JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Bibliography: Wehr-Halle, in: ZDMG, 91 (1937), 175–84,<br />

obituary and bibliography; NDB, 1 (1952), 639.<br />

[Hans Jacob Polotsky]<br />

BAUER, JACOB (Jehiel ben Gershom; 1852–1926), ḥazzan<br />

of the Turkish-Israelite Temple in Vienna and adaptor of its<br />

liturgical music. Bauer was born in Szenice, Hungary, and<br />

went as a youth to Vienna. During his school days in that city,<br />

he was a soprano singer with the ḥazzan Pesaḥ Feinsinger. After<br />

regular training of his adult voice, Bauer was employed as<br />

ḥazzan at Ottakring, a suburb of Vienna, Szigetvar (Hungary,<br />

1875), and Graz (1878). <strong>In</strong> 1880, the governors of the Vienna<br />

Sephardi congregation decided to adapt the musical part of<br />

their service “to the needs of modern times.” They commissioned<br />

Bauer and the choir-director Isidor Loewit to arrange<br />

their melodies and to organize a temple choir. At first this<br />

modernized service was, more or less, in the common Ashkenazi<br />

style. <strong>In</strong> the course of time, Bauer and Loewit worked on<br />

arrangements of the original Turco-Sephardi melodies which<br />

were published as Schir-Hakawod in 1889.<br />

Bauer founded and edited the Oesterreichisch-Ungarische<br />

Kantoren-Zeitung from 1881 to 1898 and was co-founder and<br />

temporarily chairman of the Oesterreichisch-Ungarischer<br />

Kantoren-Verband from 1883.<br />

Bibliography: Friedmann, Lebensbilder; E. Zaludkowski,<br />

Kultur-Treger fun der Yidisher Liturgye… (1930), 196.<br />

[Hanoch Avenary]<br />

BAUER, MARION EUGÉNIE (1882–1955), U.S. composer,<br />

teacher, and music critic. Bauer was the daughter of French<br />

Jewish immigrants to the U.S. Part of the “forgotten vanguard”<br />

of modernism, her work bridged the lush harmonies of French<br />

impressionism and the dissonant modernism of the late 1920s.<br />

She studied composition with Henry Holden Huss and Eugene<br />

Heffley and was Nadia Boulanger’s first American pupil.<br />

Bauer taught composition and theory at New York University<br />

(1926–51) and the Juilliard School of Music (1940–55). Through<br />

teaching and mentoring, she maintained numerous ties to a<br />

younger generation of modernists including Milton *Babbitt<br />

and Ruth Crawford.<br />

Bauer wrote reviews and criticism for the Musical Leader<br />

and Musical Quarterly and published four books on music,<br />

including the popular appreciation text Twentieth Century<br />

Music (1933). A fervent advocate of modern music, she helped<br />

found the American Music Guild, served as secretary for the<br />

Society for the Publications of American Music, and was on<br />

the executive boards of the League of Composers, the American<br />

Composers Alliance (ACA), and the Society of American<br />

Women Composers.<br />

Aside from brief experiments in 12-tone writing in the<br />

1940s and 1950s, Bauer’s music never completely broke with<br />

tradition. Her impressive and frequently performed compositions<br />

include Symphonic Suite (1940), American Youth for<br />

piano and orchestra (1943), and First Symphony (1950). Her<br />

bauer, otto<br />

most successful work, Sun Splendor (1947), was premiered by<br />

the New York Philharmonic under Leopold Stowkowski.<br />

Bibliography: J.M. Edwards, “Marion Eugénie Bauer,” in:<br />

S. Sadie (ed.), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians<br />

(20012); E.M. Hisama. Gendering Musical Modernism: The Music of<br />

Ruth Crawford, Marion Bauer, and Miriam Gideon (2001).<br />

[Melissa de Graaf (2nd ed.)]<br />

BAUER, OTTO (1881–1938), Austrian socialist leader; first<br />

foreign minister of the Austrian Republic (1918–19). Bauer,<br />

the son of a Jewish industrialist, became one of the most important<br />

Austro-Marxist theoreticians soon after joining the<br />

socialist movement along with many other young Jewish intellectuals<br />

of his time. <strong>In</strong> 1907, together with Karl Renner and<br />

Adolf *Braun, he founded the monthly Der Kampf, which<br />

became a forum for socialist discussion. <strong>In</strong> his famous study<br />

Die Nationalitaetenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie (1907), he<br />

contended that no socialist could disregard the problem of<br />

nationalities, and provided an original definition of the nation:<br />

“the totality of men united through a community of fate<br />

into a community of character.” Bauer favored the granting<br />

of cultural autonomy to every national group in the Austro-<br />

Hungarian Empire. He praised the Jewish role in history, but<br />

argued that the Jews could not be regarded as a nationality,<br />

especially in Western Europe. He advocated assimilation and<br />

was sharply criticized by Zionists as a consequence. <strong>In</strong> November<br />

1918, with the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire<br />

at the end of World War I, Bauer became foreign minister<br />

of the new Austrian Republic. He resigned in 1919 when<br />

his main objectives, a merger with Germany and retention<br />

by Austria of the German-speaking parts of the Tyrol, failed<br />

to materialize. When the Dollfuss regime came to power in<br />

1934, Bauer took a leading part in the uprising of the workers<br />

in Vienna and subsequently took refuge in Czechoslovakia<br />

after its suppression. <strong>In</strong> May 1938, he fled to Paris and<br />

died there a few weeks later – on the day the London News<br />

Chronicle published his appeal to world conscience to save<br />

the 300,000 Jews of Austria. Bauer was an outstanding figure<br />

within the Socialist <strong>In</strong>ternational, where, although an opponent<br />

of Communism, he represented the Marxist left wing.<br />

He was a prolific writer on socialist problems, including the<br />

books Bolschewismus oder Sozialdemokratie? (1920), in which<br />

he contrasted the economic conditions of Soviet Russia and<br />

Western Europe, and Kapitalismus und Sozialismus nach dem<br />

Weltkrieg (1931), which was intended to be his magnum opus.<br />

After his death, his Die illegale Partei was published in Paris<br />

by Friedrich *Adler (1939).<br />

Bibliography: V. Reimann, Zu gross fuer Oesterreich (1958);<br />

J. Braunthal, Eine Auswahl aus seinem Lebenswerk, mit einem Lebensbild<br />

Otto Bauers (1961). Add. Bibliography: A. Barkai, “The<br />

Austrian Social Democrats and the Jews,” in: Wiener Library Bulletin,<br />

24 (1970); J. Bunzl, “Arbeiterbewegung, ‘Judenfrage’ und Antisemitismus:<br />

am Beispiel des Wiener Bezirks Leopoldstadt,” in: Bewegung<br />

und Klasse: Studien zur österreichischen Arbeitergeschichte (1979); H.<br />

Gruber, Red Vienna: Experiment in Working Class Culture 1919–1934<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 217

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