THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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king said, "The word is true, and the decree of the Medes and Persians will not pass<br />

away." 14 Then they replied and said before the king, "Daniel, who is from the sons of<br />

the captivity of Judea, did not submit to your decree regarding the restriction which you<br />

posted; on three occasions of the day he makes his requests of his God." 15 Then the<br />

king, when he heard the word, was very much saddened over it. He agonized regarding<br />

Daniel, as to how to rescue him; until evening he was agonizing as to how to rescue<br />

him. 16 Then those men said to the king, "Know, O king, that it is the decree of the<br />

Medes and Persians that it is necessary not to alter any restriction and edict which the<br />

king establishes." 17 Then the king said so, and they brought Daniel and threw him into<br />

the pit of lions. The king said to Daniel, "Your God, whom you adore continually, will<br />

himself rescue you." 18 They brought a stone and placed it over the mouth of the pit;<br />

the king sealed it with his ring and with the ring of his great men, so that the matter<br />

with regard to Daniel might not be changed. 19 The king departed for his house. He lay<br />

down without supper, and they did not bring him things to eat; sleep avoided him. A<br />

20 Then the king arose in the light at dawn and came in haste to the pit of lions.<br />

21 When he came near the pit, he cried out with a strong voice, "O Daniel, slave of the<br />

living God, was your God, whom you adore continually, able to rescue you from the<br />

mouths of the lions?" 22 Daniel said to the king, "O king, may you live forever! 23 My God<br />

sent forth his messenger and blocked the mouths of the lions. They did not harm me,<br />

for uprightness was found in me before him, and in your sight, O king, I did not commit<br />

a trespass." 24 Then the king was very much in good spirits over him. He said to bring<br />

Daniel out of the pit; Daniel was brought out of the pit, and any damage was not found<br />

in him, for he believed in his God. 25 The king said so, and they brought the men who<br />

had accused Daniel; they themselves, their sons, and their wives were thrown into the<br />

pit of lions. They did not reach the bottom of the pit before the lions dominated them<br />

and tore all their bones to pieces.<br />

26 Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, tribes, and languages who resided<br />

in all the land: "Peace be multiplied for you! 27 A decree was established from my<br />

presence for people in every realm of my kingdom to be trembling and afraid due to the<br />

presence of the God of Daniel, for he himself is the God who lives and remains forever.<br />

His kingdom will not be damaged, and his dominion is to the end. 28 He helps and<br />

delivers, and performs signs and wonders in heaven and on earth; he rescued Daniel<br />

from the hand of the lions." 29 Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and during<br />

the reign of Cyrus the Persian.<br />

Daniel 7<br />

1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of the Chaldeans, Daniel saw a dream, and the<br />

visions of his head occurred while he was in his bed. He wrote about his dream: 2 I,<br />

Daniel, was gazing at a vision of the night, B and behold, the four winds of heaven were<br />

striking against the great sea. 3 Four great beasts ascended out of the sea, differing<br />

from each other. 4 The first was like a lioness, and she had wings like an eagle's. I kept<br />

A VA ¦ + God shut the mouths of the lions, and they did not annoy Daniel.<br />

B at a vision of the night A ¦ at my vision of the night ¦ ~ V

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