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Light, H. Ivan: Immigrant entrepreneurs in America: Koreans in Los Angeles.<br />

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Making it in America. London and Toronto 1986<br />

Morokvasic, Mirjana: Yugoslav Women in France, FR Germany and Sweden.<br />

Study report, mimeo, CNRS-FNSP. Paris 1980<br />

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Morokvasic, M./Phizacklea, A./Rudolph, H.: Small Firms and Minority Groups:<br />

Contradictory Trends in the French, German and British Clothing Industries.<br />

In: International Sociology 1 (1986) 4<br />

Simon, Gi/des: L'espace des travailleurs tunisiens en France. Doctoral thesis,<br />

Ed. G. Simon. Poitiers 1979<br />

Sta tistisches Bundesamt: Struktur daten über Ausländer in der Bundesrepublik<br />

Deutschland. Ausgabe 1983<br />

Wal dinger , Roger: The Occupational and Economic Integration of the new Immigrants.<br />

In: Law and Contemporary Problems 45 (1983) 2<br />

Wal dinger, Roger: Through the E ye of a Needle. Immigrants and Entreprise in<br />

New York's Garment Trade. New York 1986

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