JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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loch, ernst<br />

which he had begun it. As he once stated: “I do not propose or<br />

desire to attempt a reconstruction of the music of the Jews….<br />

It is rather the Hebrew spirit that interests me – the complex,<br />

ardent, agitated soul that vibrates for me in the Bible; the<br />

vigor and ingenuousness of the Patriarchs, the violence that<br />

finds expression in the books of the Prophets, the burning<br />

love of justice, the desperation of the preachers of Jerusalem,<br />

the sorrow and grandeur of the Book of Job, the sensuality of<br />

the Song of Songs. All this is in us, all this is in me, and is the<br />

better part of me. This it is which I seek to feel within me and<br />

to translate in my music – the sacred race-emotion that lies<br />

dormant in our souls.”<br />

Bibliography: M. Tibaldi Chiesa, Ernest Bloch (1933), incl.<br />

bibl.; D.Z. Kushner, “Ernest Bloch and His Symphonic Works” (unpubl.<br />

dissert. 1967); G. Saleski, Famous Musicians of Jewish Origin<br />

(1949), 18–27; D. Ewen (ed.), New Book of Modern Composers (1961),<br />

86–97; G.M. Gatti, in: Musical Quarterly, 7 (1921), 20–38; D. Newlin,<br />

ibid., 33 (1947), 443–59; California University, Autograph Manuscripts<br />

of Ernest Bloch at the University of California (1962); Sendrey, Music,<br />

index; Grove, Dict; Baker, Biog Dict.<br />

[Dika Newlin]<br />

BLOCH, ERNST (1885–1977), German philosopher. Bloch<br />

was born in Ludwigshafen, studied philosophy, musicology,<br />

and physics at the universities of Munich and Wuerzburg,<br />

and became doctor of philosophy under the direction<br />

of O. Kuelpe with a dissertation on “Rickert und das Problem<br />

der modernen Erkenntnis.” From 1908 to 1912, he studied in<br />

Georg Simmel’s seminary of philosophy and sociology in Berlin;<br />

from 1912 to 1914, he lived in Heidelberg, where he was a<br />

permanent guest in Max Weber’s seminary. Living in Munich<br />

and Garmisch from 1914 to 1917, he was close to the expressionist<br />

painters. As a pacifist and opponent of the regime of<br />

German Emperor William II, he lived in exile in Switzerland<br />

from 1917 to 1919. <strong>In</strong> his essay “Symbol – die Juden” (1911/12),<br />

