THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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about them.<br />

20 It will be on that day that what is left of Israel, and those of Jacob who were<br />

saved, will no longer continue to trust in those who harmed them. Instead, they will<br />

place their trust on God, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. 21 What is left of Jacob will be<br />

upon the God who is strong. 22 If the people of Israel are like the sand of the sea, the<br />

remnant of them will be saved, for he will finish the word and make it brief in<br />

righteousness. 23 For God will create a brief word in the entire inhabited world.<br />

24 Because of this, thus says the Lord of sabaóth: "Do not be afraid, O my people<br />

who are inhabitants in Zion, of the Assyrians, that he will attack you with a rod. For I<br />

am bringing a plague upon you in order to see the way of Egypt. 25 For in just a little<br />

while, the wrath will cease; my anger will be against their council." 26 God will wake up<br />

against them according to the plague of Midian, in the place of oppression. His anger<br />

will be on the way to the sea, as far as the way to Egypt. 27 It will be on that day that<br />

the fear of him will be removed from you, and his yoke from your shoulder; the yoke<br />

will be eliminated from your shoulders.<br />

28 For he will arrive at the city of Ai, will pass on to Migron, A and will place his<br />

equipment in Michmash. 29 He will pass through the valley and arrive at Ai; fear will<br />

seize Ramah, the city of Saul. 30 The daughter of Gallim will flee. Laishah will listen; she<br />

will listen in Anathoth. 31 Madmenah was astonished, as well as those who inhabit<br />

Gebim. 32 Encourage them to remain in the way today. With your hand, encourage the<br />

mountain, the daughter of Zion, and the hills which are in Jerusalem.<br />

33 For behold, the Master, the Lord of sabaóth, will disturb the glorious ones with<br />

strength. Those who are exalted with pride will be crushed, and the exalted will be<br />

humiliated. 34 The exalted will fall by the sword, and Lebanon will fall with the exalted.<br />

Isaiah 11<br />

1 A rod will come out of the root of Jesse, and a bloom will spring up from the root.<br />

2 The spirit of God will rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of<br />

counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and godliness; 3 the spirit of the fear of<br />

God will fill him. He will not judge on the basis of opinion or reprove on the basis of<br />

hearsay, 4 but he will judge the case of a humble man and will reprove the humble of<br />

the earth. He will attack the earth with the word of his mouth and slay the godless man<br />

with breath through his lips. 5 He will gird his waist with righteousness and cover his<br />

sides with truth.<br />

6 A wolf will feed together with a lamb, a leopard will rest together with a kid, a calf<br />

and a bull and a lion will feed together, and a little child will lead them. 7 An ox and a<br />

bear will feed together, and their children will be together. A lion and an ox will eat<br />

chaff together. B 8 An infant child will put his hand over the hole of snakes and over the<br />

A The towns in this section are all north of Jerusalem, extending to Ai about 12 miles<br />

away; maged(d)ó can refer to Megiddo in northern Israel as well as Migron (near<br />

Gibeah according to 1 Kgdms. 14:2)<br />

B A lion and an ox will eat chaff together A ¦ A lion and an ox will eat chaff S ¦ A lion will<br />

eat chaff like an ox V

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