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AMBOS, Kai. Direito Penal: fins da pena, concurso de pessoas, antijuridicidade e outros aspectos. Tradução<br />

de Pablo Rodrigo Alflen da Silva. Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris, 2006.<br />

ARENDT, Hannah. O que é política? Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2004.<br />

BANTEKAS, Ilias. NASH, Susan. International criminal law. Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007.<br />

BECK, Ulrich. Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Web in eine andere moderne. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1986.<br />

BYRD, B. Sharon. Introduction to Anglo-American Law & Language. Einführung in die anglo-amerikanische<br />

Rechtssprache. 2. ed. Munique; Viena; Berna: C. H. Beck/Manz/Stämpli, 2001.<br />

CASSESE, Antonio. International Law. New York: Oxford University, 2005.<br />

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<strong>DE</strong>LMAS-MARTY, Mireille. Le flou du droit. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2004.<br />

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FLETCHER, George P. Basic concepts of criminal law. New York; Oxford: Oxford University, 1998.<br />

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FOSTER, Niger G. Blackstone’s EU treaties & legislation 2010-2011. Oxford: Oxford University, 2010.<br />

GARAPON, Antoine; PAPAPOULOS, Ioannis. Julgar nos Estados Unidos e na França. Cultura Jurídica Francesa<br />

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GIFTS, Steven H. Law Dictionary. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 2003.<br />

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HELLER, Kevin Jon; DUBBER, Markus D. The handbook of comparative criminal law. Stanford: Stanford University,<br />

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JAKOBS, Günther. Derecho Penal: parte general – fundamentos y teoría de la imputación. Tradução Joaquín<br />

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JAPIASSÚ, Carlos Eduardo Adriano. O Direito Penal Internacional. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 2009.<br />

LANGBEIN, John H.; LERNER, Renée Lettow; SMITH, Bruce P. History of the Common Law. The development of<br />

Anglo-American Legal Institutions. Austin; Boston; Chicago; Nova York; Países Baixos: Aspen, 2009.<br />


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