JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Bibliography: J. Meisl (ed.), Pinkas Kehillat Berlin 1723–<br />

1854 – Protokollbuch der juedischen Gemeinde Berlin (Heb. and Ger.,<br />

1962); idem, in: Arim ve-Immahot be-Yisrael, 1 (1946), 80–140; H.G.<br />

Sellenthin, Geschichte der Juden in Berlin (1959); Germ Jud, 2 (1968),<br />

68–73; E.L. Landshuth, Toledot Anshei Shem (1884); P. von Gebhardt<br />

(ed.), Das aelteste Buergerbuch 1453–1700 (1927); L. Geiger, Geschichte<br />

der Juden in Berlin (1871); D. Kaufmann, Die letzte Vertreibung der<br />

Juden aus Wien (1889), 206–21; L. Davidsohn, Beitraege zur Sozialund<br />

Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Berliner Juden vor der Emanzipation<br />

(1920); M. Stern, Beitraege zur Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde<br />

zu Berlin, 6 vols. (1926–34); Gemeindeblatt der juedischen Gemeinde<br />

zu Berlin (1911–38); Juedisches Jahrbuch fuer Gross-Berlin (1926–28)<br />

and Juedisches Jahrbuch (1929–33); D. Friedlaender, Akten-Stuecke,<br />

die Reform der juedischen Kolonien in den Preussischen Staaten betreffend<br />

(1793); I. Freund, Die Emanzipation der Juden in Preussen,<br />

2 vols. (1912); S. Stern, Der preussische Staat und die Juden, 2 vols.<br />

(1925, repr. 1962); W. Heise, Die Juden in der Mark Brandenburg bis<br />

zum Jahre 1571 (1932); H. Rachel, Das Berliner Wirtschaftsleben im<br />

Zeitalter des Fruehkapitalismus (1931); H. Rachel et al., Berliner Grosskaufleute<br />

und Kapitalisten, 3 vols. (1934–39); J. Jacobsohn (ed.), Die<br />

Judenbuergerbuecher der Stadt Berlin, 1809–1851 (1962); M. Sinasohn<br />

(ed.), Adas Jisroel, Berlin (1966); H. Seeliger, in: YLBI, 3 (1958), 159–68;<br />

