THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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front of the sanctuary. He said, "This is the holy of holies."<br />

5 He measured the wall of the house as six cubits and the breadth of the side as four<br />

cubits all around. 6 The sides were thirty-three twice, side by side. There was a space in<br />

the wall of the house, in the sides all around, existing for those who are attempting to<br />

see so that they might not at all touch the walls of the house. 7 The breadth of the<br />

upper one of the sides was according to the projection out of the wall, against the<br />

upper one around the house, so that it might be flattened out from above and they<br />

might ascend to the upper stories from those below and to the third stories from the<br />

middle ones. 8 The tharél A of the house was a summit all around. The space of the sides<br />

was equal to a reed; the space was six cubits. 9 The breadth of the wall of the outer side<br />

was five cubits. As for the remaining areas between the sides of the house 10 and<br />

between the arcades, the breadth was twenty cubits, the circumference of the house all<br />

around. 11 The doors of the arcades were toward the remaining area of the one door<br />

which was to the north, and there was one door to the south. The breadth of the light B<br />

of the remaining area was five cubits wide all around.<br />

12 The partition in front of the remaining area, like one toward the sea, was seventy<br />

cubits; the width of the wall of the partition was five cubits in breadth all around, and<br />

its length was ninety cubits. 13 He measured a length of one hundred cubits opposite the<br />

house; as for the remaining areas, the partitions, and their walls, the length was one<br />

hundred cubits. 14 The breadth in front of the house and the remaining areas opposite<br />

was one hundred cubits.<br />

15 He measured the length of the partition in front of the remaining area of the back<br />

parts of that house; as for the remaining areas on this side and on that side, the length<br />

was one hundred cubits. The sanctuary, the corners, and the outer ulam were overlaid<br />

with ceilings. 16 The windows were latticed, narrow openings all around for the three so<br />

as to look through. The house and the adjoining parts were planked all around, as well<br />

as the floor and from the floor as far as the windows. The windows opened out in three<br />

parts in order to look through. 17 As far as what was next to the inner one and as far as<br />

the outer one, and on the entire wall all around on the inside and on the outside,<br />

18 there were carved cherubim and palm trees between the cherub and cherub. There<br />

were two faces for a cherub: 19 the face of a man was toward a palm tree on this side<br />

and on that side, and the face of a lion was toward a palm tree on this side and on that<br />

side. The entire house was carved all around. 20 From the floor to the ceiling there were<br />

cherubim and carved palm trees.<br />

21 The holy place and the sanctuary opened out on four sides. In front of the holy<br />

places, the appearance was like the sight of a wooden altar; 22 its height was three<br />

cubits, the length was two cubits, and the breadth was two cubits. It had horns, and its<br />

base and its walls were wooden. He said to me, "This is the table which is before the<br />

presence of the Lord." 23 There were two doorways for the sanctuary and the holy place.<br />

24 There were two doorways for the two pivoting doorways, two doorways for the one<br />

A Possibly a parapet-like structure, from Heb raal, "to reel" or "to dangle," through its<br />

derivative nouns realah, "veil," and tharélah, "reeling" (unique to this text)<br />

B A natural light source other than a window, such as a skylight (also in 42:7, 10-12)

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