JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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abbreviations<br />

Yad Ramah, Nov. by Meir b. Todros [ha-Levi] *Abulafia.<br />

Yakhin u-Vo’az, Resp. by Ẓemaḥ b. Solomon *Duran.<br />

Yam ha-Gadol, Resp. by Jacob Moses *Toledano.<br />

Yam shel Shelomo, Compilation arranged acc. to Talmud by Solomon<br />

b. Jehiel (Maharshal) *Luria.<br />

Yashar, Sefer ha-, by *Tam, Jacob b. Meir (Rabbenu Tam); 1st pt.:<br />

Resp.; 2nd pt.: Nov.<br />

Yaskil Avdi, Resp. by Obadiah Hadaya (printed together with his<br />

Resp. De’ah ve-Haskel).<br />

Yaveẓ = Jacob *Emden.<br />

Yehudah Ya’aleh, Resp. by Judah b. Israel *Aszod.<br />

Yekar Tiferet, Comm. to Maimonides’ Yad Ḥazakah,by David b.<br />

Solomon ibn Zimra, printed in most editions of Yad Ḥazakah.<br />

Yere’im [ha-Shalem], [Sefer], Treatise on precepts by *Eliezer b.<br />

Samuel of Metz.<br />

Yeshu’ot Ya’akov, Resp. by Jacob Meshullam b. Mordecai Ze’ev *Ornstein.<br />

Yiẓhak Rei’aḥ, Resp. by Isaac b. Samuel Abendanan (see article<br />

*Abendanam Family).<br />


Ẓafenat Pa’ne’aḥ (1), also called Raban or Even ha-Ezer, see under<br />

the last name.<br />

Ẓafenat Pa’ne’aḥ (2), Resp. by Joseph *Rozin.<br />

Zayit Ra’anan, Resp. by Moses Judah Leib b. Benjamin Auerbach.<br />

Ẓeidah la-Derekh, Codification by *Menahem b. Aaron ibn Zerah.<br />

Ẓedakah u-Mishpat, Resp. by Ẓedakah b. Saadiah Huẓin.<br />

Zekan Aharon, Resp. by Elijah b. Benjamin ha-Levi.<br />

Zekher Ẓaddik, Sermons by Eliezer *Katzenellenbogen.<br />

Ẓemaḥ Ẓedek (1) Resp. by Menaham Mendel Shneersohn (see under<br />

*Shneersohn Family).<br />

Zera Avraham, Resp. by Abraham b. David *Yiẓḥaki.<br />

Zera Emet Resp. by *Ishmael b. Abaham Isaac ha-Kohen.<br />

Ẓevi la-Ẓaddik, Resp. by Ẓevi Elimelech b. David Shapira.<br />

Zikhron Yehudah, Resp. by *Judah b. Asher<br />

Zikhron Yosef, Resp. by Joseph b. Menahem *Steinhardt.<br />

Zikhronot, Sefer ha-, Sermons on several precepts by Samuel<br />

*Aboab.<br />

Zikkaron la-Rishonim . . ., by Albert (Abraham Elijah) *Harkavy;<br />

contains in vol. 1 pt. 4 (1887) a collection of Geonic responsa.<br />

Ẓiẓ Eliezer, Resp. by Eliezer Judah b. Jacob Gedaliah Waldenberg.<br />

Bibliographies in English and other languages have been extensively updated, with English translations cited where available.<br />

<strong>In</strong> order to help the reader, the language of books or articles is given where not obvious from titles of books or names of periodicals.<br />

Titles of books and periodicals in languages with alphabets other than Latin, are given in transliteration, even where<br />

there is a title page in English. Titles of articles in periodicals are not given. Names of Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals well<br />

known in English-speaking countries or in Israel under their masthead in Latin characters are given in this form, even when<br />

contrary to transliteration rules. Names of authors writing in languages with non-Latin alphabets are given in their Latin alphabet<br />

form wherever known; otherwise the names are transliterated. <strong>In</strong>itials are generally not given for authors of articles in<br />

periodicals, except to avoid confusion. Non-abbreviated book titles and names of periodicals are printed in italics. Abbreviations<br />

are given in the list below.<br />

AASOR Annual of the American School of Oriental<br />

Research (1919ff.).<br />

AB Analecta Biblica (1952ff.).<br />

Abel, Géog F.-M. Abel, Géographie de la Palestine, 2<br />

vols. (1933-38).<br />

ABR Australian Biblical Review (1951ff.).<br />

Abr. Philo, De Abrahamo.<br />

Abrahams,<br />

I. Abrahams, Companion to the Authorised<br />

Companion Daily Prayer Book (rev. ed. 1922).<br />

Abramson, Merkazim S. Abramson, Ba-Merkazim u-va-Tefuẓot<br />

bi-Tekufat ha-Ge’onim (1965).<br />

Acts Acts of the Apostles (New Testament).<br />

ACUM Who is who in ACUM [Aguddat<br />

Kompozitorim u-Meḥabbrim].<br />

ADAJ Annual of the Department of Antiquities,<br />

Jordan (1951ff.).<br />

Adam Adam and Eve (Pseudepigrapha).<br />

ADB Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 56 vols.<br />

(1875–1912).<br />

Add. Esth. The Addition to Esther (Apocrypha).<br />

Adler, Prat Mus 1. Adler, La pratique musicale savante dans<br />

quelques communautés juives en Europe au<br />

XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, 2 vols. (1966).<br />

Adler-Davis H.M. Adler and A. Davis (ed. and tr.),<br />

Service of the Synagogue, a New Edition<br />

of the Festival Prayers with an English<br />

Translation in Prose and Verse, 6 vols.<br />

(1905–06).<br />

Aet. Philo, De Aeternitate Mundi.<br />

AFO Archiv fuer Orientforschung (first two<br />

volumes under the name Archiv fuer<br />

Keilschriftforschung) (1923ff.).<br />

Ag. Ber Aggadat Bereshit (ed. Buber, 1902).<br />

Agr. Philo, De Agricultura.<br />

Ag. Sam. Aggadat Samuel.<br />

Ag. Song Aggadat Shir ha-Shirim (Schechter ed.,<br />

1896).<br />

Aharoni, Ereẓ Y. Aharoni, Ereẓ Yisrael bi-Tekufat ha-<br />

Mikra: Geografyah Historit (1962).<br />

Aharoni, Land Y. Aharoni, Land of the Bible (1966).<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1

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