DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1512 (Knoderer et al., 2003; Rastogi et al., 2002), data from meta-analyses

now support this mode of administration in appropriately selected

patients from these populations (Contopoulos-Ioannidis et al., 2004;

Nestaas et al., 2005; Ward and Theiler, 2008). One key exception to

the use of extended-interval dosing is for aminoglycoside use as combination

therapy with a cell wall–active agent in the treatment of

gram-positive infections, such as endocarditis. In these infections,

administration of multiple daily doses (with a lower total daily dose)

is preferred because data documenting equivalent safety and efficacy

of extended-interval dosing are inadequate. Although schemes exist

for adjusting dosages of aminoglycosides dosed by extended-interval

methods in patients with significant renal dysfunction (i.e., creatinine

clearance <25 mL/minute), some clinicians prefer to use the traditional

multiple-dose regimen in such patients.

Nomograms may be helpful in selecting initial doses, but

variability in aminoglycoside clearance among patients is too great

for these to be relied on for more than a few days (Bartal et al.,

2003). If it is anticipated that the patient will be treated with an

aminoglycoside for >3-4 days, then plasma concentrations should

be monitored to avoid drug accumulation. Whether extended-interval

or multiple-daily dosing is chosen, the dose must be adjusted for

patients with creatinine clearances of <80-100 mL/minute (Table

54–2), and plasma concentrations must be monitored. Determination

of the concentration of drug in plasma is an essential guide to the

proper administration of aminoglycosides. In patients with lifethreatening

systemic infections, aminoglycoside concentrations

should be determined several times per week (more frequently if

renal function is changing) and should be determined within 24-48

hours of a change in dosage. The size of the individual dose, the

interval between doses, or both can be altered based on the results of

monitoring of drug levels in plasma. Methods for calculation of

dosage are described in Appendix II. There are obvious difficulties

in using any of these approaches for ill patients with rapidly changing

renal function. In addition, even when known factors are taken

into consideration, concentrations of aminoglycosides achieved in

plasma after a given dose vary widely among patients. If the extracellular

volume is expanded, the volume of distribution is increased,

and concentrations will be reduced.

For twice- or thrice-daily dosing regimens, both peak and

trough plasma concentrations are determined. The trough sample is

obtained just before a dose, and the peak sample is obtained 60 minutes

after intramuscular injection or 30 minutes after an intravenous infusion

given over 30 minutes. The peak concentration documents that the dose

produces therapeutic concentrations, generally accepted to be 4-10

μg/mL for gentamicin, netilmicin, and tobramycin and 15-30 μg/mL

for amikacin and streptomycin. The trough concentration is used to

avoid toxicity by monitoring for accumulation of drug. Trough concentrations

should be <1-2 μg/mL for gentamicin, netilmicin, and

tobramycin and <10 μg/mL for amikacin and streptomycin.

Monitoring of aminoglycoside plasma concentrations also is

important when using an extended-interval dosing regimen, although

peak concentrations are not determined routinely (these will be three

to four times higher than the peak achieved with a multiple-dailydosing

regimen). Several approaches may be used to determine that

drug is being cleared and not accumulating.

The most accurate method for monitoring plasma levels for

dose adjustment is to measure the concentration in two plasma samples

drawn several hours apart (e.g., at 2 and 12 hours after a dose).



The clearance then can be calculated and the dose adjusted to achieve

the desired target range.

Another approach relies on nomograms to target a range of

concentrations in a sample obtained earlier in the dosing interval.

For example, if the plasma concentration from a sample obtained

8 hours after a dose of gentamicin is between 1.5 and 6 μg/mL, then

the concentration at 18 hours will be <1 μg/mL (Chambers et al.,

1998). Target ranges of 1-1.5 μg/mL for gentamicin at 18 hours for

patients with creatinine clearances >50 mL/min and 1-2.5 μg/mL

for those with clearances <50 mL/min also have been used. This

method also tends to be inaccurate, particularly when conditions that

alter aminoglycoside clearance are present (Bartal et al., 2003;

Toschlog et al., 2003).

The simplest method is to obtain a trough sample 24 hours

after dosing and adjust the dose to achieve the recommended plasma

concentration, (e.g., <1-2 μg/mL in the case of gentamicin or

tobramycin). This approach probably is the least desirable. An undetectable

trough concentration could reflect grossly inadequate dosing

in patients who clear the drug rapidly with prolonged periods

(perhaps well over half the dosing interval) during which concentrations

are subtherapeutic. In contrast, a 24-hour trough concentration

target of 1-2 μg/mL actually would increase aminoglycoside exposure

compared with a multiple-daily-dosing regimen (Barclay et al.,

1999), which defeats the goal of providing a washout with concentrations

of 0-1 μg/mL between 18 and 24 hours after a dose.

Untoward Effects

All aminoglycosides have the potential to produce

reversible and irreversible vestibular, cochlear, and

renal toxicity. These side effects complicate the use of

these compounds and make their proper administration


Ototoxicity. Vestibular and auditory dysfunction can follow

the administration of any of the aminoglycosides,

and ototoxicity may become a dose-limiting adverse

effect. Aminoglycoside induced ototoxicity results in

irreversible, bilateral high-frequency hearing loss and

temporary vestibular hypofunction. Degeneration of hair

cells and neurons in the cochlea correlates with the loss

of hearing. With increasing dosage and prolonged exposure,

damage progresses from the base of the cochlea,

where high-frequency sounds are processed, to the apex,

which is necessary for the perception of low frequencies.

Although these histological changes correlate with

the ability of the cochlea to generate an action potential in

response to sound, the biochemical mechanism for ototoxicity

is poorly understood. Early changes induced

by aminoglycosides in experimental ototoxicity are

reversible by Ca 2+ . Once sensory cells are lost, however,

regeneration does not occur; retrograde degeneration of

the auditory nerve follows, resulting in irreversible hearing


Aminoglycosides may interfere with the active

transport system essential for the maintenance of the

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