JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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abbreviations<br />

Ohel Moshe (2), Resp. by Moses Jonah Zweig.<br />

Oholei Tam. Resp. by *Tam ibn Yaḥya Jacob b. David; printed in<br />

the rabbinical collection Tummat Yesharim.<br />

Oholei Ya’akov, Resp. by Jacob de *Castro.<br />

Or ha-Me’ir Resp by Judah Meir b. Jacob Samson Shapiro.<br />

Or Same’aḥ, Comm. to Maimonides, Yad Ḥazakah, by *Meir<br />

Simḥah ha-Kohen of Dvinsk; printed in many editions of the<br />

Yad Ḥazakah.<br />

Or Zaru’a [the father] = *Isaac b. Moses of Vienna.<br />

Or Zaru’a [the son] = *Ḥayyim (Eliezer) b. Isaac.<br />

Or Zaru’a, Nov. by *Isaac b. Moses of Vienna.<br />

Orah, Sefer ha-, Compilation of ritual precepts by *Rashi.<br />

Oraḥ la-Ẓaddik, Resp. by Abraham Ḥayyim Rodrigues.<br />

Oẓar ha-Posekim, Digest of Responsa.<br />

Paḥad Yiẓḥak, Rabbinical encyclopaedia by Isaac *Lampronti.<br />

Panim Me’irot, Resp. by Meir b. Isaac *Eisenstadt.<br />

Parashat Mordekhai, Resp. by Mordecai b. Abraham Naphtali<br />

*Banet.<br />

Pe’at ha-Sadeh la-Dinim and Pe’at ha-Sadeh la-Kelalim, subdivisions<br />

of the Sedei Ḥemed, an encyclopaedia of precepts and responsa,<br />

by Ḥayyim Hezekaih *Medini.<br />

Penei Moshe (1), Resp. by Moses *Benveniste.<br />

Penei Moshe (2), Comm. to Jer. Talmud by Moses b. Simeon *Margolies;<br />

printed in most editions of the Jer. Talmud.<br />

Penei Moshe (3), Comm. on the aggadic passages of 18 treatises of<br />

the Bab. and Jer. Talmud, by Moses b. Isaiah Katz.<br />

Penei Yehoshu’a, Nov. by Jacob Joshua b. Ẓevi Hirsch *Falk.<br />

Peri Ḥadash, Comm. on Sh. Ar. By Hezekiah da *Silva.<br />

Perishah, Comm. on Tur by Joshua b. Alexander ha-Kohen *Falk;<br />

printed in major edition of Tur; forms together with Derishah<br />

and Be’urim (by the same author) the Beit Yisrael.<br />

Pesakim u-Khetavim, 2nd part of the Terumat ha-Deshen by Israel<br />

b. Pethahiah *Isserlein’ also called Piskei Maharai.<br />

Pilpula Ḥarifta, Comm. to Piskei ha-Rosh, Seder Nezikin, by Yom<br />

Tov Lipmann b. Nathan ha-Levi *Heller; printed in major editions<br />

of the Talmud.<br />

Piskei Maharai, see Terumat ha-Deshen, 2nd part; also called Pesakim<br />

u-Khetavim.<br />

Piskei ha-Rosh, a compilation of halakhot, arranged on the Talmud,<br />

by *Asher b. Jehiel (Rosh); printed in major Talmud editions.<br />

Pitḥei Teshuvah, Comm. to Sh. Ar. by Abraham Hirsch b. Jacob<br />

*Eisenstadt; printed in major editions of the Sh. Ar.<br />

Rabad = *Abraham b. David of Posquières (Rabad III.).<br />

Raban = *Eliezer b. Nathan of Mainz.<br />

Raban, also called Ẓafenat Pa’ne’aḥ or Even ha-Ezer, see under the<br />

last name.<br />

Rabi Abad = *Abraham b. Isaac of Narbonne.<br />

Radad = David Dov. b. Aryeh Judah Jacob *Meisels.<br />

Radam = Dov Berush b. Isaac Meisels.<br />

Radbaz = *David b Solomon ibn Abi Ziumra.<br />

Radbaz, Comm. to Maimonides, Yad Ḥazakah, by *David b. Solomon<br />

ibn Abi Zimra.<br />

Ralbag = *Levi b. Gershom, also called Gersonides, or Leo Hebraeus.<br />

Ralbag, Bible comm. by *Levi b. Gershon.<br />

Rama [da Fano] = Menaḥem Azariah *Fano.<br />

Ramah = Meir b. Todros [ha-Levi] *Abulafia.<br />

Ramam = *Menaham of Merseburg.<br />

Rambam = *Maimonides; real name: Moses b. Maimon.<br />

Ramban = *Naḥmanides; real name Moses b. Naḥman.<br />

Ramban, Comm. to <strong>Torah</strong> by *Naḥmanides; printed in major editions.<br />

