DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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954 Physiological and Pathological Functions of PAF. PAF

generally is viewed as a mediator of pathological events

and has been implicated in allergic asthma, endotoxic

shock, acute pancreatitis, certain cancers, dermal inflammation,

and inflammatory cardiovascular diseases such

as atherosclerosis. Dysregulation of PAF signaling or

degradation has been associated with some human diseases,

aided by data from genetically modified animals.

Reproduction and Parturition. A role for PAF in ovulation, implantation,

and parturition has been suggested by numerous studies.

However, PAF receptor–deficient mice are normal reproductively,

indicating that PAF may not be essential for reproduction.



Inflammatory and Allergic Responses. The pro-inflammatory actions

of PAF, and its elaboration by endothelial cells, leukocytes, and mast

cells under inflammatory conditions, are well characterized. The

plasma concentration of PAF is increased in experimental anaphylactic

shock, and the administration of PAF reproduces many of its signs

and symptoms, suggesting a role for the autacoid in anaphylactic

shock. Indeed, studies with PAF receptor–deficient mice confirm the

actions of PAF, and PAF-like molecules, as dominant anaphylactic

mediators. In addition, mice overexpressing the PAF receptor exhibit

bronchial hyperreactivity and increased lethality when treated with

endotoxin (Ishii et al., 2002). PAF-receptor knockout mice display

milder anaphylactic responses to exogenous antigen challenge,

including less cardiac instability, airway constriction, and alveolar

edema; they are, however, still susceptible to endotoxic shock.

Deletion of the PAF receptor augments the lethality of infection with

gram-negative bacteria while improving host defense against grampositive

pneumococcal pneumonia. PAF receptor-overexpressing

mice show increased airway responsiveness when challenged, an

effect likely mediated through generation of TxA 2

and CysLTs (Ishii

and Shimizu, 2000). PAF-AH deficiency is associated with asthma

in some populations (Stafforini, 2009).

Despite the broad implications of these observations, the

effects of PAF antagonists in the treatment of inflammatory and

allergic disorders have been disappointing. Although PAF antagonists

reverse the bronchoconstriction of anaphylactic shock and

improve survival in animal models, the impact of these agents on

animal models of asthma and inflammation is marginal. Similarly, in

patients with asthma, PAF antagonists partially inhibit the bronchoconstriction

induced by antigen challenge but not by challenges

by methacholine, exercise, or inhalation of cold air. These results

may reflect the complexity of these pathological conditions and the

likelihood that other mediators contribute to the inflammation associated

with these disorders.

Cardiovascular System. PAF is a potent vasodilator in most vascular

beds; when administered intravenously, it causes hypotension in all

species studied. PAF-induced vasodilation is independent of effects

on sympathetic innervation, the renin–angiotensin system, or

arachidonate metabolism and likely results from a combination of

direct and indirect actions. PAF may, alternatively, induce vasoconstriction

depending on the concentration, vascular bed, and involvement

of platelets or leukocytes. For example, the intracoronary

administration of very low concentrations of PAF increases coronary

blood flow by a mechanism that involves the release of a

platelet-derived vasodilator. Coronary blood flow is decreased at

higher doses by the formation of intravascular aggregates of platelets

and/or the formation of TxA 2

. The pulmonary vasculature also is constricted

by PAF, and a similar mechanism is thought to be involved.

Intradermal injection of PAF causes an initial vasoconstriction

followed by a typical wheal and flare. PAF increases vascular

permeability and edema in the same manner as histamine and

bradykinin. The increase in permeability is due to contraction of

venular endothelial cells, but PAF is more potent than histamine or

bradykinin by three orders of magnitude.

Platelets. The PAF receptor is constitutively expressed on the surface

of platelets. PAF potently stimulates platelet aggregation in vitro and

in vivo. Although this is accompanied by the release of TxA 2

and the

granular contents of the platelet, PAF does not require the presence

of TxA 2

or other aggregating agents to produce this effect. The intravenous

injection of PAF causes formation of intravascular platelet

aggregates and thrombocytopenia.

Because PAF is synthesized by platelets and promotes aggregation,

it was proposed as the mediator of COX-inhibitor-resistant,

thrombin-induced aggregation. However, no bleeding or thrombotic

phenotypes have been associated with deletion of the PAF receptor.

In addition, PAF antagonists fail to block thrombin-induced aggregation,

even though they prolong bleeding time and prevent thrombus

formation in some experimental models. Thus, PAF may

contribute to thrombus formation, but it does not function as an independent

mediator of platelet aggregation.

Leukocytes. PAF is a potent and common activator of inflammatory

cells, providing a point of convergence between the hemostatic

and innate immune systems (Zimmerman et al., 2002). PAF

stimulates a variety of responses in polymorphonuclear leukocytes

(eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils) when it is generated in

both physiological and pathological situations. PAF stimulates

PMNs to aggregate, degranulate, and generate free radicals and

LTs. Because LTB 4

is more potent in inducing leukocyte aggregation,

it may mediate the aggregatory effects of PAF. PAF is a potent

chemotactic for eosinophils, neutrophils, and monocytes and promotes

PMN-endothelial adhesion contributing, along with other

adhesion molecular systems, to leukocyte rolling, tight adhesion,

and migration through the endothelial monolayer. PAF also stimulates

basophils to release histamine, activates mast cells, and

induces cytokine release from monocytes. In addition, PAF promotes

aggregation of monocytes and degranulation of eosinophils.

When given systemically, PAF causes leukocytopenia, with neutrophils

showing the greatest decline. Intradermal injection causes

the accumulation of neutrophils and mononuclear cells at the site

of injection. Inhaled PAF increases the infiltration of eosinophils

into the airways.

Smooth Muscle. PAF generally contracts GI, uterine, and pulmonary

smooth muscle. PAF enhances the amplitude of spontaneous uterine

contractions; quiescent muscle contracts rapidly in a phasic fashion.

These contractions are inhibited by inhibitors of PG synthesis. PAF

does not affect tracheal smooth muscle but contracts airway smooth

muscle. Most evidence suggests that another autacoid (e.g., LTC 4


TxA 2

) mediates this effect of PAF. When given by aerosol, PAF

increases airway resistance as well as the responsiveness to other bronchoconstrictors.

PAF also increases mucus secretion and the permeability

of pulmonary microvessels; this results in fluid accumulation

in the mucosal and submucosal regions of the bronchi and trachea.

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