THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire

THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES Old Testament Prophecy - Angelfire


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way of the gate which looked toward the east, and he measured the pattern of the<br />

house all around in order. 16 He stood behind the gate which looked toward the east,<br />

and he measured five hundred with the measuring reed. 17 He turned to the north and<br />

measured the area in front of the north as five hundred cubits with the measuring reed.<br />

18 He turned to the sea and measured the area in front of the sea as five hundred with<br />

the measuring reed. 19 He turned to the south and measured opposite the south as five<br />

hundred with the measuring reed. 20 The four parts were by the same reed. He set it in<br />

order, as well as their enclosure all around, as five hundred toward the east. There was<br />

a breadth of five hundred cubits to distinguish between the holy places and the<br />

fortification which was in the order of the house.<br />

Ezekiel 43<br />

1 He brought me to the gate which looked toward the east, and he brought me out.<br />

2 Behold, the glory of the God of Israel came by the way of the gate which looked to the<br />

east; there was a sound of a camp, like the sound of many doubling up, and the earth<br />

shone like light from the glory all around. 3 The vision which I saw was like the vision<br />

which I saw when I went in to anoint the city; the vision of the chariot which I saw was<br />

like the vision which I saw at the River Chebar. I fell on my face. 4 The glory of the Lord<br />

entered the house by the way of the gate which looked toward the east. 5 The Spirit<br />

took me up and brought me into the inner courtyard; behold, the house was full of the<br />

glory of the Lord.<br />

6 I stood, and behold, there was a voice out of the house of one speaking to me, and<br />

a man stood next to me. 7 He said to me, "Son of man, you have seen the place of my<br />

throne and the place of the soles of my feet, in which my name will pitch its tent in the<br />

midst of the house of Israel forever. The house of Israel, they and their governors, will<br />

no longer profane my holy name by their prostitution and by the murders of their<br />

governors in their midst, 8 when they place my threshold by their threshold and my<br />

doorjambs next to their doorjambs. They gave my wall as if it joined me and them, and<br />

they profaned my holy name with their lawless act which they performed. I wiped them<br />

out with my fury and with murder. 9 Now let them put away from me their prostitution<br />

and the murders of their governors, and I will pitch my tent in their midst forever.<br />

10 You, son of man, show the house to the house of Israel, its visions and its<br />

arrangement, and they will grow weary of their sins. 11 They will receive their<br />

punishment concerning everything which they did. You will describe the house, its<br />

preparation, its exits, its entrances, A its substance, all its ordinances, and all its<br />

regulations; you will make them known to them and describe them before them. They<br />

will preserve all my righteous decrees and all my ordinances, and they will perform<br />

them, 12 as well as the description of the house on the summit of the mountain. All its<br />

borders all around will be a holy of holies. This is the law of the house. B<br />

13 These are the measures of the altar, by the cubit of a cubit and a span. The bulge:<br />

the bottom will be about a cubit, and the breadth will be a cubit. The cornice on its lip:<br />

A its preparation, its exits, its entrances A ¦ its exits V<br />

B This is the law of the house. A ¦ ~ V

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