(“Mikra’ot Gedolot”).<br />

Ran = *Nissim b. Reuben Gerondi.<br />

Ran of Rif, Comm. on Rif, Halakhot, by Nissim b. Reuben Gerondi.<br />

Ranaḥ = *Elijah b. Ḥayyim.<br />

Rash = *Samson b. Abraham of Sens.<br />

Rash, Comm. to Mishnah, by *Samson b. Abraham of Sens; printed<br />

in major Talmud editions.<br />

Rashash = Samuel *Strashun.<br />

Rashba = Solomon b. Abraham *Adret.<br />

Rashba, Resp., see also; Sefer Teshuvot ha-Rashba ha-Meyuḥasot leha-Ramban,<br />

by Solomon b. Abraham *Adret.<br />

Rashbad = Samuel b. David.<br />

Rashbam = *Samuel b. Meir.<br />

Rashbam = Comm. on Bible and Talmud by *Samuel b. Meir; printed<br />

in major editions of Bible and most editions of Talmud.<br />

Rashbash = Solomon b. Simeon *Duran.<br />

*Rashi = Solomon b. Isaac of Troyes.<br />

Rashi, Comm. on Bible and Talmud by *Rashi; printed in almost<br />

all Bible and Talmud editions.<br />

Raviah = Eliezer b. Joel ha-Levi.<br />

Redak = David *Kimḥi.<br />

Redak, Comm. to Bible by David *Kimḥi.<br />

Redakh = *David b. Ḥayyim ha-Kohen of Corfu.<br />

Re’em = Elijah b. Abraham *Mizraḥi.<br />

Rema = Moses b. Israel *Isserles.<br />

Rema, Glosses to Sh. Ar. by Moses b. Israel *Isserles; printed in almost<br />

all editions of the Sh. Ar. inside the text in Rashi type; also<br />

called Mappah or Haggahot.<br />

Remek = Moses Kimḥi.<br />

Remakh = Moses ha-Kohen mi-Lunel.<br />

Reshakh = *Solomon b. Abraham; also called Maharshakh.<br />

Resp. = Responsa, She’elot u-Teshuvot.<br />

Ri Berav = *Berab.<br />

Ri Escapa = Joseph b. Saul *Escapa.<br />

Ri Migash = Joseph b. Meir ha-Levi *Ibn Migash.<br />

Riba = Isaac b. Asher ha-Levi; Riba II (Riba ha-Baḥur) = his grandson<br />

with the same name.<br />

Ribam = Isaac b. Mordecai (or: Isaac b. Meir).<br />

Ribash = *Isaac b. Sheshet Perfet (or: Barfat).<br />

Rid= *Isaiah b. Mali di Trani the Elder.<br />

Ridbaz = Jacob David b. Ze’ev *Willowski.<br />

Rif = Isaac b. Jacob ha-Kohen *Alfasi.<br />

Rif, Halakhot, Compilation and abstract of the Talmud by Isaac b.<br />

Jacob ha-Kohen *Alfasi.<br />

Ritba = Yom Tov b. Abraham *Ishbili.<br />

Riẓbam = Isaac b. Mordecai.<br />

Rosh = *Asher b. Jehiel, also called Asheri.<br />

Rosh Mashbir, Resp. by *Joseph Samuel b. Isaac, Rodi.<br />

Sedei Ḥemed, Encyclopaedia of precepts and responsa by Ḥayyim<br />

Ḥezekiah *Medini; subdivisions: Asefat Dinim, Kunteres ha-Kelalim,<br />

Pe’at ha-Sadeh la-Dinim, Pe’at ha-Sadeh la-Kelalim.<br />

Semag, Usual abbreviation of Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, elucidation of<br />

precepts by *Moses b. Jacob of Coucy; subdivided into Lavin<br />

(negative precepts) Asayin (positive precepts).<br />

Semak, Usual abbreviation of Sefer Mitzvot Katan, elucidation of<br />

precepts by *Isaac b. Joseph of Corbeil.<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1

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