Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 20 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...


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N. 437 ii. allgemeiner und gelehrter briefwechsel 1701–1702 749<br />

Saltzburg. 29. Jan. 1702.<br />

I am got thus far on my way for Venice, and this being the first Town that I made any<br />

stop at, I take this oppertunity to thank you once more for your Obligeing letters, and<br />

to beg of you, if you think it convenient, to obtain the Electrices letter to the Dutchesse<br />

of Modena; to w[hi]ch place I design to goe after having visited the Imperiall Army in 5<br />

their winter quarters. If the Electrice does not usually write to the Dutchesse, t’will<br />

be improper to ask that favour of Her Highnesse; but you are a better Judge of that<br />

than I am. Whilest I was at Vienna I had the Honour of conversing frequently with<br />

Prince Christian, who is a very sober Studious prince, and seems to me to be one of<br />

the valuablest men of quality in the Imperiall court, and the very reverse of his Brother 10<br />

Prince Maximilian.<br />

I hope you received my last from Vienna, because in it I sent you the methods of our<br />

Insurance offices; but not knowing whether you were at Berlin or Hannover, I directed it<br />

to M r Plantamour.<br />

I must desire you to send the Enclosed speedily forward for England; and to give my 15<br />

humblest duty to al the faire Ladys of both courts, but in perticular to Mad le Pelnitz. I<br />

am 〈...〉<br />

Direct to me Chez Monsieur Broughton Consul de sa Majesté Brittannique à Venise.<br />


Helmstedt, 30. Januar 1702. [434. 443.] <strong>20</strong><br />

Überlieferung: K Abfertigung: LBr. 251 Bl. 131. 4 o . 2 S. Links oben auf Bl. 131 r o Vermerk<br />

von <strong>Leibniz</strong>’ Hand: ” resp.‘‘.<br />

De felici et glorioso cum Regina reditu gratulor Exc. Tuae. Nec est, quod solicitus<br />

sis de excutiendis literis, num mihi debeatur responsum; nullum enim ex debito<br />

(nisi gratiam velis debitum appellare) mihi est reddendum. Niemeieri causa a Cellen- 25<br />

sibus ad Senatum acad. paucis abhinc diebus rescriptum fuit, causam denegatae hac-<br />

Zu N. 437: K antwortet auf N. 434 und hatte einen nicht identifizierten Fabriciusbrief als Beischluss.<br />

<strong>Leibniz</strong>’ Antwort (vgl. die Überlieferung) wurde nicht gefunden.<br />

29. 11. <strong>20</strong>06

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