DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Receptors That Affect Concentrations

of Endogenous Ligands

A large number of drugs act by altering the synthesis,

storage, release, transport, or metabolism of endogenous

ligands such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and

other intercellular mediators. For instance, there are

many examples of drugs that act on neuroeffector junctions

by altering neurotransmitter synthesis, storage of

neurotransmitter in vesicles, release of neurotransmitters

into the synaptic cleft, and subsequent removal of

the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft by hydrolysis

or transport into the pre-synaptic or post-synaptic

neuron. The effects of these drugs can either enhance or

diminish the effects of the neurotransmitter in order to

achieve the desired therapeutic effect. For instance,

some of the drugs acting on adrenergic neurotransmission

(Chapters 8 and 12) include α-methyltyrosine

(inhibits synthesis of norepinephrine (NE)), cocaine

(blocks NE reuptake), amphetamine (promotes NE

release), and selegeline (inhibits NE breakdown). There

are similar examples for other neurotransmitter systems

including acetylcholine (ACh; Chapters 8 and 10),

dopamine (DA), and serotonin (5HT; Chapters 13-15).

Drugs that affect the synthesis of circulating mediators

such as vasoactive peptides (e.g., angiotensin-converting

enzyme inhibitors; Chapter 26) and lipid-derived

autocoids (e.g., cyclooxygenase inhibitors; Chapter 33)

are also widely used in the treatment of hypertension,

inflammation, myocardial ischemia, and other disease


Receptors That Regulate the Ionic Milieu

A relatively small number of drugs act by affecting the

ionic millieu of blood, urine, and the GI tract. The

receptors for these drugs are ion pumps and transporters,

many of which are expressed only in specialized

cells of the kidney and GI system. Drug effects on

many of these receptors can have effects throughout

the body due to changes in blood electrolytes and pH.

For instance, most of the diuretics (e.g., furosemide,

chlorothiazide, amiloride) act by directly affecting ion

pumps and transporters in epithelial cells of the

nephron that increase the movement of Na + into the

urine, or by altering the expression of ion pumps in

these cells (e.g., aldosterone). Chapter 25 provides a

detailed description of the mechanisms of action of

diuretic drugs. Another therapeutically important target

is the H + ,K + -ATPase (proton pump) of gastric parietal

cells. Irreversible inhibition of this proton pump by

drugs such as esomeprazole reduces gastric acid secretion

by 80-95% (Chapter 45) and is a mainstay of

therepy for peptic ulcer.

Cellular Pathways Activated by

Physiological Receptors

Signal Transduction Pathways. Physiological receptors

have at least two major functions, ligand binding and

message propagation (i.e., signaling). These functions

imply the existence of at least two functional domains

within the receptor: a ligand-binding domain and an

effector domain. The structure and function of these

domains in many families of receptors have been

deduced from high-resolution crystal structures of the

receptor proteins and/or by analysis of the behavior of

intentionally mutated receptors. Many drugs target the

extracelluar ligand-binding domain of physiological

receptors. Examples include the widely used β adrenergic

antagonists. However, drugs can affect the receptor by

targeting either domain, as in the case of anticancer

drugs used to target the epidermal growth factor

receptor (EGFR; Chapters 60-62). Cetuximab is a monoclonal

antibody that targets the extracellular ligandbinding

domain of the EGFR and inhibits epidermal

growth factor (EGF) signaling, whereas the small molecule

drugs gefitinib and erlotinib bind the intracellular

effector domain and block the protein tyrosine kinase

activity of the activated EGFR.

The regulatory actions of a receptor may be

exerted directly on its cellular target(s), on effector protein(s),

or may be conveyed by intermediary cellular

signaling molecules called transducers. The receptor,

its cellular target, and any intermediary molecules are

referred to as a receptor-effector system or signal transduction

pathway. Frequently, the proximal cellular

effector protein is not the ultimate physiological target

but rather is an enzyme, ion channel, or transport protein

that creates, moves, or degrades a small molecule

(e.g., a cyclic nucleotide, inositol trisphosphate, or NO)

or ion (e.g., Ca 2+ ) termed a second messenger. If the

effector is an ion channel or ion pump, the effect of ligand

binding can be a change in membrane potential that

alters the excitability of the cell. Second messengers

can diffuse in the proximity of their synthesis or release

and convey information to a variety of targets, which

may integrate multiple signals. Even though these second

messengers originally were thought of as freely diffusible

molecules within the cell, imaging studies

show that their diffusion and intracellular actions are




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