THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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BARUCH 1<br />

1 These are the words of the document which Baruch son of Neriah, son of<br />

Mahseiah, son of Zedekiah, son of Hasadiah, son of Hilkiah wrote in Babylon, 2 in the<br />

fifth year, on the seventh of the month, in the season when the Chaldeans took<br />

Jerusalem and burned her with fire.<br />

3 Baruch read the words of this document in the ears of Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim,<br />

king of Judah, in the ears of all the people who were coming to the book, 4 in the ears<br />

of the powerful and the sons of kings, in the ears of the elders, and in the ears of all<br />

the people, from small to great, everyone who resided in Babylon by the River Sud.<br />

5 They wept and fasted, and made vows before the Lord. 6 They collected silver, as<br />

much as the hand of each could hold, 7 and sent it to Jerusalem to the priest Jehoiakim<br />

son of Hilkiah son of Shallum, to the priests, and to all the people who were found with<br />

him in Jerusalem, 8 while he took the vessels of the house of the Lord, which had been<br />

carried away from the sanctuary, to return them to the land of Judah on the tenth day<br />

of Sivan. These were the silver vessels which Zedekiah son of Josiah, king of Judah,<br />

had made, 9 after Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had deported Jeconiah, the rulers,<br />

the prisoners, the powerful, and the people of the land from Jerusalem; he brought<br />

them to Babylon.<br />

10 They said, "Behold, we have sent silver to you. Buy with the silver whole burnt<br />

offerings, those for sin, and incense. Make manna and offer it on the altar of the Lord<br />

our God. 11 Pray for the life of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and for the life of<br />

Belshazzar his son, so that their days on earth may be like the days of heaven. 12 The<br />

Lord will give us strength and will illuminate our eyes. We will live under the shadow of<br />

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and under the shadow of Belshazzar his son, and we<br />

will serve them many days and find grace before them. 13 Pray for us to the Lord our<br />

God, for we sinned against the Lord our God; the anger of the Lord and his wrath have<br />

not turned away from us to this day. 14 You will read this document which we sent forth<br />

to you in order to make a declaration in the house of the Lord on the day of the festival<br />

and on days which are appointed.<br />

15 You will say: `The Lord our God has righteousness, but as on this day we have<br />

shame on our faces, the man of Judah and those who reside in Jerusalem, 16 our kings,<br />

our rulers, our priests, our prophets, and our fathers; 17 we sinned before the Lord. 18 We<br />

distrusted him, and we did not hear the voice of the Lord our God in order to walk in<br />

the ordinances of the Lord which he gave in our presence. 19 From the day when the<br />

Lord brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt until this day, we have been<br />

distrustful towards the Lord our God and we have been careless, so as not to listen to<br />

his voice. 20 As on this day, the wicked things and the curse have clung to us, which the<br />

Lord directed through Moses his servant on the day when he brought our fathers out of<br />

the land of Egypt to give to us a land flowing with milk and honey. 21 We did not listen<br />

to the voice of the Lord our God in agreement with all the words of the prophets whom<br />

he sent forth to us. 22 Each was led in the thinking of his evil heart to work for other<br />

gods, to do wicked things in the eyes of the Lord our God.

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