which begins with the assertion, “The pride in being Jewish is<br />

now again awakened,” Bloch analyzes the principal characteristics<br />

of Jewish identity in the era of modernity. His first book,<br />

Geist der Utopie (1918, 1923; Spirit of Utopia, 2000), which includes<br />

“Philosophy of Music,” is a metaphysical inquiry into<br />

the question of self-recognition and self-identity, marked by<br />

the influence of romanticism, mysticism, socialist utopianism,<br />

and both Christian and Jewish religiosity. Thomas Muenzer als<br />

Theologe der Revolution (1921) is marked by a revolutionary<br />

romanticism and simultaneously by the effort to bring to the<br />

fore the forgotten and repressed history of a radical messianic<br />

tendency in German Protestantism (linked to the Peasant’s<br />

Revolt in the 16th century) opposed to Martin Luther. Three<br />

years after the publication of Spuren (“Tracks,” 1930) – a book<br />

which has often been compared to the Einbahnstrasse by Walter<br />

*Benjamin, he was forced to leave Germany and live as a<br />

refugee in Switzerland, Austria, France, and Czechoslovakia.<br />

Erbschaft dieser Zeit, published in Zurich in 1935, explains the<br />

rise of Nazism by the phenomenon of “uncontemporaneousness<br />

(Ungleichzeitigkeit) in the consciousness of the German<br />

middle class. Leaving Prague in 1938, six months before the<br />

invasion of the Czech Republic by Nazi Germany, he emigrated<br />

via Poland to the United States, where he wrote his major<br />

work, Das Prinzip Hoffnung (The Principle of Hope), whose<br />

original title had been Träume vom besseren Leben (“Dreams<br />

of Better Life”) – a great compendium of all the forms of wishful<br />

and utopian thinking in culture, religion, architecture,<br />

music, etc., based on the theory of the “antizipierendes Bewusstsein”<br />

(“consciousness in anticipation”). It also outlines<br />

a “philosophy of praxis” as “humanity in action, linking messianic<br />

hope and the Marxist project of the transformation of<br />

world. By the mediation of the category of “possibility,” wishes<br />

are to be transformed into real human praxis. The second<br />

volume, Freiheit und Ordnung Abriss der Sozialutopien, is not<br />

only a synopsis of all manifestations of utopian thought in the<br />

history of philosophy, literature, architecture, music, etc., but<br />

also contains a chapter on Zionism (“Altneuland, Programm<br />

des Zionismus”), where Bloch’s main concern is to criticize<br />

Theodor Herzl’s “bourgeois Zionism” and to assert that Judaism<br />

should not become a territorial nationalism but acknowledge<br />

and preserve the best that was in Moses Hess’ Utopia and<br />

transform it into a messianic international socialism. During<br />

his exile in the United States, Bloch also wrote Subjekt-Objekt.<br />

Erlaeuterungen zu Hegel (1951, enlarged ed.1962). <strong>In</strong> 1949, he<br />

returned to Europe, accepting a professorship in philosophy<br />

in Leipzig and the direction of the <strong>In</strong>stitute of Philosophy. <strong>In</strong><br />

December 1956, after the bloody repression of the Hungarian<br />

uprising by the Russians, he was publicly denounced by the<br />

Neues Deutschland (the official journal of the East German<br />

Communist Party S.E.D.) as a “revisionist,” an “idealist,” and<br />

a “mystical” philosopher, distracted by historical and dialectical<br />

materialism. After a political campaign against him, he<br />

finally was obliged to accept compulsory retirement in 1957.<br />

<strong>In</strong> August 1961, during a visit to the German Federal Republic,<br />

frightened by the news of the construction of the Berlin wall,<br />

he resolved not to return to Leipzig but to stay in Tuebingen,<br />

where he taught until his death. During the Six-Day War in<br />

June 1967 he was the most vocal speaker in an assembly organized<br />

at Frankfurt University to proclaim Israel’s right to exist<br />

(“Frieden im Nahen Osten,” 1967). During the 15 years of his<br />

last period, Bloch dedicated himself entirely to the publication<br />

of his complete writings (Gesamtausgabe) in 16 volumes,<br />

published by Suhrkamp. These included Naturrrecht und menschliche<br />

Wuerde (1961; Natural Law and Human Dignity), Philosophische<br />

Aufsaetze zur objektiven Phantasie (1969), Atheismus<br />

im Christentum (1968), Politische Messungen, Pestzeit,<br />

Vormaerz (1970), and Experimentum Mundi (1975). Tendenz-<br />

Latenz-Utopie, including the Gedenkbuch fuer Else Bloch-von-<br />

Stritzky (Memorial Book for Else Bloch-von-Stritzky, Bloch’s<br />

first wife), followed in 1978.<br />

Bibliography: S. Marcun, Ernst Bloch in Selbstzeugnissen<br />

und Bilddokumenten, rowohlt (1977); B. Schmidt (ed.), Materialien<br />

zu Ernst Blochs “Das Prinzip Hoffnung” (1978); R. Traub and H. Wieser<br />

(eds.), Gespraeche mit Ernst Bloch (1975); Utopie-marxisme selon<br />

Ernst Bloch. Hommages publiés par Gérard Raulet (1976); A. Muenster<br />

(ed.), Tagtraeume vom aufrechten Gang.Sechs <strong>In</strong>terviews mit Ernst<br />

760 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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