DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Introduction To Endocrinology:

The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

Keith L. Parker

and Bernard P. Schimmer



Endocrinology analyzes the biosynthesis of hormones,

their sites of production, and the sites and mechanisms

of their action and interaction. The term hormone is of

Greek origin and classically refers to chemical messengers

that circulate in body fluids and produce specific

effects on cells distant from their point of origin. The

major functions of hormones include the regulation of

energy storage, production, and utilization; the adaptation

to new environments or conditions of stress; the

facilitation of growth and development; and the maturation

and function of the reproductive system. Although

hormones were originally defined as products of ductless

glands, we now appreciate that many organs that

were not classically considered as “endocrine” (e.g., the

heart, kidneys, GI tract, adipocytes, and brain) synthesize

and secrete hormones that play key physiological

roles; many of these hormones are now employed either

diagnostically or therapeutically in clinical medicine. In

addition, the field of endocrinology has expanded to

include the actions of growth factors acting by means of

autocrine and paracrine mechanisms, the influence of

neurons—particularly those in the hypothalamus—that

regulate endocrine function, and the reciprocal interactions

of cytokines and other components of the immune

system with the endocrine system.

As discussed in Chapter 3, hormones generally

exert their actions on target cells via a plenitude of

receptors, including heptaspanning GPCRs, monospanning

membrane tyrosine kinases and guanylyl cyclases,

cytokine receptors, ligand-activated ion channels, and

nuclear transcription factors. Conceptually, it is useful to

divide hormones into two classes: those that act predominantly

via nuclear receptors to modulate transcription

in target cells and those that typically act via

membrane receptors to exert rapid effects on signal

transduction pathways. Steroid hormones, thyroid hormone,

and vitamin D belong to the first class, whereas

peptide and amino acid hormones are generally

assigned to the second class. The receptors for both

classes of hormones provide tractable targets for a

diverse group of compounds that are among the most

widely used drugs in clinical medicine.



Because of their potent effects, circulating levels of hormones

generally are tightly regulated within a normal

range. The physiological strategies used to maintain the

appropriate levels of hormones range from relatively

simple ones involving direct feedback or feed-forward

mechanisms (e.g., the secretion of parathyroid hormone

by the parathyroid glands is inversely related to

the serum Ca 2+ concentration, which is sensed by a

GPCR termed the Ca 2+ -sensing receptor; Chapter 44)

to more complex ones involving reciprocal interactions

among the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and

endocrine glands (see the section “The Hypothalamic-

Pituitary-Endocrine Axis”).

Regardless of the mechanism, normal regulation

can be perturbed in disease states when a given hormone

is either over or underproduced or when its signaling

mechanisms are impaired. Understanding the normal

regulation and actions of the various hormones is critical

to both diagnosis and treatment of these endocrine

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