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Processo completamente distinto na definição do delito é o que ocorre nos sistemas<br />

da common law, 25 como esclarece Fletcher:<br />

These two methods of generating law – rules and paradigms – underlie the contributions<br />

of legislation and judicial development of the law. Legislation proceeds in rules<br />

and words that demarcate the boundaries of the rules. Courts proceed by identifying<br />

a core image of crime and punishing it. That precedent, then, becomes the paradigm<br />

for the offense. On other words, it becomes the model for measuring whether new<br />

and unanticipated cases conform to the crime or not. If, to be as imprecise as the<br />

courts are, it is “sufficiently like” the paradigm, it falls under the criminal prohibition.<br />

If it is “sufficiently different” from the paradigm, it is not covered by the crime. 26<br />

Podemos supor, então, que havendo já definição do crime de corrupção no âmbito<br />

estatal (corrupção, tanto passiva quanto ativa, em que há envolvimento de servidor público),<br />

as cortes da common law possam estender essa definição para entender incluída, no<br />

conceito de corrupção, também aquela ocorrida no âmbito privado (cuja criminalização<br />

é pedida pelo art. 21 da Convenção da ONU contra a Corrupção). No Brasil não temos, até<br />

agora, o tipo penal de corrupção no setor privado (o Relatório da Comissão de Juristas para<br />

elaboração de Anteprojeto de Código Penal, do Senado, propõe criação desse delito), e até<br />

que o Congresso Nacional vote e aprove lei, ninguém poderá ser punido por aceitar suborno<br />

para realização de negócio privado. Se o sistema fosse o da common law, todavia, uma corte<br />

que estivesse a julgar caso de corrupção no setor privado poderia entender incluída essa<br />

conduta no crime de corrupção, para a qual já havia precedentes definindo seus elementos,<br />

apenas estendendo e ampliando o precedente para incluir condutas praticadas no setor<br />

privado. Trata-se de método certamente mais flexível e que permitiria punir as condutas,<br />

mesmo que a nós isso possa parecer criminalização ex post facto.<br />

Parece-nos, portanto, que o sistema da common law tem a seu favor dois fatores para<br />

que a implementação dos tratados internacionais penais se dê com maior rapidez e eficácia:<br />

primeiro, as normas já são pensadas na lógica da common law, tendo em vista que esse é o<br />

25. Hart explica como funciona o sistema do precedente na Inglaterra, a área aberta das regras (open texture) e a<br />

criatividade da atividade judicial, dentro dela: “First, there is no single method of determining the rule for which a<br />

given authoritative precedent is an authority. Notwithstanding this, in the vast majority of decided cases there is<br />

very little doubt. The head-note is usually correct enough. Secondly, there is no authoritative or uniquely correct<br />

formulation of any rule to be extracted from cases. On the other hand, there is often very general agreement,<br />

when the bearing of a precedent on a later case is in issue, that a given formulation is adequate. Thirdly, whatever<br />

authoritative status a rule extracted from precedent may have, it is compatible with the exercise by courts that<br />

are bound by it of the following two types of creative or legislative activity. On the one hand, courts deciding<br />

a later case may reach an opposite decision to that in a precedent by narrowing the rule extracted from the<br />

precedent, and admitting some exception to it not before considered, or, if considered, left open. This process<br />

of ‘distinguishing’ the earlier case involves finding some legally relevant difference between it and the present<br />

case, and the class of such differences can never be exhaustively determined. On the other hand, in following an<br />

earlier precedent the courts may discard a restriction found in the rule as formulated from the earlier case, on the<br />

ground that it is not required by any rule established by statute or earlier precedent. To do this is to widen the rule.<br />

Notwithstanding these two forms of legislative activity, left open by the binding force of the precedent, the result<br />

of the English system of precedent has been to produce, by its use, a body of rules of which a vast number, of both<br />

major and minor importance, are as determinate as any statutory rule. They can now only be altered by statute,<br />

as the courts themselves often declare in cases where the ‘merits’ seem to run counter to the requirements of the<br />

established precedents.” (HART, 1994, p. 134-135).<br />

26. FLETCHER, 1998, p. 79.<br />


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