Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...


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N. 422 ii. allgemeiner und gelehrter briefwechsel 1701–1702 731<br />

Je vous prie tresheumblement de me pardonner si je vous ecris à l’hate. Je suppliray<br />

autre fois aus defauts, et avec toute la passion je suis 〈...〉<br />


Wien, 14. Januar 1702. [395. 436.]<br />

Überlieferung: K Abfertigung: LBr. 279 Bl. 7–8. 1 Bog. 4 o . 4 S. — Gedr.: Kemble, Corre- 5<br />

spondence, 1857, S. 260 f.<br />

Vienna. 14. Jan. 170 2<br />

I am extremely obliged to you for your recommendations of me hitherto, and I<br />

dont in the least doubt but those kind things you have said of me in your letter to<br />

Maliabecchi will obtain a favourable reception for me, as coming from a man of your 10<br />

character, though I dont at all deserve ’em. After often writing I have obtained the<br />

enclosed papers concerning our Insurance offices, and the Friend that sent ’em to me,<br />

promised at the same time that if you had any queries or objections to make, that he<br />

would answer ’em to your satisfaction. The price of insuring the houses will alter in<br />

proportion to the goodnesse of your security, the interest you are able to make of your 15<br />

money and the value of your houses etc., but those things will all naturally occur to one<br />

of your learning and judgement.<br />

I wrote a fortnight agoe to Mad le Pelnitz, and gave my opinion, I fear, a little too<br />

freely of this court; I must desire you to beg my pardon of that faire Lady, if she is angry<br />

at the satyre, or stile of my last letter. I long to heare that the Queen of Prussia is got to <strong>20</strong><br />

Hannover; for as I wish all happynesse to that family, I am of opinion that the presence<br />

of that good Queen will contribute much towards it.<br />

I was, according to your desire, to wait upon P. Menegatti; he had an account of the<br />

same thing before, but he was very glad to hear of your wellfare; he is one of the most<br />

Zu N. 422: K antwortet auf N. 395, wurde durch P. Plantamour übermittelt (vgl. N. 436) und hatte<br />

als Beilage die Z. 11 f. erwähnten Unterlagen über Feuerversicherungen. 9 letter: N. 397. 12 papers:<br />

vgl. N. 371 Erl. 12 Friend: nicht identifiziert; neben E. Thwaites (vgl. N. 410) hatte Fountaine noch<br />

andere Bekannte um eine entsprechende Sendung gebeten. 23 desire: vgl. N. 395. 23 f. the same<br />

thing: den Schiedsspruch des Kangxi-Kaisers, vgl. ebd.<br />

29. 11. <strong>20</strong>06

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