THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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himself saved them because he loved them and spared them. He himself redeemed<br />

them, took them up, and exalted them all the days of the age. 10 But they distrusted and<br />

provoked his Holy Spirit. He turned to them in animosity; he himself battled them. 11 The<br />

one who brought the shepherd of the sheep up from the earth remembered the ancient<br />

days. A Where is the one who placed the Holy Spirit in them, 12 the one who led Moses<br />

with his right hand, the arm of his glory? He forced water from his presence, to make<br />

for himself an eternal name. 13 He led them through the abyss like a horse through a<br />

desert, and they did not labor, 14 and like livestock through a plain. The Spirit came<br />

down from the Lord and guided them; you led your people in this way to make for<br />

yourself a name of glory.<br />

15 Return from heaven; look from your holy house of glory. Where is your zeal and<br />

your strength? Where is the abundance of your mercy and of your sympathies? For you<br />

gave up on us. 16 Indeed, you are our Father; for Abraham did not know us, and Israel<br />

did not recognize us, but you, O Lord, are our Father. Deliver us; your name has been<br />

upon us from the beginning. 17 Why did you cause us to wander, O Lord, from your way,<br />

and harden our hearts so as not to fear you? Return on account of your slaves, on<br />

account of the tribes of your inheritance, 18 so that we may inherit a little of your holy<br />

mountain. B 19 We have become as at the beginning, when you did not rule us and your<br />

name was not invoked over us. If you open heaven, trembling from you will seize the<br />

mountains, and they will melt.<br />

Isaiah 64 C<br />

1 As wax melts due to fire, fire will burn up the opponents. The name of the Lord will<br />

be manifest among the opponents; the nations will be disturbed due to your presence,<br />

2 whenever you perform the glorious acts; trembling from you will seize the mountains.<br />

3 From of old we did not hear nor did our eyes see a God beside you and your works,<br />

which you will perform for those who wait for mercy. 4 For this will befall those who do<br />

what is right, and they will remember your ways. Behold, you became wrathful, and we<br />

sinned; because of this, we wandered off. 5 We all became like the unclean; all our<br />

righteousness was like a filthy rag. We fell like leaves because of our lawless acts; in<br />

this way, the wind will carry us away. 6 There is no one who invokes your name and<br />

who remembers to take hold of you. For you turned your face away from us, and<br />

delivered us up because of our sins.<br />

7 Now, O Lord, you are our Father, and we are clay; all of us are the work of your<br />

hands. 8 Do not be exceedingly wrathful with us, and do not remember our sins for a<br />

A The one who brought the shepherd of the sheep up from the earth remembered the<br />

ancient days. SA ¦ He remembered the ancient days. Where is the one who brought the<br />

shepherd of the sheep up from the earth? Vc ¦ He remembered the ancient days.<br />

Where is the one who brought the shepherd of the sheep up from the sea? V* ¦ He<br />

remembered the ancient days of Moses and his people. Where is the one who brought<br />

the shepherd of the sheep up from the earth?<br />

B VS ¦ + Our opponents trampled down your sacred place. A<br />

C 63:19b = 64:1 EV; 64:1-11 = 64:2-12 EV

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