I. Eisenstein-Barzilay, in: PAAJR, 25 (1956), 1–37; 29 (1960–61), 17–54;<br />

idem, in: Essays on Jewish Life and Thought (1959), 183–97; Barzilay,<br />

in: PAAJR, 29 (1960–61), 17–54; idem, in: JSOS, 21 (1959), 165–92; E.<br />

Hurwicz, in: YLBI, 12 (1967), 85–102. HOLOCAUST PERIOD: P. Littauer,<br />

My Experiences During the Persecution of the Jews in Berlin and<br />

Brussels, 1939–44 (1945); Irgun Olej Merkas Europa, Die letzten Tage<br />

des deutschen, Judentums (1943); Ball-Kaduri, in: Yad Vashem Studies,<br />

3 (1959), 261–81; 5 (1963), 271–316; H. Gaertner, in: YLBI, 1 (1956),<br />

123–42; F. Friedlaender, ibid., 3 (1958), 187–201; S. Shiratzki, ibid., 5<br />

(1960), 299–307. Add. Bibliography: Nachtrichtenblatt der juedischen<br />

Gemeinde von Gross-Berlin D.D.R. (1961); A. Brass, Aufbau<br />

(March 12, 1971); idem, Geschehnisse auf dem Friedhof Berlin-Weissensee<br />

in den Jahren 1936–45; B. Scheiger, in: S. Jersch-Wenzel (ed.),<br />

Von Zuwanderern zu Einheimischen (1990), 153–488; W. Gruner,<br />

Judenverfolgung in Berlin (1992); B. Meyer, in: H. Simon (ed.), Juden<br />

in Berlin 1938–1945 (2000); A. Nachama (ed.), Juden in Berlin (2001).<br />

HEBREW PRINTING: H.D. Friedberg, Toledot ha-Defus ha-Ivri be-<br />

Arim Augsburg… (1935), 87ff.; R.N. Rabinowitz, Ma’amar al Hadpasat<br />

ha-Talmud (1952), 108f., 152f.; Steinschneider, in: ZGJD, 1 (1887),<br />

377ff.; 2 (1888), 200ff.; 3 (1889), 84ff., 262ff.; A.M. Habermann, Ha-<br />

Sefer ha-Ivri be-Hitpatteḥuto (1968), index.<br />


1814), German rabbi. Berlin, the younger brother of Noah<br />

Ḥayyim Ẓevi Hirsch *Berlin, was born in Fuerth where his<br />

father, a well-to-do merchant, was communal leader of Franconian<br />

Jewry. Like his brother, he was appointed dayyan in<br />

Fuerth but Aryeh Loeb was at the same time rabbi of Baiersdorf<br />

in Bavaria. From 1789 he was rabbi of Bamberg, where<br />

his duties included that of civil judge. While there he was involved<br />

in an unpleasant lawsuit when the heirs of a large estate<br />

of which he was appointed executor accused him of abusing<br />

his office, exacting illegal fees, and not accounting for certain<br />

expenditure. He was acquitted of dishonesty, but made<br />

to pay a fine. The publication of the relevant documents by<br />

Eckstein (see bibl.) shows that the charges were groundless.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1794 Berlin was appointed chief rabbi of Hesse-Kassel, but<br />

berlin, congress of<br />

owing to the opposition of his detractors in Bamberg he was<br />

unable to leave and did not assume his post until the following<br />

year. When the kingdom of Westphalia, with Kassel as its<br />

capital, was created by Napoleon in 1807 and given to Jerome<br />

Bonaparte, Berlin delivered a sermon in Hebrew welcoming<br />

the new king and composed a hymn of praise in Hebrew (published<br />

under the title Davar be-Itto Mah Tov, with a German<br />

translation, Kassel, 1807). <strong>In</strong> 1808, when the Jewish *consistory<br />

was organized on the basis of the French consistories he<br />

was appointed chief rabbi of the kingdom. The president of<br />

the consistory was Israel *Jacobsohn, and Berlin, despite the<br />

protests of the more extreme rabbis, agreed to certain relaxations<br />

of the strict laws of Passover, in particular permitting<br />

the eating of peas and beans on Passover.<br />

Berlin’s annotations to the Talmud appear in the three<br />

volumes of the Fuerth edition (1829–32) which were published,<br />

and his annotations to the tractate Shevu’ot are in the Romm-<br />

Vilna edition. Some of his novellae appear as an appendix to<br />

his brother’s Aẓei Almuggim (Sulzbach, 1779).<br />

Bibliography: A. Eckstein, Geschichte des Juden im ehemaligen<br />

Fuerstbistum Bamberg (1898), 176–9, and Nachtraege (1899),<br />

3–44; E. Kohn, Kinat Soferim (1892), 896f.<br />

BERLIN, CONGRESS OF, gathering of the great European<br />

powers in 1878 to settle problems concerning the Balkans and<br />

Near East arising after the war between Russia and Turkey in<br />

1877. Held between June 13 and July 13, 1878, it was attended by<br />

representatives of Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy,<br />

Russia, and Turkey, with some participation of representatives<br />

of the Balkan states (Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and<br />

Serbia). Among its most influential members was the head of<br />

the British delegation, Benjamin *Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield).<br />

The position of the Jews in the Balkan countries (Romania,<br />

Serbia, and Bulgaria) was also placed on the agenda on the initiative<br />

of the “Zion” society in Bucharest, led by Adolf Weinberg<br />

and Adolf *Stern; these joined with the *Alliance Israélite<br />

Universelle in Paris and the Council for the Defense of Romanian<br />

Jews in Berlin, led by Moritz *Lazarus. The Jewish community<br />

of Berlin petitioned the chairman of the congress and<br />

head of the German delegation, Count *Bismarck, on Feb. 28,<br />

1878, to raise the question of equal rights for Romanian Jews<br />

at the congress. As a result, the German representatives were<br />

instructed to demand equal civil rights for the members of all<br />

religions in the Balkan countries and the inclusion in the peace<br />

treaty of special paragraphs to this effect explicitly providing<br />

for their implementation. The question of equal rights for the<br />

Jews in these countries was also discussed in the parliaments<br />

of France, Italy, Austria, and Hungary, and the representatives<br />

of these countries at the congress were requested by special<br />

resolutions to ensure an appropriate settlement.<br />

To deal with the Jewish questions a special council was<br />

established in Berlin consisting of the representatives of the<br />

Committee for Jewish Affairs in Berlin (Gerson von *Bleichroeder,<br />

M. Lazarus, Jacob *Bernays, and Berthold *Auerbach),<br />

representatives of the Alliance (Sacki Kann, Charles *Netter,<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3 453

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