THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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no spirit in them. 15 They are vain; they are works to be mocked. They will perish in the<br />

season of their inspection. 16 Such is not the portion of Jacob, for the one who formed<br />

all things is his inheritance; the Lord is his name.<br />

17 He gathered your substance from the outside while it resided in choice places.<br />

18 For thus says the Lord: "Behold, I am tripping up those who reside in this land with<br />

oppression, so that your plague may be found." 19 Woe on account of your fracture;<br />

your plague is painful. I said, `Surely this is your wound, and it overtook you.´ A 20 Your<br />

tent suffered; it departed. All your curtains B were torn. My sons and my sheep are no<br />

more; there is no longer a place for my tent, a place for my curtains. 21 For the<br />

shepherds lacked intelligence and did not seek the Lord; because of this, none of the<br />

pasture understood, and they were scattered. 22 Behold, the sound of a report is<br />

coming, as well as a great earthquake from the land of the north, in order to arrange<br />

the cities of Judah for obliteration and a bed of ostriches. 23 I am aware, O Lord, that<br />

the way of a man is not his own, nor will a man go and give success to his journey.<br />

24 Discipline us, O Lord, but in justice and not in fury, so that you do not make us few.<br />

25 Pour out your fury on the nations which are not aware of you and on the generations<br />

which did not invoke your name, for they devoured Jacob and consumed him, and<br />

made his pasture desolate.<br />

Jeremiah 11<br />

1 The word which was directed at Jeremiah from the Lord; he said, 2 "Hear the words<br />

of this testament. You will speak to the men of Judah and to those who reside in<br />

Jerusalem. 3 You will say to them, `Thus says the Lord God of Israel: "Cursed is the man<br />

who will not hear the words of this testament, 4 which I commanded for your fathers on<br />

the day when I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace,<br />

saying, `Hear my voice and do all the things which I command you; you will become a<br />

people for me, and I will become God for you,´ 5 so that I may confirm my oath which I<br />

swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this<br />

day."´" I answered and said, "Let it be so, O Lord."<br />

6 The Lord said to me, "Read these words in the cities of Judah and outside<br />

Jerusalem, saying, `Hear the words of this testament and do them.´" C 8 Yet they did not<br />

do them.<br />

9 The Lord said to me, "A conspiracy was found among the men of Judah and among<br />

those who reside in Jerusalem. 10 They returned to the injustices of their fathers who<br />

were in former times, who did not want to listen to my words. Behold, they themselves<br />

are proceeding after strange gods, in order to serve them. The house of Israel and the<br />

house of Judah broke my testament which I made for their fathers. 11 Because of this,<br />

thus says the Lord: `Behold, I am bringing wicked things over this people, out of which<br />

they will not be able to come. They will shout to me, and I will not listen to them. 12 The<br />

A<br />

this is your wound, and it overtook you VS ¦ this wound did not also overtake me A ¦<br />

this is my wound, and it overtook me<br />

B<br />

Your tent … your curtains VSA ¦ My tent … my curtains<br />

C<br />

No LXX manuscript includes vv. 7-8a

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