THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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Levi and pour them out like gold and like silver. They will be offering a sacrifice to the<br />

Lord in righteousness. 4 The sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord<br />

as in the days of old, as in the previous years. 5 "I will approach you in judgment; I will<br />

be a swift witness against the sorcerers, the adulteresses, those who swear falsely by<br />

my name, those who hold back the wage of an employee, those who overpower a<br />

widow, those who abuse orphans, those who pervert justice for a visitor, and those<br />

who do not fear me," says the almighty Lord.<br />

6 "For I am the Lord your God; I do not change. You sons of Jacob did not abstain<br />

7 from the unrighteous acts of your fathers. You perverted and did not preserve my<br />

regulations. Return to me, and I will return to you," says the almighty Lord. "You say,<br />

`In what way would we return?´ 8 Will a man step on God? For you step on me. You will<br />

say, `In what way did we step on you?´ Because the tithes and initial offerings are still<br />

with you. 9 You keep looking away, and you step on me. The year A is finished. 10 You<br />

have brought all the produce into the storerooms, and the plundering of it will occur in<br />

its house. Now consider this," says the almighty Lord. "Will I not open for you the<br />

waterfalls of heaven, pour out on you my blessing until you are satisfied, 11 and<br />

dispense food to you? I am not ruining the fruit of your land; your vine in the field will<br />

not weaken," says the almighty Lord. 12 "All the nations will consider you fortunate, for<br />

you will be a desirable land," says the almighty Lord.<br />

13 "You loaded your words on me," says the Lord. "You said, `In what way did we<br />

speak against you?´ 14 You said, `The one who serves God does so in vain; what good<br />

was it that we kept his precepts, and that we walked as petitioners before the almighty<br />

Lord? 15 Now we consider strangers fortunate. All who perform lawless acts are being<br />

built up; they resisted God and were saved.´" 16 Each of those who feared the Lord<br />

spoke against these things with his neighbor. The Lord paid attention, listened, and<br />

wrote a document of remembrance before him for those who fear the Lord and honor<br />

his name. 17 "They will be mine," says the almighty Lord, "on the day which I will set for<br />

possession. I will adopt them in the way a man adopts his son who serves him. 18 You<br />

will return and see the difference between a righteous and a lawless man, and between<br />

one who serves God and one who does not serve.<br />

19 For behold, the day of the Lord B is coming, on fire like a furnace, and it will burn<br />

them up. All the aliens and all those who perform lawless acts will be a reed. The day<br />

which is coming will kindle them," says the almighty Lord. "Neither root nor branch will<br />

be left of them. C 20 The sun of righteousness will rise for you who fear my name, and<br />

healing will be in his wings. You will come out and leap like calves released from bonds.<br />

21 You will trample the lawless, for they will be ash underneath your feet on the day<br />

which I set," says the almighty Lord. 22 "Behold, I am sending forth to you Elijah the<br />

Tishbite before the great and conspicuous day of the Lord comes. 23 He will restore the<br />

heart of a father to his son and the heart of a man to his neighbor, so that I would not<br />

come and slaughter the earth completely. 24 Remember the law of Moses my slave, just<br />

A year VScA ¦ nation S*<br />

B of the Lord A ¦ ~ VS<br />

C 3:19-24 = 4:1-6 EV

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