DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1294 uses of vitamin D are discovered, it will become important to

develop noncalcemic analogs of calcitriol that achieve effects on cellular

differentiation without the risk of hypercalcemia.



Adverse Effects of Vitamin D Therapy

The primary toxicity associated with calcitriol reflects

its potent effect to increase intestinal calcium and phosphate

absorption, along with the potential to mobilize

osseous calcium and phosphate. Hypercalcemia, with

or without hyperphosphatemia, commonly complicates

calcitriol therapy and may limit its use at doses that

effectively suppress PTH secretion. As described earlier,

noncalcemic vitamin D analogs provide alternative

interventions, although they do not obviate the need to

monitor serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations.

Hypervitaminosis D is treated by immediate withdrawal of

the vitamin, a low-calcium diet, administration of glucocorticoids,

and vigorous fluid support. As noted earlier under hypercalcemia,

forced saline diuresis with loop diuretics is also useful. With this

regimen, the plasma Ca 2+ concentration falls to normal, and Ca 2+ in

soft tissue tends to be mobilized. Conspicuous improvement in renal

function occurs unless renal damage has been severe.


Diagnostic Uses of Calcitonin. Calcitonin is a sensitive

and specific marker for the presence of medullary thyroid

carcinoma (MTC), a neuroendocrine malignancy

originating in thyroid parafollicular C cells. MTC can

be hereditary (25%) or sporadic (75%) and is present

in all patients with the multiple endocrine neoplasia

type 2 (MEN2) syndromes. Because one form of

MEN2 is inherited as a dominant trait, relatives of

patients should be examined repeatedly by calcitonin

measurements from early childhood. Because calcitonin

levels may be low in early tumor stages or in premalignant

C-cell hyperplasia, pentagastrin-induced

calcitonin provides greater sensitivity and increased

MTC detection. The identification of discrete mutations

in the RET protooncogene in subjects with MEN2

offers hope that genetic screening will supplant reliance

on testing serum calcitonin, which can give spurious


Therapeutic Uses. Calcitonin lowers plasma Ca 2+ and

phosphate concentrations in patients with hypercalcemia;

this effect results from decreased bone resorption

and is greater in patients in whom bone turnover

rates are high. Although calcitonin is effective for up to

6 hours in the initial treatment of hypercalcemia,

patients become refractory after a few days. This is

likely due to receptor downregulation (Takahashi et al.,

1995). Use of calcitonin does not substitute for aggressive

fluid resuscitation, and the bisphosphonates are the

preferred agents.

Calcitonin is effective in disorders of increased skeletal

remodeling, such as Paget’s disease, and in some patients with osteoporosis.

In Paget’s disease, chronic use of calcitonin produces longterm

reductions of serum alkaline phosphatase activity and

symptoms. Development of antibodies to calcitonin occurs with prolonged

therapy, but this is not necessarily associated with clinical

resistance. Side effects of calcitonin include nausea, hand swelling,

urticaria, and, rarely, intestinal cramping. Side effects appear to

occur with equal frequency with human and salmon calcitonin.

Salmon calcitonin is approved for clinical use. The latter product

also is available as a nasal spray, introduced for once-daily treatment

of postmenopausal osteoporosis. For Paget’s disease, calcitonin generally

is administered by subcutaneous injection because intranasal

delivery is relatively ineffective owing to limited bioavailability.

After initial therapy at 100 units/day, the dose typically is reduced to

50 units three times a week.


Bisphosphonates are analogs of pyrophosphate (Figure

44–11) that contain two phosphonate groups attached to

a geminal (central) carbon that replaces the oxygen in

pyrophosphate. Because they form a three-dimensional

structure capable of chelating divalent cations such as

Ca 2+ , the bisphosphonates have a strong affinity for

bone, targeting especially bone surfaces undergoing

remodeling. Accordingly, they are used extensively in

conditions characterized by osteoclast-mediated bone

resorption, including osteoporosis, steroid-induced

osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, tumor-associated osteolysis,

breast and prostate cancer, and hypercalcemia.

Calcium supplements, antacids, food or medications

containing divalent cations, such as iron, may interfere

with intestinal absorption of bisphosphonates. Recent

evidence suggests that second- and third-generation bisphosphonates

also may be effective anticancer drugs.

For a review of the basic and clinical pharmacology of

bisphosphonates, see Russell, 2007.

The clinical utility of bisphosphonates resides in their direct

inhibition of bone resorption. First-generation bisphosphonates contain

minimally modified side chains (R 1

and R 2

in Figure 44-11)

(medronate, clodronate, and etidronate) or posses a chlorophenol

group (tiludronate) (Figure 44-11). They are the least potent and in

some instances cause bone demineralization. Second-generation

aminobisphosphonates (e.g., alendronate and pamidronate) contain

a nitrogen group in the side chain. They are 10-100 times more

potent than first-generation compounds. Third-generation bisphosphonates

(e.g., risedronate and zoledronate) contain a nitrogen atom

within a heterocyclic ring and are up to 10,000 times more potent

than first-generation agents.

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