THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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after strange gods, resulting in wickedness for you, 7 I will cause you to reside in this<br />

place, in the land which I gave to your fathers from eternity and for eternity.<br />

8 9<br />

But if you have trusted in lying words, by which you will not be benefited, and you<br />

murder, commit adultery, steal, and swear to injustice, and you have burned incense to<br />

Baal and gone after strange gods with whom you were not acquainted, so that it goes<br />

wickedly for you, 10 and you have come and stood in my sight in the house over which<br />

my name is invoked, and have said, `We refrained from doing all these abominations,´<br />

11<br />

is not my house over which my name is invoked a den of robbers in your sight?<br />

Behold, I have seen it," says the Lord. 12 "For go to my place which is in Shiloh, where I<br />

caused my name to dwell there previously, and see what I did to it due to the presence<br />

of the wickedness of my people Israel. 13 Now, because you performed all these works,<br />

and I spoke to you yet you did not listen to me, and I called you yet you did not<br />

answer, 14 I will also do to this house over which my name is invoked, in which you have<br />

trusted, and to the place which I gave to you and your fathers, just as I did to Shiloh.<br />

15<br />

I will throw you away from my presence, just as I threw away your brothers, all the<br />

seed of Ephraim.<br />

16<br />

Do not pray concerning this people, and do not expect them to be shown mercy.<br />

Do not make a vow, and do not approach me concerning them, for I will not listen. 17 Do<br />

you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the ways of Jerusalem?<br />

18<br />

Their sons gather wood, their fathers kindle fire, and their women knead dough to<br />

make cakes for the host of heaven. They offered libations to strange gods, so that they<br />

might provoke me. 19 They don't provoke me, do they?" says the Lord. "Is it not<br />

themselves, in order that their faces may be ashamed?" 20 Because of this, thus says the<br />

Lord: "Behold, my wrath and anger will be poured out on this place, on the men, on the<br />

livestock, on every tree of their field, and on the produce of the land; it will burn and<br />

will not be quenched."<br />

21<br />

Thus says the Lord: "Gather your whole burnt offerings with your sacrifices, and<br />

eat meat. 22 For I did not speak to your fathers, and I did not command them on the<br />

day on which I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, concerning whole burnt<br />

offerings and sacrifice. 23 Instead, I commanded them this statement, saying, `Hear my<br />

voice, and I will be God for you, and you will be a people for me. Go on all my ways on<br />

which I may command you, in order that it may be well with you.´ 24 They did not listen<br />

to me, and their ear paid no attention. Instead, they went in the considerations of their<br />

wicked hearts; they were backwards and not forwards. 25 From the day their fathers<br />

came out of the land of Egypt, even to this day, I sent forth to you all my slaves, the<br />

prophets, during the day and early in the morning. I sent forth, 26 yet they did not listen<br />

to me, and their ear paid no attention; they stiffened their neck more than their fathers.<br />

27 28<br />

You will say this word to them: `This is the nation which did not listen to the voice<br />

of the Lord and did not accept correction; the faith failed from their mouths.´<br />

29<br />

Cut off your hair and throw it away; take up a lamentation on your lips. For the<br />

Lord disqualified and rejected the generation which did these things. 30 For the sons of<br />

Judah did what was evil before me," says the Lord. "They arranged their abominations<br />

in the house over which my name was invoked in order to defile it. 31 They built the<br />

platform of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, in order to burn up

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