Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by Frederick J. Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau ISBN 10: 1305504917 ISBN 13: 9781305504912

Statistics is one of the most practical and essential courses that you will take, and a primary goal of this popular text is to make the task of learning statistics as simple as possible. Straightforward instruction, built-in learning aids, and real-world examples have made STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 10th Edition the text selected most often by instructors for their students in the behavioral and social sciences. The authors provide a conceptual context that makes it easier to learn formulas and procedures, explaining why procedures were developed and when they should be used. This text will also instill the basic principles of objectivity and logic that are essential for science and valuable in everyday life, making it a useful reference long after you complete the course.

Statistics is one of the most practical and essential courses that you will take, and a primary goal of this popular text is to make the task of learning statistics as simple as possible. Straightforward instruction, built-in learning aids, and real-world examples have made STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 10th Edition the text selected most often by instructors for their students in the behavioral and social sciences. The authors provide a conceptual context that makes it easier to learn formulas and procedures, explaining why procedures were developed and when they should be used. This text will also instill the basic principles of objectivity and logic that are essential for science and valuable in everyday life, making it a useful reference long after you complete the course.


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Research studies, 151. See also In the


ADHD and Ritalin, 361

adoption and TV watching, 525

adversity and strength, 330

alcohol and reaction times, 265

alcohol use and availability, 530

Alzheimer’s, test for, 526

antioxidants and cognitive skills, 265

anxiety levels, increase in, 296

arthritis and exercise, 222, 361

arthritis pain tolerance, 31–32

athletes and class attendance, 361, 622

attractiveness and alcohol consumption, 68

attractiveness and body image profiles, 600

attractiveness and color red, 362, 483

attractiveness and intelligence, 361

audience and performance, 483

babies’ understanding of probability, 194

brain nerve conduction velocity, 621

caffeine and reaction times, 265

calories and fast food choices, 330

champagne, pouring methods, 481

cognitive ability and social status, 527

creativity and cheating, 330–331

customer loyalty programs, 599

darkness and dishonesty, 310, 317–318

depth perception, 604, 609

dream content and gender, 600

economic class and generosity, 332

eye-spot pattern and birds, 296

eyewitness testimony and question

wording, 330, 599, 622–623

Facebook, using while studying, 483

facial stigma and job interviews, 366

head impact in sports and cognition, 331

hens and cage space, 622

high school start times, 621

humor and memory, 97–98

hypnosis and memory, 620

income and weight, 486, 525

IQ score increases, 266

IQ scores and gender, 600

littering habits, 601

marriage and last names, 160, 598, 620

masculine-themed words, 63, 360–361

mathematical development of children, 64

memory and practice, 100

mental health services, usage of, 601

milk drinking, 31

money and pain tolerance, 300, 331

motivational signs, 32

moving frequently as children, 297–298

multiple-choice exam, answer changes,

361–362, 622

musical physical training for elderly, 331

newborns and face preference, 276–277,

280–281, 285–286, 287, 288–289

office space design, 32

pain threshold and pregnancy, 442

pedometer and exercise, 444

perceptual-speed tests, 132

physicians, patient skill preferences for,


preschool and test scores, 298

price and quality, 360

problem solving and instruction, 332

red and combat sports, 598, 620

retirement and memory decline, 557

right-handedness, 620

romantic music, effect on women, 560,


schizophrenia and birth season, 601

self-esteem and group participation, 264

self-hypnosis and hay-fever, 622

sense of humor, attractiveness of, 268,


Sesame Street and high school performance,

329–330, 481

sleep, study, and exams, 336, 363

sports and conceptual thinking, 480

spotlight effect, 296, 621

stressful experiences, writing about, 622

student weight gain and gender, 599–600

study hours, 263

study strategies, 31, 296–297, 385–386,


supplements and memory, 263

swearing and pain, 18, 31, 98, 343–345,

362, 622

syntactical cues and vocabulary, 621–622

tattoos and attractiveness, 34, 360, 445

tipping and T-shirt color, 227–228

video game avatars, 600

video game habits, 31

video games and aggression, 448, 449,


visual cliff, 604, 609

weight and food variety, 264

weight and hunger, 476–478

Residual variance, 420–421, 547–548

Restricted range, 498

rho (ρ), 490, 494

Sample means, 71, 201, 268. See also Distribution

of sample means

Sample size

ANOVA, 390–391, 400

Chi-square test statistic, 584

and hypothesis testing, 257–259

independent-measures t test, 322–324

law of large numbers, 202

repeated measures t test, 350–351

standard error, 202

t statistic, 278

Sample standard deviation (s), 112–115, 269

defined, 113

Sample variability, 111–112, 115–116

Sample variance (s 2 ), 112–115, 269

defined, 113

independent measures t test, 322–324

repeated measures t test, 350–351

t statistic, 278

and unbiased statistics, 117–119

Samples, 4

noticeably different, 215

standardized distributions, 149–150


with replacement, 163–164

without replacement, 244

Sampling distributions, 196

Sampling error, 6–7, 195, 300

and standard error, 210–213

Scales of measurement, 21–24

interval scale, 22–23

nominal scale, 21–22

ordinal scale, 22

ratio scale, 22–23, 25

statistics organizer, 701–702

transformations of, 120–121

Scatter plots, 11

Scheffè test, 395–396, 428

Scientific (alternative) hypothesis (H 1

), 228

Scores, 5, 25

distributions of, 47

extreme, and medians, 86–87

means, characteristics of, 75–77

normal distribution, 172–178

Self-regulated condition, 467–469

Sign test, 614–617

Significance levels, 187

Significant results, 241–242

Simple main effects, 467–470

Simple random samples, 162

Single-factor, independent-measures

ANOVA. See Analysis of variance


Single-sample t test, 309, 572–573, 662

Sketching distributions, 172

Skewed distributions, 48, 93

and medians, 86–87

Skills assessment review exam, 626

Slope, 532

Smooth curves, 46–47

Software. See SPSS (Statistical Package for

the Social Sciences)

Solutions to odd-numbers problems, 663–682

Solving equations, 637–639

SP (sum of products), 490–492

Spearman correlation (ρ s

), 510–516, 658

ranking tied scores, 513–514

significance testing, 515–516

special formula for, 514–515

SPSS, 522

statistical organizer, 708

statistical tables, 658

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences), 30, 683–685

ANOVA, 404–405

bar graph, 59

binomial test, 618

chi-square tests, 593–594

correlation, 521–522

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