and varia by Jair Ḥayyim *Bacharach<br />

Ḥayyim Or Zaru’a = *Ḥayyim (Eliezer) b. Isaac.<br />

Ḥazon Ish = Abraham Isaiah *Karelitz.<br />

Ḥazon Ish, Nov. by Abraham Isaiah *Karelitz<br />

Ḥedvat Ya’akov, Resp. by Aryeh Judah Jacob b. David Dov Meisels<br />

(article under his father’s name).<br />

Heikhal Yiẓḥak, Resp. by Isaac ha-Levi *Herzog.<br />

Ḥelkat Meḥokek, Comm. to Sh. Ar., by Moses b. Isaac Judah<br />

*Lima.<br />

Ḥelkat Ya’akov, Resp. by Mordecai Jacob Breisch.<br />

Ḥemdah Genuzah, , Resp. from the geonic period by different authors.<br />

Ḥemdat Shelomo, Resp. by Solomon Zalman *Lipschitz.<br />

Ḥida = Ḥayyim Joseph David *Azulai.<br />

Ḥiddushei Halakhot ve-Aggadot, Nov. by Samuel Eliezer b. Judah<br />

ha-Levi *Edels.<br />

Ḥikekei Lev, Resp. by Ḥayyim *Palaggi.<br />

Ḥikrei Lev, Nov. to Sh. Ar. by Joseph Raphael b. Ḥayyim Joseph<br />

Ḥazzan (see article *Ḥazzan Family).<br />

Hil. = Hilkhot … (e.g. Hilkhot Shabbat).<br />

Ḥinnukh, Sefer ha-, List and explanation of precepts attributed<br />

(probably erroneously) to Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona (see article<br />

*Ha-Ḥinnukh).<br />

Ḥok Ya’akov, Comm. to Hil. Pesaḥ in Sh. Ar., OḤ, by Jacob b. Joseph<br />

*Reicher.<br />

Ḥokhmat Sehlomo (1), Glosses to Talmud, Rashi and Tosafot by<br />

Solomon b. Jehiel “Maharshal”) *Luria; printed in many editions<br />

of the Talmud.<br />

Ḥokhmat Sehlomo (2), Glosses and Nov. to Sh. Ar. by Solomon b.<br />

Judah Aaron *Kluger printed in many editions of Sh. Ar.<br />

Ḥur, subdivision of the Levush, a codification by Mordecai b. Abraham<br />

(Levush) *Jaffe; Hur (or Levush ha-Hur) parallels Tur, OḤ,<br />

242–697.<br />

Ḥut ha-Meshullash, fourth part of the Tashbeẓ (Resp.), by Simeon<br />

b. Zemaḥ *Duran.

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