TranSystems Corporation - LGM Construction

TranSystems Corporation - LGM Construction

TranSystems Corporation - LGM Construction


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F-3<br />

allowable levels that the Department of Transportation establishes from time to<br />

time.<br />

Cause persons that will perform any of the Work at the Site to provide a ten-year<br />

employment history and cause employer reference verifications meeting FedEx,<br />

TSA and airport authority standards to be prepared with respect to those persons<br />

at Contractor’s expense. If the employment of a person who is expected to<br />

perform any of the Work at the Site during the most recent five years cannot be<br />

verified because one or more employers included in his or her employment history<br />

no longer exist or because of other reasons, or if the person does not have an<br />

employment history sufficient to meet TSA requirements, Contractor must cause<br />

the person to furnish to FedEx’s Representative and FedEx’s Managing Director,<br />

Aviation Security an explanation for any gap or lapse appearing in that person’s<br />

employment history that is sufficient in FedEx’s sole discretion. Contractor may<br />

not permit any person to enter the Site for the purpose of performing any of the<br />

Work if the employer reference verification required by virtue of the foregoing<br />

reveals either any adverse information that would preclude the person’s entry on<br />

to airport property under TSA requirements or job-related criminal convictions<br />

entered against the person during the preceding ten years or such other period of<br />

time as applicable Legal Requirements may prescribe. Contractor shall keep the<br />

employer reference verifications that it causes to be prepared by virtue of the<br />

foregoing on file until Final Acceptance and provide FedEx with copies from time<br />

to time at FedEx’s request.<br />

Before permitting any person that has a criminal history to enter the Site for the purpose of<br />

performing any part of the Work, Contractor must give both FedEx’s Representative and<br />

FedEx’s Managing Director, Aviation Security written notice of the identity of that person and<br />

his or her history and must secure the written concurrence of FedEx’s Representative to the use<br />

of that person.<br />

Contractor shall make available for FedEx’s inspection upon FedEx’s request the employment<br />

applications of all persons that perform any of the Work at the Site.<br />

Contractor shall cause all persons that perform any of the Work at the Site to be instructed not to<br />

bring on to the Site radios (other than two-way radios used in the performance of the Work),<br />

personal tape and CD players, and other items that FedEx prohibits in its security screening<br />

process.<br />

Contractor shall ensure that a condition of the continued employment of each person engaged to<br />

perform any of the Work at the Site is that that person must submit to searches when entering or<br />

leaving the Site, if a FedEx Security Specialist or other authorized security representative<br />

requests that such a search be conducted. Contractor may not permit any person to re-enter the<br />

Site for the purpose of performing any of the Work if that person has refused to submit to a<br />

search when entering or leaving the Site on a prior occasion.

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