20.11.2013 Aufrufe

CA Service Accounting und CA Service Catalog ...

CA Service Accounting und CA Service Catalog ...

CA Service Accounting und CA Service Catalog ...


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Aufrufen von Webservices mit einem Java-Client<br />

// Use the service to get a Stub to the Account<strong>Service</strong><br />

testing.soap.Account<strong>Service</strong>SoapBindingStub fib =<br />

(testing.soap.Account<strong>Service</strong>SoapBindingStub)service.getAccount<strong>Service</strong>(endpoint);<br />

// Log into the web service to get a session ID.<br />

// loginID : The LoginID of the user(for example, spadmin).<br />

// password : The User Password (for example, spadmin).<br />

// bu : The business unit to which the user wants to log in (for example, <strong>CA</strong>)<br />

// sessionID: handle to the session used for calling the other methods.<br />

// The session ID can be used with any of the web services.<br />

//String sessionID = fib.logIn(,,);<br />

String sessionID = fib.logIn(“spadmin”,”spadmin”,”<strong>CA</strong>”);<br />

// Using the sessionID the stub calls the method getAccountsOfBusinessUnit<br />

// businessunitid: the ID for the business unit for which the accounts are to be<br />

retrieved (for example, “Sales”)<br />

//Account[] retAccounts =<br />

//fib.getAccountsOfBusinessUnit(sessionID,);<br />

Account[] retAccounts =<br />

fib.getAccountsOfBusinessUnit(sessionID,”Sales”);<br />

for(int i = 0; i < retAccounts.length; i++)<br />

{<br />

System.out.println("value of AccountID = " + retAccounts[i].getAccountID());<br />

System.out.println("value of AccountLabel = " +<br />

retAccounts[i].getAccountLabel());<br />

}<br />

// Log out. This terminates the session<br />

fib.logOut(sessionID);<br />

}catch(Exception e)<br />

{<br />

System.out.println("Throwing exception" + e.getMessage());<br />

}<br />

}<br />

)<br />

Kapitel 7: Verwenden von Webservices 133

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