JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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the works, amongst a host of early and medieval works known<br />

by the title “Book of Secrets.” Recent scholarship has suggested<br />

that some passages in the Bahir are based on the Babylonian<br />

vocalization, pointing to ancient sources in the East. These<br />

claims aside, the literary production and kabbalistic recension<br />

are the products of unidentified circles of medieval, European<br />

esotericists which did not feed into, nor cause, the apparent<br />

“eruption” of kabbalistic thinking and literature at the end of<br />

the 12th and the beginning of the 13th centuries.<br />

Literary Character of the Bahir<br />

The Sefer ha-Bahir was not intended and should not be seen<br />

as a primer for kabbalistic study nor should it be understood<br />

through the lenses of the highly structured sefirotic symbolism<br />

which crystallized in the decades following its final stages<br />

of its composition and editing. The Bahir is rudimentary in its<br />

literary style, as it offers very complex mythic images, defying<br />

simple and structuralist interpretations based on the term sefirot.<br />

Many of its passages are based on parables of a king and<br />

his son or sons and a daughter, pointing to the sefirotic understanding,<br />

but effectively elucidating only some of the relationships<br />

within the supernal world, more than explicating<br />

any one, set doctrine.<br />

<strong>In</strong>fluences and External Sources<br />

Scholem argued that the Bahir is the product of a merging of<br />

rabbinic and Gnostic traditions, at one point claiming that the<br />

work contains a literal translation of the Greek term male, pleroma<br />

(or: fullness), in describing the godhead. These phenomenological<br />

or hermeneutical parallels aside, no evidence can<br />

be shown to suggest the literary influence of Gnostic works<br />

on these early Jewish esotericists and the emerging Kabbalah.<br />

More recent attempts to explain the appearance of the Sefer<br />

ha-Bahir, have sought to explain the work as the first text to<br />

feminize the *Shekhinah and focus on Her as the grade of the<br />

divinity closest to the kabbalist adept. Accordingly, the 12thcentury<br />

Christian rites which focus on Mary in Provence are<br />

seen to be the impetus and influence which informed the<br />

kabbalistic invention of the feminized theosophy. Here again,<br />

only impressionistic parallels can be suggested between the<br />

two corpora and religious traditions, which in any event are<br />

anachronistic as the literary sources of the Seer ha-Bahir predate<br />

this Christian phenomenon and the work emerges from a<br />

different geographical location, Ashkenaz. The Sefer ha-Bahir<br />

does offer many sexualized interpretations of the drama within<br />

the divine structure although it rarely mentions the Shekhinah.<br />

Locutions from Sefer Yeẓirah are central to a number of<br />

passages although no systematic attempt is made to transform<br />

the ancient esoteric work into a kabbalistic interpretation. The<br />

term “sefirah,” taken from Sefer Yeẓirah, rarely appears and<br />

there is no systematic use of the sefirotic names more commonly<br />

found in the later works to depict the ten divine grades<br />

of the divine theosophy. The term “kabbalah” is also not mentioned<br />

as the proper name for the esoteric lore, although there<br />

are two important uses of the root in other forms.<br />

bahlul<br />

The Text and its Editions<br />

The earliest dated manuscript from 1298 formed the basis for<br />

Scholem’s annotated German translation which comprised his<br />

doctoral dissertation in 1923. Scholem “corrected” or rather<br />

amended his Hebrew transcription, which formed the basis of<br />

his translation, with “better” readings from 13th-century kabbalists,<br />

changing the earliest textual witness in key places. The<br />

discrepancies between the earliest manuscript and the many<br />

citations which appear in later kabbalistic works, demonstrate<br />

that even the kabbalistic editing of the Sefer ha-Bahir was still<br />

in flux after the literary and social emergence of the Kabbalah.<br />

This process continued through the early modern period and<br />

on through the 20th century, when Reuven Margolioth edited<br />

a very popular edition of the Hebrew text by integrating all<br />

the readings from three late manuscripts, including words<br />

and phrases not found in the early manuscript witnesses. A<br />

number of passages cited as coming from the Sefer ha-Bahir<br />

but not found in the main manuscripts are quoted in other<br />

kabbalistic works. Numerous commentaries and translations<br />

were prepared from the 14th century to the present. <strong>In</strong> 1994<br />

an edition based on the earliest manuscripts was published<br />

including a facsimile of the first printed edition (Amsterdam<br />

1651), the celebrated Munich manuscript copied in 1298, listings<br />

of the Bahiric passages not found in the Sefer ha-Bahir,<br />

variant readings from citations found in manuscript works,<br />

listings of all translations and commentaries and a bibliography<br />

of references to the Sefer ha-Bahir in printed works and<br />

modern scholarship.<br />

Bibliography: D. Abrams, The Book Bahir: An Edition Based<br />

on the Earliest Manuscripts (with intro. by M. Idel (Heb., 1994); J. Dan,<br />

“Midrash and the Dawn of Kabbalah,” in: G. Hartman and S. Budick<br />

(eds.), Midrash and Literature (1986), 127–39; A. Green, “Shekhinah,<br />

the Virgin Mary and the Song of Songs: Reflections on a Kabbalistic<br />

Symbol in Its Historical Context,” in: AJS Review, 26 (2002), 1–52;<br />

R. Meroz, “A Citation Attributed to the Book Bahir,” in: Kabbalah, 7<br />

(2002) 319–26; idem, “On the Time and Place of Some of Sefer ha-<br />

Bahir,” in: Da’at, 49 (2002), 137–80 (Heb.); H. Pedaya, “The Provençal<br />

Stratum in the Redaction of Sefer ha-Bahir,” in: Jerusalem Studies<br />

in Jewish Thought, 9 (1990), 139–64 (Heb.); P. Schaefer, Mirror of<br />

His Beauty: Feminine Images of God from the Bible to the Early Kabbalah<br />

(2002); G. Scholem, Das Buch Bahir (1923); idem, Origins of<br />

the Kabbalah, trans. A. Arkush, ed. R.J.Z.Werblowsky (1987); M. Verman,<br />

The Books of Contemplation: Medieval Jewish Mystical Sources<br />

(1992), 166–73; E. Wolfson, “Hebraic and Hellenistic Conceptions of<br />

<strong>Wisdom</strong> in Sefer ha-Bahir,” in: Poetics Today, 19 (1998), 147–76; idem,<br />

Language, Eros, Being (2005), 46–166; idem, “The Tree That Is All:<br />

Jewish-Christian Roots of a Kabbalistic Symbol in Sefer ha-Bahir,” in:<br />

Along the Path: Studies in Kabbalistic Myth, Symbolism and Hermeneutics<br />

(1995), 63–88.<br />

[Daniel Abrams (2nd ed.)]<br />

BAHLUL, family of rabbis in Meknès, Morocco. DANIEL BEN<br />

JUDAH (second half of 17th century) was a halakhist, kabbalist,<br />

and preacher. He wrote copious notes on Yazeḥ Yakar, a<br />

work by Abraham Galanté on the Zohar to Exodus (Jerusalem<br />

National Library Ms.), and a volume of sermons which is fre-<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 63

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