THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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which the king asks is difficult, and there is no one else who will disclose it in the<br />

presence of the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with all flesh."<br />

12 Then in great anger and wrath the king said to destroy all the wise men of<br />

Babylon. 13 The decree came out, and the wise men started to be killed; they also<br />

sought to slay Daniel and his friends. 14 Then Daniel replied with his advice and opinion<br />

to Arioch, the chief butcher of the king, who had come out to slay the wise men of<br />

Babylon. 15 He inquired of him, "O ruler of the king, why did this ruthless opinion come<br />

out from the presence of the king?" Arioch made the account known to Daniel. A 16 Daniel<br />

entered and petitioned the king that he might give him time, and that he might disclose<br />

to the king its interpretation.<br />

17 Daniel entered his house and made the account known to his friends Hananiah,<br />

Mishael, and Azariah. 18 They sought acts of compassion from the God of heaven<br />

concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his friends might not be destroyed with the<br />

rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision<br />

during the night. Daniel blessed the God of heaven; 20 he said, "May the name of God<br />

be blessed from age to age, for wisdom and understanding B are his. 21 He changes<br />

seasons and times; he installs and deposes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and<br />

intelligence to those who are acquainted with understanding. 22 He reveals deep and<br />

hidden things; he knows the things which are in darkness, and the light is with him. 23 I<br />

acknowledge and praise you, O God of my fathers, for you gave me wisdom and power.<br />

You made known to me the things which we expected from you; you made known to<br />

me the vision of the king."<br />

24 Daniel came to Arioch, whom the king appointed to destroy the wise men of<br />

Babylon. He said to him, "Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon. Bring me into the<br />

presence of the king, and I will disclose the interpretation to the king." 25 Then in haste<br />

Arioch brought Daniel into the presence of the king and said to him, "I have found a<br />

man from the sons of the captivity of Judea, who will disclose the interpretation to the<br />

king." 26 The king replied and said to Daniel, whose name was Belshazzar, "Can you<br />

disclose to me the dream which I saw as well as its interpretation?" 27 Daniel answered<br />

in the presence of the king, "There is no one of the wise men, magicians, enchanters,<br />

and Gazarenes C to disclose to the king the mystery about which the king inquired, 28 but<br />

there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He made known to King<br />

Nebuchadnezzar the things which must happen in the last days. Your dream and the<br />

visions of your head while you were on your bed are as follows. 29 O king, your thoughts<br />

while you were on your bed ascended to what must happen after this, and the one who<br />

reveals mysteries made known to you the things which must happen. 30 This mystery<br />

was revealed to me, not by wisdom which is in me beyond all the living, but for the<br />

sake of making the interpretation known to the king, so that you may know the<br />

thoughts of your heart.<br />

31 You were watching, and behold, there was one image. That image was large, and<br />

A Daniel V ¦ the king A<br />

B wisdom and understanding V ¦ wisdom, understanding, and strength A<br />

C "soothsayers," from Aram gezar, "to determine"

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